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Project Structs


Bases: BaseModel


Source code in structs/
class FormsSwitch(BaseModel):
    ''' FormsSwitch '''
    traffic: bool = Field(description='traffic on/off', default=False)
    clothes: bool = Field(description='clothes on/off', default=False)
    certificate: bool = Field(description='certificate on/off', default=False)
    appreciation: bool = Field(
        description='appreciation on/off', default=False)
    accommodation: bool = Field(
        description='accommodation on/off', default=False)


Bases: BaseModel


Source code in structs/
class ProjectBase(BaseModel):
    ''' ProjectBase'''
    id: str = Field(description='`pid`, project id', alias='_id')
    name: str = Field(description='project name')
    owners: list[str] = Field(description='list of owners')
    action_date: datetime = Field(description='action date')
    desc: str | None = Field(description='desc')
    calendar: str | None = Field(description='calendar url')
    gitlab_project_id: str | None = Field(description='gitlab project id')
    mailling_leader: EmailStr | None = Field(
        description='mailing list of leader')
    mailling_staff: EmailStr | None = Field(
        description='mailing list of staff')
    mattermost_ch_id: str | None = Field(
        description='Mattermost main channel id')
    shared_drive: HttpUrl | None = Field(description='Google shared drive')
    traffic_fee_doc: HttpUrl | None = Field(
        description='doc fields for traffic fee')
    volunteer_certificate_hours: int = Field(
        default=16, ge=0,
        description='hours for volunteer certificate')
    formswitch: FormsSwitch = Field(
        description='on/off the forms for available'

    _validate_skip_empty_str = validator(
        '*', pre=True, allow_reuse=True)(skip_empty_str)
    _validate_convert_action_date = validator(
        'action_date', pre=True, allow_reuse=True)(convert_action_date)


Bases: BaseModel


Source code in structs/
class ProjectBaseUpdate(BaseModel):
    ''' ProjectBaseUpdate '''
    name: str | None = Field(description='project name')
    action_date: datetime | None = Field(description='action date')
    desc: str | None = Field(description='desc')
    calendar: str | None = Field(description='calendar url')
    gitlab_project_id: str | None = Field(description='gitlab project id')
    mailling_leader: EmailStr | None = Field(
        description='mailing list of leader')
    mailling_staff: EmailStr | None = Field(
        description='mailing list of staff')
    mattermost_ch_id: str | None = Field(
        description='Mattermost main channel id')
    shared_drive: HttpUrl | None = Field(description='Google shared drive')
    traffic_fee_doc: HttpUrl | None = Field(
        description='doc fields for traffic fee')
    volunteer_certificate_hours: int = Field(
        default=16, ge=0,
        description='hours for volunteer certificate')
    formswitch: FormsSwitch = Field(
        description='on/off the forms for available'

    _validate_skip_empty_str = validator(
        '*', pre=True, allow_reuse=True)(skip_empty_str)
    _validate_convert_action_date = validator(
        'action_date', pre=True, allow_reuse=True)(convert_action_date)


Bases: BaseModel


Source code in structs/
class ProjectTrafficLocationFee(BaseModel):
    ''' ProjectTrafficLocationFee '''
    data: list[ProjectTrafficLocationFeeItem] = Field(
        description='list of data')


Bases: BaseModel


Source code in structs/
class ProjectTrafficLocationFeeItem(BaseModel):
    ''' ProjectTrafficLocationFeeItem '''
    location: str = Field(default='', description='location')
    fee: int = Field(default=0, description='fee in TWD', gt=0)

    class Config:
        ''' Config '''
        # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
        anystr_strip_whitespace = True



Source code in structs/
class Config:
    ''' Config '''
    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    anystr_strip_whitespace = True


convert_action_date(value: Any) -> datetime

convert action_date to date

Source code in structs/
def convert_action_date(value: Any) -> datetime:
    ''' convert `action_date` to date '''
    return arrow.get(value).naive


skip_empty_str(value: Any) -> Any

skip empty string

Source code in structs/
def skip_empty_str(value: Any) -> Any:
    ''' skip empty string '''
    if isinstance(value, str):
        value = value.strip()

    if not value:
        return None

    return value