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Community Volunteer Participation Program

The number of volunteers on the volunteer platform is approximately 20:1 compared to the manpower required by the organizing team each year. How can we provide more opportunities for interested volunteers who are unable to join the organizing team due to various recruitment conditions to participate in the community?

The goal of this program is to provide more participation options so that interested volunteers who are unable to join the organizing team can also participate in community activities. Through volunteer tasks, we hope to involve more people in community activities and help with the operation of the community agenda track. We hope that this program can increase community engagement and improve the quality of community activities.


Organizing team volunteer: Volunteers selected through various recruitment methods to participate as volunteer partners during the preparation period, which lasts approximately four to six months.

One-day volunteer: Participates in task requirements posted through volunteer tasks and is involved in activities for approximately one hour to one day.

Volunteer task: Browse the task requirements list through this service, participate, and complete the designated items.

Current Participation Methods

Volunteer Task

Allows participants to become volunteers directly during the two-day event (evening party) and exchange conference points for feedback at the volunteer service desk after completing the tasks required by the requester.

Parts That May Require Volunteer Assistance

Community Agenda Track

Volunteer assistance may be needed for each community during the preparation period or on the event day.

Differences from Organizing Team Volunteers

Organizing team volunteers participate for a period of approximately four to six months, while one-day volunteers participate for two days of the event depending on the task requirements.

Volunteer Participation Roadmap



Currently, after participating in the conference event ➋, only a small percentage of the preparatory team volunteers ➊ continue to participate in community activities. They usually go on to participate in other conferences and bring new partners to join the COSCUP volunteer team ➑.

For volunteers who are unable to join the preparatory team through the conference selection process, they can be guided to participate in COSCUP community partners ➌ (open-source communities that participate in the community track). They can choose to participate in the preparation of the community track with the community before the event ➍, or directly participate in the community track activities on the conference event days ➎. These participating volunteers may become potential community members ➏ through their involvement and subsequently contribute to the community ➐.

The growth and vitality of the community ultimately depend on the collective participation of COSCUP events ➒.

Infrastructure to be built



Adjusting Volunteer Tasks

  • Change "Volunteer Task" to "One-day Volunteer"
  • Revise the explanatory text at the top of the page and the volunteer service counter task flow
  • Design guidance materials for the two-day event venue (where to find tasks) and participation process (find tasks, complete tasks, earn points)

Community Introduction Page

The term "community" refers to an open source community group, and the "community track" refers to a track that is jointly organized by one or more open source community groups. Open source communities and community tracks can have many-to-many relationships.

  • Introduction page for open source communities (introduction and annual responsible person)
  • Community track information (import data from Pretalx, time and classroom location)
  • Attendees can add a follow-up function

Community Contact

This service is for contacting the responsible person of the open source community or how to operate the backstage to add or modify content.

  • Open source community contact list
  • Instruction manual (how to log in to the volunteer platform, personal profile, community introduction)