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Call for Proposals 2024

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Important Dates (Anywhere On Earth)

  • Conference date: Aug. 03 - Aug. 04, 2024
  • Regular CfP submission begin: March 31, 2024
  • First-timer Program initial review begin: Apr. 21, 2024
  • First-timer Program initial review feedback: Apr. 30, 2024
  • Regular CfP submission deadline: May 19, 2024
  • Email speakers the result: June 09, 2024

Submit your proposals

What's First-timer Program?

COSCUP has launched the "First-timer Program" to encourage novice speakers to submit proposals. If your submitted proposal is part of this program and it is your first submission, COSCUP will provide the following assistance:

  1. We will invite experienced program committee members to review and provide feedback on the submissions from novice speakers in advance. This allows novice speakers to make revisions before the final submission deadline, increasing the chances of their proposals being accepted.
  2. If your proposal is accepted, we can assist you with rehearsal to help you feel confident on the day of the conference.
  3. If you are unsure which track your proposal should be submitted to, we will help you find a relevant community track and assist with communication and transfer of the proposal.


JVM Assembly Hall

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

JVM as a platform is becoming a mature ecosystem for developers. It’s stable, enterprise-ready, and nurtures the languages such as Java, Kotlin, Scala, Clojure, Groovy, etc. This year at COSCUP 2024, our goal is to collect all the topics that are related to frontend, backend, desktop, mobile, native and cross-platform, and explore the potential of JVM.

Taiwan JVM team is a task-oriented group to advocate JVM related technology. By connected all JVM-related communities, including TWJUG,Taiwan Kotlin User Group, Scala Taiwan, Android Taipei/Android Study Jam, Kotlin Taipei, Clojure Taiwan, GDG, Taiwan Backend Group, our goal is to provide a rich and diverse agenda in COSCUP 2024.

Wikimedia Taiwan

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

The cooperation of open knowledge in Taiwan. Discuss and present collaborative open knowledge mainly in the Wikimedia movement. There include:

  1. Outreach presenting: Present the outcome of open knowledge projects in Taiwan.
  2. Diversity culture: Discuss and coordinate the development process of Taiwan’s local languages ​​except Mandarin in terms of open knowledge.
  3. Digital tools training: Training the digital tools developed for the Wikimedia project platform.

Wikimedia Taiwan is a chapter of Wikimedia Foundation which respond to promote Wikimedia movement in Taiwan. We focus on increase the quality and quantity of content in Wikimedia projects, and diverse the editors of Wikimedia.

Traditional Chinese AI Open Source Grant

🔒 Community invitations

The goal of the Traditional Chinese AI Open Source Practice Project is to promote Gen AI projects that are highly transparent, reusable, and have a long-term impact. Given the rapid evolution of AI models, this project emphasizes investing resources in compiling and collecting high-quality open datasets, enabling the outcomes to contribute to the construction of both current and future Traditional Chinese models. The project focuses on building Traditional Chinese text data for language model training, benchmarking evaluations from a Taiwanese perspective, and encourages teams related to Taiwanese, Hakka, and Indigenous languages to get involved. This session will invite various teams collaborating on this project to share their open-source results and experiences, facilitating discussions and exchanges with participants interested in open-source language models.

Introduction to the Traditional Chinese AI Open Source Practice Project and collaborating teams:

Interdisciplinary Practice of Art, Culture, Local Context, and Open Data

Recently in Taiwan, many organizational forms have emerged that are not limited to "traditional art organizations." These organizations arise in response to specific issues, integrating expertise from various fields to question society and develop awareness of various problems, making various aspects of society and local issues visible. These organizations, with their diverse characteristics and purposes, prompt us to consider whether we should define the core of an organization. They include art organizations, digital communities, technical communities, and local communities, each with its diverse appearance. However, when engaging in interdisciplinary dialogue, how do we begin by understanding each other's language, then try to make our expertise understood by each other, thereby expanding various possibilities. If we hope to extend knowledge across fields, encouraging more people to join research and policy advancement in "local" areas, what exactly does "open" mean? What kind of data should be "opened"? How should the governance level of thinking be "opened"? We hope to cover experiences from various interdisciplinary attempts in this track to share and collaboratively document the experience of cross-domain practices.

Shin Leh Yuan Art Space began its planning in 1994 and officially started operating in 1995. Since then, it has been committed to artistic experimentation and contemporaneity, aiming to break through spatial limitations and expand the exchange within the artistic community. It strives towards a diverse approach that transcends disciplines and geographical boundaries, with the goal of developing various facets of contemporary art and culture in Taiwan.

Kaiyuanshe - Session Track

🔒 Community invitations

The Open Source Community (English name: "KAIYUANSHE") was established in 2014. It is composed of individual volunteers who contribute to the open source cause, following the principles of "contribution, consensus, and co-governance." The community always adheres to the ideals of "vendor neutrality, public welfare, and non-profit," with the vision of "being rooted in China, contributing to the world, and promoting open source as a new way of life in the new era." Its mission is "open source governance, international alignment, community development, and project incubation," aiming to jointly create a healthy and sustainable open source ecosystem.

The Open Source Community actively collaborates closely with and supports open source communities, universities, enterprises, and relevant government agencies. It is also the first member of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) in China.

Since 2016, the community has continuously held the China Open Source Conference (COSCon) and released the "China Open Source Annual Report" annually. It has also co-initiated initiatives such as the "China Open Source Vanguard List" and the "China Open Source Power List," generating extensive influence at home and abroad.

Google Developer Party

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

Welcome Google AI-related topics including: Gemini Vertex AI Gemma Android/Java/Kotlin Google Cloud Flutter TensorFlow WTM UI/UX.

GDG Taipei (Google Developer Group Taipei) is a developer community that focuses on researching Google-related technologies. Participants provide several Lightening Talks and occasionally invite speakers to share specific topics and hold Hackthon or Workshop activities. For detailed events, please refer to:,

Open Source Firmware

This track aims to host talks exploring the current state of the art and future directions of free and open source firmware development. Firmware, the low-level software that controls hardware devices, is often closed-source and proprietary, putting it at the frontier on our way to free and open computing. The track will accept proposals for talks on a range of topics, including:

  • Overview of open source firmware development and introductory talks: The history and evolution of open source firmware, how it works, and the benefits of using open source firmware for hardware devices.
  • Firmware security: The importance of firmware security and how open source firmware can help improve it. This includes discussing the potential security risks posed by closed-source firmware and the role of open source firmware in mitigating those risks.
  • Case studies and project showcases: Examples of successful open source firmware projects and how to run them on your own devices. Speakers will share their experiences with developing and using open source firmware, as well as contributing to open source firmware projects.
  • New directions and developments: New projects and initiatives with open source firmware, both technical (like software) and organizational (like local communities, conferences, and standardization efforts).

The Open Source Firmware track will accept proposals for BIOS/UEFI, BMC, and embedded device firmware regardless of CPU architecture or vendor. We'll prioritize diversity of projects and architectures to ensure a wide variety of topics and appeal. We will also prefer independent projects over commercial ones to level the playing field. We believe the Open Source Firmware track will fit well with COSCUP as it touches on the low-level topics of the existing System Software Community but expands into the world of device-specific firmware.

The Open Source Firmware track will be organized by members of the Open Source Firmware Foundation who have extensive experience organizing in-person and remote conferences like the Open Source Firmware Conference (OSFC) and European coreboot Conference. The Open-Source Firmware Foundation (OSFF) is a U.S. based non-profit mutual benefit with members organization with the overall goal to enhance communication between all parties involved in the open-source firmware space. The OSFF was founded in 2021 by a group of industry-leading companies in open-source firmware. The foundation sets its goals to research and to educate corporations and individuals alike about open-source firmware through sharing intellectual resources, infrastructure, services, events and training. The OSFF is meant to be an umbrella organization for all parties interested in open-source firmware and acts as the first point of contact in the open-source firmware ecosystem. OSFF website: Contact person: Sheng

Open Source people Network (OSPN) Japan Special Track

🔒 Community invitations

OSPN (Open Source People Network) in Japan is happy to have you COSCUP attendees on this special track! In this track, the speakers from OSPN will present the latest open-source-related topics in Japan! The speakers are willing to share, communicate, and interact with you COSCUP attendees!


この特別トラックで皆さんとご一緒できてうれしいです!このトラックでは Open Source People Network Japan のスピーカーが日本で最新のオープンソース関連トピックを紹介します。是非 COSCUP の参加者の皆様とさまざまなトピックを共有し、積極的に交流したいと思っています!

Miscellaneous Open Source Topics

As always, you can submit FLOSS-related proposals even if your topic doesn’t fit in the tracks above.

Ruby Taiwan

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

Ruby Programming / Framework The Ruby Track at COSCUP will be a hub of all things Ruby-related, celebrating the rich history and bright future of this beloved programming language. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from and engage with experts in the field, as they share their knowledge and insights on a variety of topics, including: - Ruby frameworks and libraries - Testing and debugging techniques - Innovative uses of Ruby in web development, automation, and beyond - Real-world case studies and success stories Whether you're a seasoned Ruby pro or just starting out, the Ruby Track is the place to be for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge, connect with others in the community, and contribute to the ongoing evolution of this versatile and popular language.

Ruby Taiwan was established in 2008, primarily focusing on Ruby programming language and software development, to facilitate industry exchange and sharing, thereby enhancing the technical depth and breadth of developers.

Open World Tour

Open World Tour is a session track based on the experience sharing of overseas (international) open source related seminars, conferences or the community introductions. If you have participated in overseas Open Source related conferences or opensource community, you are welcome to submit proposals to share with Taiwanese attendee, so that the people can get to know more the international open source community/conference through you. Here are a few idea you can add to your proposal:

  • Introduce the personal experience, the activities of the event party or interesting things Introduce the experience of communicating with local open source community/organization, or introduce the local community and local open source related activities About your presentation, application, submission and other experiences of the conference Share from your motivation to participate in overseas conference to on-site participation and gains, etc.
  • Tourism can be introduced, but please do not focus on tourism or too much about not related things
  • Please fill the conference or community information in the submission form. name, url (if available), and location, introducing more then one event is acceptable.
  • The topic time is optional: 15, 20, 30 (this time includes QA)

Main Track

🔒 Community invitations

The Main Track is hosted by COSCUP and features key figures in the open-source world who share their insights with all attendees. These sessions embody the spirit of openness, freedom, and collaboration, covering topics such as software, hardware, networks, law, and humanities. Through the contributions of these influential figures, this track promotes open-source initiatives and fosters impactful discussions among the audience.

Open Source For Beginners

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

Whether you're newly venturing into the open source realm and feeling tentative about taking the first step, or you've been part of the open source community for a while yet not fully grasping its core philosophy, our program track is tailored for you. Beyond just lectures and talks, we welcome diverse forms of engagement, such as board game workshops. Through these interactive and engaging methods, we introduce beginners to the fascinating world of open technology and culture. Our program track caters to a range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Understanding the basics of FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software), covering its origins, the four freedoms, and the definition of open source, etc.
  • Exploring the fundamentals of Public Licenses, such as the relationship between contemporary copyright laws and free software, key elements of open-source licensing, and an overview of the differences between various public licenses, etc.
  • Demystifying specific information issues or abstract concepts related to open source in layman's terms, for example, explaining the Remix concept through the analogy of cutting and pasting.
  • Sharing experiences from open source projects/contributors in non-programming roles such as design and translation.
  • Providing open source 101 tutorials for various programming languages and technologies. We aim to start from the very basics, introducing the past and present of open source culture from scratch. Through accessible topic content and experience sharing, we want this program track to be the stepping stone for newcomers to embark on their open source project journey.

The Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is going to celebrate our 10th anniversary this year! OCF is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, founded in 2014 by several open tech communities in Taiwan. Our main goal is to promote open technology through supporting local communities’ related work and bridging the idea with governments, enterprises, NGOs and international open source societies. "Open technology" includes three dimensions:

  1. Open source software & hardware that can freely used, developed and redistributed by anyone.
  2. Open data that can similarly be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone.
  3. Open government that promotes transparent, participatory, inclusive and accountable governance. Learn more about OCF: or find us on

MySQL innovation and application sharing session track

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

This session track is a platform for sharing MySQL database technology. We v hope that anyone who are engaged in MySQL-related works can share your contributions to MySQL and the experience of using MySQL. We will also invite engineers from the MySQL developer -Oracle to share and demonstrate the latest MySQL new features. MySQL users and professionals are also welcome to share their experiences, insights, and opinions about MySQL on this conference track.

We welcome all MySQL users, developers, and anyone who cares about MySQL to come here and share your experiences, insights, and ideas about MySQL.

Forging an Open-Source Smart Healthcare Ecosystem

The Medical Image Standards Association of Taiwan (MISAT) is dedicated to the research and development of open standards for the storage, exchange, and transmission of medical images and electronic health records. As the national chapter of the DICOM medical imaging standard in Taiwan, the association initially focused on the field of medical imaging standards but has in recent years transformed to actively embrace the promotion of open standards and open-source medical information projects. In recent years, the association has actively assisted the industrial sector, government departments, schools, and medical institutions in adopting DICOM and FHIR open standards.

At the same time, the association has also integrated the strength of local experts and scholars to develop medical data exchange standards suitable for Taiwan's unique healthcare scenarios, promoting the integration of medical data exchange across institutions. To promote the application of open-source medical information, the association actively pushes a series of open-source projects and solutions, integrating the spirit of open source into the operations of the medical industry and government departments. The goal is to enhance the interoperability and integration of medical information, creating a more complete medical information industry environment.

Open Source Horizon

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

Hello everyone, we are HKCOTA from Hong Kong! This year marks our second year since the outbreak of the pandemic. With the aim of sharing insights and interesting stories about "HKCOTA x Hong Kong Open Source Annual Conference(HKOSCon)", we hope to raise awareness of Hong Kong's open-source community! We hope to utilize the COSCUP platform to share more about what's happening in the Hong Kong open-source community and to connect with attendees. At our booth in COSCUP, we will introduce upcoming open-source events, culture, projects, and other related information in Hong Kong! This is our open-source community, and we look forward to meeting you at COSCUP!

❣ Healing Lectures - Tech-Human Dialogue in Open Culture: Love, Harm, Understanding, Repair

💓 The Healing Market series of activities 🍏 Hosted by Secretary Team

Unlike the complex technical jargon or obscure industry terminology, the Healing Seminar focuses more on exploring issues related to technology, humanities, society, and open organizations in our day-to-day life. It aims to promote understanding of how technology influences our values, emotions, and social interactions. Through these discussions, we hope to explore how to achieve harmonious coexistence between technology and the humanities in this turbulent era, as well as how to address various challenges brought about by technological development.

This year's agenda mainly focuses on discussions of topics such as love, harm, understanding, and repair, with a particular emphasis on themes related to love, trauma, justice, and civic dialogue.

When individuals embrace justice and ideals in their hearts, they can break free from the unjust societal shackles of the past and truly empower themselves to take action. This is the future we envision, and we are curious about the process.

The Healing Lectures is part of the COSCUP Healing Market series of activities, aiming to provide attendees with the opportunity to focus on softer topics while participating in COSCUP. The Healing Market offers physical relaxation activities such as massage stations, mindfulness meditation, and wine yoga. The Healing Lectures extends this concept, with a focus this year in 2024 on trauma and recovery between workplace and open-source communities, promoting comfortable coexistence of diverse cultures. This session is organized by the COSCUP Secretary Team.


Taiwan PostgreSQL User Community

LibreOffice Asia Conf 2024

Anything regarding LibreOffice and Open Document Format, including user experiences, translating, promoting, developing, ... etc.

LibreOffice Asia League includes LibreOffice community people from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia and so on. We had LibreOffice Indonesia in 2018, which is the predecessor of LibreOffice AsKVMia Conference. In 2019 we had our first LibreOffice Asia Conference in Tokyo, Japan. However the next conference was postponed due to a pandemic, until 2023 we held it in Indonesia again.

Wordpress Taiwan Community

WordPress started in 2003 when Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg created a fork of b2/cafelog. The need for an elegant, well-architected personal publishing system was clear even then. Today, WordPress is built on PHP and MySQL, and licensed under the GPLv2. It is also the platform of choice for over 43% of all sites across the web. The WordPress open source project has evolved in progressive ways over time—supported by skilled, enthusiastic developers, designers, scientists, bloggers, and more. WordPress provides the opportunity for anyone to create and share, from handcrafted personal anecdotes to world-changing movements. People with limited tech experience can use it “out of the box”, and more tech-savvy folks can customize it in remarkable ways.

Student Education Track (SED)

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

In the Student Education Track (SED) this year, we are interested in both student-related and education-related presentations, including open education, open source education, open source communities or Google techniques. These presentations will be shared by speakers who will share their experiences and skills, allowing the discussion of students and education to boost and progress.

Student Education Track (SED) is hosted by SITCON, GDSC TW/HK Leads and Open Education Community, creating a forum for student and education-related topics to be discussed and boosted, including open education, open source education, open source communities or Google techniques.

Open Licensing Kaleidoscope

The core of this track is the FOSS license and the FOSS-related Public licenses. Any proposed issue or topic related to or derived from FOSS licenses is welcome to be submitted. For your reference is the following a list, which can give you some directions or ideas, what you can talk in this track. But please don't limit yourself in the list. You can submit any topic related to or derived from FOSS licenses.

  • Content of FOSS licenses or any related issues.
  • Problems and the measures for resolving them.
  • Latest licenses for AI or other related open license.
  • Issues rise during commercial use of FOSS, such as SPDX, Open Chain.
  • Licenses or issues about open font, open document etc.
  • Licensing issues derived from the contribution of FOSS projects, such as Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
  • Legal related problems encountered in management of FOSS projects.

You don't have to have any legal background to submit a proposal. In most cases, the people who encounter FOSS license problems don't possess any relating knowledge. But they do have unique insights or in-depth experiences towards their own cases. Therefore, no matter you are a legal person, an R&D engineer, a marketing professional, a management expert, or just an normal user, you all are welcome to submit a proposal. Lastly, if the Creative Commons licenses are not suitable for your presentation slide or video recording, please contact us. We will find out how to deal with it.

Open Licenses are rules connecting participants from different fields. However, relevant disputes still rise due to the different standpoints. Open Source Legal Network, Taiwan ( was hence set up to reduce disputes through providing a neutral, objective and semi-public network. Participants from both commercial and community sides can share information about licenses inside the network and discuss how to interpret FOSS licensing rules. We adapt Chatham House Rule to ensure participants can talk freely in the network without privacy concern.


Open Source Design TW Region

The rise of "open source" and "open access" has been impacting various forms of design. It has provided designers with a new platform to showcase their creativity and share their innovations. As a result, we cordially invite designers, creative professionals, and anyone interested in open source design to participate in the Open Source Design track. Let's collaborate, exchange ideas and explore limitless possibilities.

Your submission should include at least one of the following aspects: Using open-source software as a design tool. Utilizing materials published under free/open-source licensing terms by others. Storing and distributing files in open file formats: There should be at least one free/open-source software that can correctly open the format, which is not proprietary to any single vendor (for example, SVG). Publishing your design work under open/free licensing terms, allowing the public to use it.

We are a community of open-source creators like designers, developers, artists, and more who are interested in contributing to Open Source Design, such as improving flow processes, user experience, and more.

Sharing Stories of Establishing or Participating in Open Source Projects

The agenda will delve into the motivations, learning experiences, and insights of each speaker in establishing/participating in open-source projects. They will also share their project processes, detailing the challenges they encountered and how they overcame them, thus inspiring more individuals to start their own projects. Through open-source means, participants can refine their skills, engage in collaboration, and further ignite their interest in the open-source world, providing valuable experiences for those interested!

System Software Track

This proposed track would focus on Operating Systems, Compilers and Programming Language Implementation, Formal Verification of Software Systems, Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture and Networking with a strong focus on open source software.

This track would be hosted by experienced members of the Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers and Hsinchu Coding Serfs (新竹碼農) communities who have been hosting this track since COSUP 2017.

Open Source Inspired Hardware (and their happy friends)

This will be the joint track hosted by Hsinchu Code Serf and Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers. In the past years, we have invited people to present their great open source hardware projects. Including CUDA on customized RISC-V, GPGPUs, FPGA boards and so on. (See: And we are thrilled to make it happen yet another year :-)

O-RAN in B5G/6G

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

This session aims to discuss the open source technologies related to Radio Access Network (RAN), B5G/6G, and Software-Defined Network (SDN).

Welcome to the forefront of telecommunications innovation—the O-RAN/B5G/6G Research Community. Our mission is to advance the Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) technology within Taiwan and to disseminate pioneering technologies such as Cloud-Native, Virtualization, Artificial Intelligence, and Software-Defined Networking within the telecom sector. We are passionate about fostering a vibrant ecosystem where individuals are encouraged to engage with the O-RAN open source software community. Our goal is to spearhead the development and proliferation of O-RAN technology, thereby facilitating a dynamic exchange of open network technologies among industry professionals, government entities, and academic scholars. Join us in shaping the future of telecommunications in Taiwan and beyond, by contributing to the development and promotion of Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) technology and open network technology exchange.

Open Source Policy

The benefits of "Open Source", the COSCUP participants know best! While promoting Open Source, have you ever thought about: if the government also wants to join Open Source development, what kind of difficulties will they encounter? What kind of impact will the Open Source communities confront? This year, we would like to discuss the possibilities between Open Source and Policy, right here in COSCUP! At this moment, governments like Swiss, Germany, and Denmark have clearly defined the adoption of open source as the grounding phase of government digital transformation.

We believe that as long as the public digital services and infrastructures are publicly financed, its source codes shall be also accessible to the public. Indeed, this initiative requires careful discussion of its possible impacts on privacy and digital security, and therefore while we engage the conversation of open source policy, it provides an opportunity for citizens to co-create new manners of public participation. Concurrently, the spirits are consistent, both of open source and democracy. Taiwan is known for performing well in the following perspectives in the world: the development of digital technology, digital infrastructure, and democratic mechanisms. Based on the firm foundation, how can the Taiwanese government apply the spirit of open source to the process of policy-making?

Which fields shall we seek for consultation while forming the open source policies? What are the directions and steps Taiwan can take for building open source policies and mechanisms? In the "Open Source Policy" track, we will invite experts in related areas to share knowledge, landscapes, and experiences, as well as to brainstorm with us. Let’s bring the spirit of open source into the government and our public life.

The Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is going to celebrate our 10th anniversary this year! OCF is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, founded in 2014 by several open tech communities in Taiwan. Our main goal is to promote open technology through supporting local communities’ related work and bridging the idea with governments, enterprises, NGOs and international open source societies. “Open technology” includes three dimensions:

  1. open source software & hardware that can freely used, developed and redistributed by anyone.
  2. open data that can similarly be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone.
  3. open government that promotes transparent, participatory, inclusive and accountable governance.

Learn more about OCF: or find us on

What about g0v hackathons?

🔒 Community invitations

The g0v community organizes a hackathon for about a hundred participants bi-monthly, providing a space, Wi-Fi, delicious food, and drinks for a day. With a relaxed atmosphere, beginner-friendly guidance, and a safe environment for experimentation, the event lowers the threshold for participation and encourages open-source collaboration, mutual learning, and sharing. Participants can spontaneously propose various societal observations and issues, seeking like-minded partners for discussion and solution development with three-minute pitches.

After hours of intensive discussion and cross-disciplinary collaboration, projects make efficient progress, culminating in five-minute presentations of results and an overview of needed manpower and skills at the event's end. Besides the day's collaboration, projects can continue their discussions and operations on g0v's online community platforms (such as Slack, Facebook group, etc.), pooling wisdom from contributors across different professional fields. Event collaborative notes:

Open Source and Career Growth

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

This track welcomes discussions on how open source has impacted and contributed to your career growth. We encourage topics including, but not limited to: Technical Growth: Share excellent open-source learning materials that have helped you enhance your technical skills, enabling you to apply them in your work or job search.

Open Source Tools: Discuss how open source tools have brought about different changes in your work, such as improvements in efficiency or enhancing team collaboration. Entrepreneurship: Explore potential business opportunities using open-source tools or share your experiences of entrepreneurship driven by involvement in open-source projects.

The COSCUP program team has always managed this track.

Kubernetes Community Day Taipei

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) is an official community event supported and certified by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The conference brings together users and technical professionals from the open source and cloud native community for education, collaboration, and sharing. Kubernetes Community Days Taipei (KCD Taipei) is a local KCD community event organized by the Cloud Native Taiwan User Group (CNTUG). Its purpose is to use the power of the local community to encourage more people to participate in the Kubernetes community for mutual exchange and learning, and to sustain and develop the community.

Cloud Native Taiwan User Group (CNTUG) is a Taiwan-based community that is dedicated to promoting Cloud Native-related technologies and also covers OpenInfra Foundation technologies. As users of Kubernetes and many CNCF projects ( in Taiwan, the group provides a platform for technical exchanges, bringing together users, developers, and evangelists from various industries to share the latest Cloud Native technologies and practical experiences and promote Taiwan's development in the Cloud Native field.

PyCon TW

PyCon, also known as the Python Conference, is an annual event that serves as the global gathering for the Python community. The 13th PyCon TW will be held at the National Science and Technology Museum in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, this September. We aim to bring together individuals from various fields in Taiwan who apply Python, exchanging experiences and insights, sharing the latest technological developments, and experiencing the unique passion of the community.

OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Open Content Track

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

We are looking forward to Topics about OpenStreetMap, Wikidata, or open content-related topics like the Wikimedia movement project Wikipedia, Wiki Commons, WIkivoyager etc. We want to attract proposals related to Wikidata, OpenStreetMap or GIS. And help speakers attract like-mind during one of the biggest Open Source conference in Taiwan, COSCUP.

OpenStreetMap Taiwan and Wikidata Taiwan are two open content communities in Taiwan, which help maintain and edit Taiwan related content.

Conference for 2024 Community of open data for agriculture

This year, the conference of COODFA focus on "Low Carbon Emission & Digital transformation for Sustainable Agriculture". Any topic related to "net-zero, digital transformation, carbon emission, rural economics" are welcome to submit. For promoting the diversity of agricultral issues, "Regional Revitalization(地方創生)" is especially recruited in COODA. Pleas sharing your intresting experiences with rural development or farm-working knowledge.

COODFA, Community Of Open Data For Agriculture, is a non-governmental organization of open-source data for Taiwan’s farmers. The aim of COODFA is not only to promote open data ecosystems but also to encourage smallholders to embrace digital tools to manage farming practices. COODFA has been holding the agricultural track at COSCUP conference with OCF Taiwan since 2020, and we try to build a better environment for digital transformation in the agricultural industry.

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

Blockchain enpowers a decentralized and trustless world. It is a combination of several fields such as cryptography, consensus algorithm and economic models. Since Satoshi Nakamoto published Bitcoin on 2008, there were countless technology rised and developed. Among those, the advanced technology such as Ethereum Smart Contract, Zero-knowledge Proof, and token economy are getting more mature. We would like to sincerely invite submissions from academia, industry and any individual who are intereted in this area. These topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Performance, Scalability Issues
  • Security and Privacy Issues
  • Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • Data Availability (Data Publication)
  • Modular Blockchain
  • Maximal Extractable Value
  • Blockchain-based Applications
  • Decentralized App Development
  • Smart Contracts
  • Regulations and Policies in Cryptocurrency
  • Token Economy
  • Decentralized Internet Infrastructure

Taipei Ethereum Meetup is a physical meetup group in Taipei for enthusiasts and developers to explore the theory, implementation, and applications of Ethereum technology. We are dedicated to providing a platform for Ethereum lovers and developers to exchange and learn. Event Content

  • Monthly talks by community members
  • Topics cover all aspects of Ethereum technology, including theory, practice, and application
  • All people interested in Ethereum are welcome to participate

Join our Facebook group: Submit technical articles to our Medium column:

sciwork scisprint

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

To join the sprint, please bring your laptop. You are also very welcome to bring your project. scisprint, hosted by the sciwork community, is a monthly coding sprint. It would like to facilitate discussions and exchanges among people in the fields of science, numerical computation, and engineering. Participants, regardless of experience level, can gain valuable development insights in this event. We would like to provide a supportive and friendly environment for all attendees to support more developers to join in the open-source communities. sciwork is a community for researchers and engineers to share and discuss computer code for scientific, numerical, and engineering work. We believe in the power of openness, and use open source as a means to advance software development for computational sciences.

sciwork is a community for researchers and engineers to share and discuss computer code for scientific, numerical, and engineering work. We believe in the power of openness, and use open source as a means to advance software development for computational sciences.

Let's Read the Source Code

🍀 This track participating in the First-timer Program

The source code is the core of software, and by reading the source code, we can get closer to the soul of the software. “Let's Read the Source Code” is a program track designed to help participants delve deeply into the implementation of open-source projects, including various libraries, frameworks, and tools. You will have the opportunity to learn about the process of open-source projects, their architectural components, iterative history, operating principles, key code, and key algorithms.

At the same time, you can also learn about the introduction and usage tips of related auxiliary tools. In this program track, you can listen to developers sharing their understanding and experience with code, as well as the process of tracking and analyzing it. They will share the essence of the code with you, explain how it works, and how to improve it. “Let's Read the Source Code” will take you into the world of source code, deeply exploring the principles behind the software, allowing you to better understand the essence of programming.

Let's Read the Source Code Production Committee By reading source code, we aim to inspire more people to engage in software development, planting the seeds for nurturing future programmers.
