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COSCUP 2024/05 Update Report

This issue will cover calls for submissions and a new initiative, "Open Source Fair." Are you ready? Let's get started!

Call for Submissions

CfP 5/19 AoE

This is your last chance if you’re still hesitating! The final deadline for submitting to COSCUP 2024 is May 19th (any time zone).

Seize the opportunity to organize your ongoing projects, clear up the clutter in your mind, and prepare your topics and summaries for submission!

The secretary team has also prepared a simple guideline document. Take a look to see how to prepare your submission, which might help you easily take the first step!

"Open Source Fair" Vendor Invitation

This year, we are introducing a new initiative called the "Open Source Fair." We are planning to recruit 4-6 snack booths, with potential offerings including pastries and traditional snacks such as dried tofu. Importantly, there are no fees for booth setup, but in the spirit of the open-source philosophy, each vendor is required to open source one recipe, sharing and exchanging it with buyers.

The "Open Source Fair" will take place in a classroom space. Booths will be arranged against the walls, while the central area of the classroom will have seating available for dining and socializing.

As this is our first attempt at this new initiative, if you have any ideas or are interested in participating, please feel free to send us an email at our secretary team or reply directly to inquire. A more complete vendor plan is expected by early June, and we welcome your feedback before then to help shape this exciting new venture!

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