Main Track
Welcome to COSCUP 2024
劉雁 (Yanyiyi)
搶先在 Slido 提問:
共筆: 下方共筆連結待更新。
Chien-Yao Wang received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Central University, Zhongli, Taiwan, in 2017. He is currently an Assistant Research Fellow with the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. His research interests include signal processing, deep learning, and machine learning. Currently, his research focuses on multi-task representation learning for multimodal signal.
在本講座中,將分享以下內容: - Gemini Code Assist 是什麼?Gemini Code Assist 如何運作? - Gemini Code Assist 如何幫助雲端架構師? - 使用 Gemini Code Assist 的常見方法 / 意見交流
Max Huang
about me
A 101 in time series analytics with Apache Arrow, Pandas and Parquet
Columnar databases are on the rise! They provide an efficient and scalable data warehouse for many use cases including time series data. The problem? many conventional database drivers and querying methods become the bottleneck for data processing and analytics within our client-side applications. Learn how to leverage open-source projects like Apache Arrow Flight and Apache Parquet alongside industry-standard analytics libraries to build the foundations of a performant analytics application for time series data.
zoe steinkamp
I'm Zoe Steinkamp, a Developer Advocate for InfluxData with a background in front-end software engineering. I'm passionate about making developers' lives easier and helping them engage with InfluxData's database platform, open-source tools, and time-series data solutions. I also have a keen interest in data science. Outside of work, I enjoy traveling and gardening. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, and I look forward to sharing insights and knowledge at virtual and in-person events.
在這個一小時的 Workshop 中,我們將使用簡潔而優雅的 Go 程式語言,串接 Google 推出最先進的 Gemini 語言模型,為自己開發一個能夠滿足自己日常工作的私人秘書,並且使用 Zeabur 一鍵部署到 Google Cloud Platform 伺服器!
Yuanlin Lin 林沅霖,Zeabur 雲端部署平台創始人,開源專案 、 發起人。台灣桃園人,畢業於浙江大學資訊工程系,擅長 Go 及 TypeScript 程式語言。
Wikidata Taiwan社群成員、現為準大四生
CNCF 有許多開源專案,感覺要做貢獻很難?讓梯口來告訴你一點也不難!
- 為何你該參與開源貢獻
- 常見的貢獻方式
- 專案 issue 常用的 label
- CNCF 開源貢獻的網站
- 貢獻心法、禮儀
- 開源貢獻收穫
過程會搭配梯口實際遇過的案例,提升你的信心,相信聽完議程後,你也可以找出你的 good first issue,並開啟屬於你的 open source contribution!
梯口 tico88612
臺灣雲端原生使用者社群 (CNTUG) Co-organizer,擔任雲端原生計算基金會推廣大使 (CNCF Ambassador)。 著有個人網站以外,曾 Kubernetes Community Day、GDG DevFest、SITCON 等社群擔任講師。 Kubernetes、Kubernetes SIGs 成員,專注於開源貢獻。
當以太坊有 DeFi Summer, Solana 有 PoH, Ton 有 telegram, 作為最初的區塊鏈網路,比特幣的發展看起來依然處於落後狀態。
智能合約的缺失,是否令比特幣失去了與其他公鏈競爭的能力?在 2024 年的這一個時間點,答案看起來與我們想像的不同。比特幣開發者們一直致力開發的 lightning network 和 RGB Protocol 是甚麼?Merlin Chain, Liquid Network, Zeus Network 等的項目相繼出現,是否能為比特幣帶來更多可能性?我會在這次的議程中盡可能帶來比特幣生態的現況介紹,並分析不同的擴容方案的差別。
ken leong
Hi,我是 Ken!一名來自台北科技大學資訊與財金管理系的學生,北科大區塊鏈研究社第四任社長,XueDAO 和渠DAO 的成員。是一個會寫 Python 的 DevOps, 對區塊鏈很感興趣!
*註1:開源:開放原始碼,open-source code
自PostgreSQL 9 成為重度使用者,初以開發FDW 為樂;於2014-2016 間,約兩年半的時間,聯繫拜訪國內推廣PostgreSQL 的前輩,以及聚集相關技服廠商,自2017 年再次推動台灣PostgreSQL使用者社群(TWPUG) ;目前著重發展PostgreSQL 為核心的Data Application Platform,並推廣在各類產業應用。
How We Efficiently Manage a Large Number of DB Instances on LINE MySQL Platform
At LY Corporation, we operate a large number of MySQL instances, with over 12,000 instances only for LINE-related services. As new services are released one after another, the number of instances and the amount of data continues to increase.
In this session, I will show how we streamline the daily operations that occur with large numbers of MySQL instances, such as MySQL upgrades and safe DDL execution.
Takuya Saeki
I am Database Administrator at LY Corporation from Japan, managing MySQL instances and developing operation tools.
你對 Linux 核心開發有興趣嗎?你在工作上有向上游社群提交更動的需求嗎?想貢獻卻不知道怎麼進行嗎?本次議程將為各位介紹上游開發的流程,以及如何和社群互動。
ChromeOS kernel developer. Upstream maintainer.
WrenAI: Make Your Data RAG-Ready. Get Explainable Answers By Asking Questions
WrenAI 是你的 AI 數據助手,幫助你無需撰寫 SQL 就能更快地獲取結果和見解,而且它是開源的!
WrenAI 想要落實 RAG Text-to-SQL 的架構在開源社群上,讓這項技術可以普及到各個國家各行各業的使用者,幫助加速數據轉型與提升企業生產力,以下為我們的三大獨特設計:
Jimmy Yeh
I am working on a problem that humans have been attempting to solve for 50 years.
Software Product Engineer in Canner
PMPC(Public Money, Public Code) is a concept promoted by EU since 2017. Which is a good for promoting the free/open-source culture, yet still leave some pitfalls which might be used to underturn the original ideal if not executed carefully. This talk gives a brief introduction of PMPC, followed by reviewing certain failed cases in Taiwan in the past 20 years and what still going wrong right now. Then I will propose a principle of PMPTDS, a more complete strategic model to address the previous issues for promoting FOSS or open data when involving public resources, and how it can actually mitigate the previous issues.
Kuo-Chieh Ting
Kuo-Chieh got dual graduate degrees in Computer Science, and Art and Technology. He is a veteran of FOSS and Open Data movement. He is among the first generation Chinese users of Libreoffice and Mageia Linux(named Star Office/Open Office and Mandriva back then, respectively) He has been actively involved in Chinese language l10n community events. He has initiailed the Chinese Electronic Literature Library, which is a missing piece of the modern Chinese NLP which Taiwan needs to compete with other rivals in AI, and came up with the ideas of two big FOSS projects funded by the Taiwan government. Recently he shifts more efforts on focusing using FOSS tools and open data to create arts and community sharing ecology, such as leading high school students to create and share the 3D model of a historical architecture from scratch, during learning the FOSS 2D/3D tools and how engineers cooperate with each other in the FOSS community.
This talk is about best practices FOSS projects can use to preempt and respond to vulnerabilities. How security reports are received and how security patches are announced makes a huge impact on overall security. A few precautions and a plan goes a long way to protect end users. For example, every project should have a Security Policy so that researchers know where to report an issue. And a plan for who to notify during coordinated response disclosure will make communication smoother. This talk is for FOSS projects who want to protect their users by taking responsibility of their security.
Mark Esler
I am an Ubuntu Security member who focuses on security maintenance, auditing software, coordinating vulnerabilities, and working to harden Ubuntu compiler flags.
設計是一種腦力密集、主體意識強烈的活動,因此,設計師要如何與非設計背景的夥伴交流、協作便成了一個重要的問題。 在這個議程中,將與大家分享我這一年在 g0v Summit 2024,參與開源社群協作的觀察與嘗試。
g0v Summit 2024 設計小組組長
2023 年 7 月初,第一次參加 g0v 黑客松, 2023 年 7 月底,第一次參加 COSCUP, 2023 年 8 月底,第一次參與 g0v Summit 2024 籌備會議, 2023 年 9 月 1 號,成為 g0v Summit 2024 設計小組協調人,
開源無國界,參與開源可以不只侷限在臺灣。在這次的演講中,我將分享在 Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE) 的參展經歷。SCaLE 是美西著名的開源展覽,今年已經進入第二十一屆,但在臺灣的知名度較低。我會分享這次參展的見聞,幫助大家了解怎麼參加這個美國版的 COSCUP。
最後,我們還會分享一些從 SCaLE 帶回的紀念品,如紀念服、貼紙等,有收集紀念品興趣的朋友歡迎參加~
An Open-source enthusiast and a Pythonista, also love Stream/Joda-Time API in Java. Research engineer worked on backend/SRE/DevOps, experienced in building data-intensive system at scale. PSF contributing member. Helping out at @coscup and @PyConTW .
Italo Vignoli
Greetings from Masafumi, the organizer/moderator of OSPN Japan track and introducing speakers/sessions on Day 1
Masafumi Ohta
Masafumi has been running the Raspberry Pi community in Japan and is an IT consultant for the public sector. He used to be a core contributor to the OpenSolaris project and now contributes to many more OSS projects in Japan. Masafumi has taught OSS licenses and compliance at a Japanese university, and He is now looking for/investigating many more incidents about OSS licenses and compliance for my lecture.
Hacking Room 是一個能容納 30 人左右的交誼廳,供會眾自由交流!在這裡,我時間是你的朋友。這是一個可以從快速打牌遊戲到進行長達數小時的開源馬拉松的多功能空間。無論是15分鐘的急速腦力激盪還是一場兩小時的代碼冒險,這裡都是實現你的創意與夢想的場所。
Azure Adventure – A RPG game to test student’s Azure practical skills
"Azure Adventure is an open source HTML5 RPG game that builds on top of the latest version of Azure Automatic Grading Engine. Students need to talk to non-player character (NPC) in the game, then NPC will give some Azure tasks to students. If students can complete those tasks within time limit, then students can get some coins in the game."
Cyrus Wong
黃俊彥是香港資訊科技學院@IVE(李惠利) 資訊科技系雲端系統及數據中心管理高級文憑的高級講師,擁有豐富的知識和專業技能。他熱衷於在各種媒體和活動中推廣雲端技術。由於他的專業知識和專業技能,他獲得亞馬遜雲端運算服務機器學習英雄、微軟Azure雲端最有價值專家 和Google雲端平台的Google開發者專家等著名榮譽稱號,是世上唯一能夠獲得IT業界三巨頭同時公認的專家。
Cyrus Wong is an accomplished senior lecturer who oversees the Higher Diploma program in Cloud and Data Centre Administration at Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT)@IVE(Lee Wai Lee) in Hong Kong. He is a passionate advocate for the adoption of cloud technology across various media and events. With his extensive knowledge and expertise, he has earned prestigious recognition such as AWS Machine Learning Hero, Microsoft Azure MVP, and Google Developer Expert for Google Cloud Platform.
Mandy Lau
Mandy is determined to become a cloud engineer, currently a Year 1 student of Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration. She like seeking to learn new technology skills, currently learning Terraform.
Richard 林旅強
Richard 林旅強(強哥),早期COSCUP志工,從09年起加入中研院自由軟體鑄造場,開始投身開源相關工作;14年登陸左岸,當年聯合創辦了開源社;曾在華為做了快8年的開源和開發者生態工作,現於零一萬物 01.AI(創始人:李開復)擔任開源暨開發者關係負責人。翻譯過兩本書,《開發者關係:方法與實踐》在23年出版;《開源項目——超越代碼》預計今年10月出版。
李慕約是 Generative AI 社群 ( ) 的主辦人,這是一個致力於推廣生成式 AI 的社群。
李慕約過去曾任 COSUCP 2014、2015、2016 的講者,講述開放資料以及資料視覺化的主題。
g0v 揪松團
g0v 零時政府揪松團是 g0v 社群籌辦雙月大黑客松(大松)和基礎松,以及推動募款事務的工作小組,目前有七位志工和二位職工。2012 年開始協助社群籌辦黑客松,2014 年正式組成「揪松團」(jothon),2016 年起,啟動社群基礎建設計畫,開辦「基礎松(infrathon)」,在大黑客松之餘,推動更順暢的線上/線下跨界協作,並於同年底推出「g0v 公民科技創新獎助金(Civic Tech Prototype Grant)」 ,鼓勵 g0v 專案持續投入開發和長期維護、營運。2020 年開辦「零時小學校(Sch001)」,與教育、開源社群一起從零重新思考學校的角色。2024 年執行「繁體中文 AI 開源實踐計畫」,鼓勵民間團隊實踐在地化語言模型的相關工作。
The g0v Jothon is responsible for organizing bi-monthly hackathons, infrathons and promoting fundraising activities. Currently, the team consists of seven volunteers and two staff members.Jothon began as a task force assisting the community in organizing hackathons in 2012 and was formally named Jothon in 2014. In 2016, Jothon initiated the Community Infrastructure Project and launched a series of “Infrathons” to promote smoother online/offline collaboration alongside regular hackathons. In the same year, Jothon introduced the “g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant” to encourage continuous development and long-term maintenance and operation of g0v projects. In 2020, Jothon launched “Sch001” to rethink the role of schools from scratch together with the education and open-source communities. In 2024, Jothon executed the “Traditional Chinese AI Open Source Practice Project” to encourage civil teams to work on localized language model-related tasks.
台灣人工智慧學校秘書長 侯宜秀 (Isabel Hou)
國立高雄大學資工系 吳俊興 副教授
國立中央大學資訊電機學院資訊工程學系 蔡宗翰 教授
蔡宗翰教授為國立中央大學資訊工程學系教授,同時受聘於理工屬性的中央大學資工系與人文屬性的中研院人社中心,研究領域涵蓋資訊領域的自然語言處理、電腦視覺等 AI 技術,並將這些 AI 技術用於解決人文研究問題,也就是所謂「數位人文研究」,為台灣少見之跨理工人文的學者。
此外,更愛好寫文章與作詩,因而被稱為「 AI 界李白」。著有《寫給中學生看的AI課(增訂版)》,榮獲第十二屆吳大猷科學普及著作獎青少年科普特別推薦獎。
卓騰語言科技創辦人暨核心開發工程師 王文傑 (Peter Wolf)
MediaTek Research 聯發創新基地負責人 許大山 博士
預約你的 BoF 時間(每場次一小時),讓這個周末成為你與朋友們的技術樂園。記得至此下方連結閱讀注意事項並登記。
Use Wikidata and Lexeme to understand Minnan Variants
Lmu History Student
國家衛生研究院 - 癌症研究所 博士後研究員 社團法人台灣醫學資訊學會 秘書長
執行經驗: 健康雲專案辦公室副主任、設計Tw Core IG, Tw EMR IG。
簡介: 李修安博士致力於推動醫療資訊整合、應用,專注於資料的傳送、分析以及有效使用,透過數據標準的基礎打造整合型的數據應用平台,促進次世代轉型以及智能醫衛發展。
在這個議程中,我會說明如何在 Rails 串接 GPT 實作一個可持續對話的客服系統,會有實際的 LINE Bot Demo。
我是卡米哥,卡米狗的作者,LINE API Expert,目前主要使用 Rails 開發,正在維護一個聊天機器人框架 Kamigo。
心理師/作家/coder IG: @siang.write
探討生成式 AI 在 Wikidata 中的多元寫作應用,包括自動生成更新建議、改善實體完整性,以及使用「檢索增強生成」 (RAG) 等方式來確保資料來源的可靠性。這些應用提升了條目內容的品質、可信度與資料協作品質。
The Road of Open-Source Education for Computer Architecture and Systems
目前台灣在計算機系統的開源教材中,尤其是針對計算機組織/結構和系統整合、Software/Hardware Co-Design 這部份的內容,還沒有較有系統性的統整教材,我想藉由我們在成功大學電機系大學部開設的計算機組織中的 Lab 實作教材,像大家介紹我們如何在培育這方面的學生上做努力,向大家介紹教材內容,和我們設計這些教材當中獲得的收穫。除此之外,我們預計會在今年將全部的教材開源,讓全台灣的學生都可以直接地使用這份教材,並且引起更多人的興趣,投入一起壯大這份教材。 除了計算機組織的實作教材之外,我們之後也會持續開發計算機結構(Graduate-level)的教材,和有關於作業系統(Operating System)甚至是和深度學習軟硬體相關的教材,希望可以讓所有有興趣的學生都可以隨時隨地、依照自己的規劃來學習。
Hi, there! 我的名子是峻豪,目前就讀於成大電機系大四,之後會在原校直升,直接攻讀博士學位,指導老師為蔡家齊教授。我的研究領域主要為 Computer Architectuer、Computing System、AI Hardware and Compiler Design 和 Software/Hardware Co-design。除了對於計算機系統有著濃烈的興趣之外,我對於教育也有著很高的熱忱。我希望可以在台灣做出一套完整的開源教材,帶著學生一步步了解計算機系統的各個抽象層是如何緊密地關聯在一起,互相配合並且各司其職,讓學生知道當我們要求系統完成特定的任務時,計算機當中到底發生哪些事情?
In this session I will tell you about how to create and customize a LibreOffice Impress presentation template for school and student needs.
Bayu Aji
None - Free and Ad-free bus app costing HKD 1000 per year to support ~40k daily users is a web application utilizes the public transport ETA data from The proposal will covers the software stack for achieving extremely low cost to support several thousands and even more users. Then, I will present the outcome and status of marketing, mainly via SEO and social media. In the third part, I will jump into the discussion on contribution by other users and the community status in Telegram, currently with ~1300 users and 7 admins.
Chun Law
General Manager in a bioinformatics company. I work on open source projects for happiness.
台灣台語 sī 台灣代表性 ê 語言,毋過 tī 數位世界 sī 弱勢--ê,反應到閩南語維基百科 kah 中文維基百科差不多時間成立--ê,前者較無受著重視,貢獻 ê 人 mā 真少。Wikidata 遮 ū Wikidata Taiwan ê 看顧 kah 討論,基本 ê 維持 sī ē-tàng 做會著,需要長篇幅,愛書寫 ê 人較無意願維基做事工。這改演講欲來回顧過去一年 ê 發展 kah 未來展望。
Dennis Raylin Chen
A long time contributor of OpenStreetMap and Wikidata
分享在 2023 年加入開放文化基金會(OCF)後,從堆滿灰塵的專案庫中找到 OONI,決定開啟分析 OONI 觀測資料與定期發佈臺灣觀察報告。開放文化基金會身為 OONI 全球推廣社群夥伴之一,如何在地推廣 OONI 觀測網路狀況工具的重要,以及透過觀察資料分析後,調整在地推廣策略。在 2024/05 參與第一次實體舉辦的 OONI Partner Gathering 活動,邀請約 40 位夥伴、來自 30 個國家,一同討論各區域面臨網路審查的狀況、工具使用的學習或是很研究成果分享關於檢測名單如何修正與更新。
Toomore Chiang (
Toomore Chiang - Project Tech Lead at Open Culture Foundation (OCF)
Open Culture Foundation has been a non-profit organization in Taiwan since 2014. We are dedicated to promoting the open source culture, open data, data transparency, internet freedom and digital rights.
As a project technical leader at OCF, committed to assisting open source communities and civil society organizations(CSOs) in collaborating, providing cybersecurity technical support, and promoting social issues with the assistance of open-source technology.
Issues and Solutions for Migration from MySQL PXC 5.7 to GR8.0 in Yahoo! JAPAN
In Yahoo! JAPAN (now LY Corporation) operates more than 10,000 MySQL instances. The majority of these are Database as a Service (DBaaS), providing clustered databases using Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) and Group Replication (GR).
This session will introduce the background of adopting cluster type, PXC, and GR, and the issues and solutions in migrating to MySQL 8.0.
Yuki Umazume
I am Database Administrator at LY corporation from Japan, managing MySQL.
Refining Data Structure & Algorithm Implementations in the Linux Kernel for Improved Performance
The library code of the Linux kernel contains numerous fundamental data structures and algorithms, mostly located in the lib/ directory. These have been refined by many skilled developers, resulting in highly efficient implementations. However, further optimization possibilities remain. This talk introduces how data structures and algorithms used in the Linux kernel are implemented, along with recent optimization contributions made to the Linux kernel.
Kuan-Wei Chiu
In his academic journey, Kuan-Wei Chiu has dedicated himself to contributing to the Linux Kernel, and actively participating in the development of the RISC-V simulator rv32emu. Currently pursuing a computer science master's degree, his focus lies in enhancing both the functionality and performance of these critical software components.
Nijia Lin
LINE 台灣技術傳教士/軟體工程生態系觀察家/ LINE Bot Python SDK 維護者之一,熱愛把各種小點子拼裝起來在社群上分享,把各種知識透過文章散播出去,培養更多初進軟體生態的開發者!
ROS 是時下流行的開源機器人軟體框架,受到很多臺灣新創公司和學術團體採用。自從 ROS 逐步踏入工業機器人和自駕車領域,對擴展性(Scalability)及低延遲傳輸需求日益提升,使得導入 Rust 語言成爲理想選擇,Rust 的 async/.await 功能提供高效率和高度並行化資料傳輸,Rust 提供的其 Cargo 工具取代原有 ROS 推薦的 CMake ,簡化相依套件管理、也更容易和第三方套件整合。本次演講分享本人過去幾年在團隊中在 ROS 系統導入 Rust 的經驗,簡介 r2r 套件的使用方式及各式應用情境,藉此一窺 Rust 在 ROS 的威力。
林祥瑞 (Lin, Hsiang-Jui)
臺大資工博士生,主要研究車聯網及機器人自動化技術,對深度學習、資訊安全、分散式系統亦有涉獵。也是長期貢獻開源軟體的技術愛好者,主要活躍在 Rust 語言及機器學習相關社群。
大部分人可能都在與分散式系統相關的文章和標題中看到 CAP 定理的字眼,分別是一致性、可用性和分區容錯性,這個理論想要傳達的是一種魚與熊掌不可兼得的概念。
其實在 Kubernetes 上也有類似於 CAP 定理的邏輯,也就是我們 Kubernetes 的基礎設施只能提供 3 個所需要求的其中 2 個,即:成本、可用性和效能。
本次分享將深入探討 Kubernetes 環境中分別對應的 CAP定理原則,分析在管理大型叢集時常見的問題以及解決方案。演講者將分享從實際專案中汲取的經驗,包括如何優化叢集配置以確保系統效能,同時在成本和可用性之間做出選擇。
Mike Hsu
This sharing would aim to help developers learn to build their own social applications on Farcaster, especially focused on building "Frames". The content would include, but not limited to, “a technical introduction to Farcaster and Frames”, “examples of what Frames can do”, “the nuts and bolts of developing your own frame”, and “some predictions about the future of frames”. I have had a comprehensive experience developing a Farcaster bot with frames while participating in the 2024 ETHTaipei hackathon and won several tracks with the project - “Santa Bot”. Therefore, I believe I have quite a lot of valuable experience to share! With this talk, I hope to lower the barrier for developers to build brand new applications or integrate existing applications onto Farcaster using Frames.
Hi, I'm Terrance. An incoming master's of computer science student at Carnegie Mellon University starting in 2024 fall.
Previously, I studied computer science at National Taiwan University and had work experience at Google Taiwan and BSOS, mostly working on software engineering and product management.
I have been contributing to the web3 community in Taiwan by being a core contributor at XueDAO, hoping to grow the web3 student community!
Check out my linkedin if you want to know more!
You picked a license for your project, but what now? What is best practice to add licensing information? How do you verify that you got it right? And what about tools that work with licensing information in an automated way?
These questions can be difficult, especially when reusing software from different projects that are released under various different licenses. But using code from multiple sources is what Software Freedom is about. This is where REUSE comes in: The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) started REUSE to provide a set of recommendations to make licensing your Free Software projects easier. Not only do these recommendations make it easier for you to declare the licenses under which your works are released, they also make it easier for a computer to understand how your project is licensed. With three simple steps, you can follow best practice and you can verify that with the REUSE tool.
Florian Snow
Florian Snow is a software developer from Nuremberg, Germany with a background in a variety of different fields such as teaching, programming, linguistics, and design. He became interested in Free Software around 1999 and has been active in the community since around 2006. Apart from his job as a software developer, he works and volunteers for the Free Software Foundation Europe where he has been active in many different areas over the years.
Retroactive funding experiments and the endowment fund initiatives
Co-founder at Open Taiwan, support efforts at da0, works on decentralized ID initiatives, continue to work on open source funding possibilities.
Find out how designers contribute to OSS: Diaries of designers contributing to OSS
In October 2023 published findings from 10-16 week diary studies reported by designers actively working on OSS contributions. The diary studies aim was to investigate some of the key questions relating to design in OSS and fill some of the larger systemic “gaps” of information from non-code contributors’ experiences in OSS. There is existing research about designers in open source, but it has focused on analysis of data on issue trackers or interviews with designers.
This session will cover an overview of the study, some of the key learnings and recommendations from Superbloom Designers on how to improve and progress design in OSS.
Eriol Fox
Eriol has been working as a designer for 10+ years working in for-profits and then NGO’s and open-source software organisations, working on complex problems like sustainable food systems, peace-building and crisis response technology. Eriol now works at Superbloom design, research, open-source and technology projects.
Eriol is a part-time funded PhD researcher at Newcastle University’s Open Lab looking at how designers participate in humanitarian and human rights focussed open-source software projects.
They are also part of the core teams at Open Source Design ( and Human Rights Centred Design working group ( and Sustain UX & Design working group ( and help hosts podcast about open source and design (
Eriol is a non-binary, queer person who uses they/them pronouns.
在 2023 年,我投稿了Code for Japan Summit 2023,並且成功以自身專案參與的計畫所形成的提案:「How to vTaiwan OpenAI?」為主題,獲選為 Code for Japan Summit 2023 的講者,也是少數的國際講者之一。在本場議程中,我將分享 Code for Japan Summit 的一些固定活動、在 Summit 上聽到的有趣專案、以及參與這場研討會上與參與研討會之後發生的有趣互動。
Cui Jia Wei
台灣大學法律研究所經濟法組,律師高考與司法官特考及格。目前在台灣大學擔任研究助理,研究領域關注科技法、科技平台的資料保護與競爭法。工作與課業之餘,也參與 g0v 零時政府社群,參與專案 vTaiwan 與英國知名國際關係智庫 Chrtham House 合作的人工智慧民主化專案計畫獲選 OpenAI Democratic Input to AI 計畫。
這次演講將帶你探索 Odoo 所帶來的機遇,以及在企業發展路上應該留意的障礙。
Odoo 是一款開源企業軟體,能夠強化企業的營運管理。你可以把它想像成企業軟體界的 WordPress,將知名軟體如 SAP、Salesforce 和 Shopify 等的部分功能融合在一起,並無縫地串接成雲端軟體。
Yan 阿寬師
任職日商環保科技公司技術長 帶領新產品線 Odoo 營運導入 及各項企業內資源商品化應用
喜歡學習分享,偶爾在職訓單位授課 近期致力於 Odoo 推廣及本土化分享
Ben 阿緯
Every so often, one may be called upon to perform the tasks of a database administrator, especially in cases where application performance seems to be affected by the database. This talk will give non-DBAs an insight into how the world’s most powerful open-source database works, and the kind of tools and features that are readily available for people who unexpectedly find themselves in the DBA pilot’s seat. Topics covered will include query tuning, monitoring, indexing, and a basic run-down of some configurables to help you know what options are at your disposal
Richard Yen
Richard has been using PostgreSQL since v. 7.4 in 2003. He is a Principal Software Engineer and Support Engineer at EnterpriseDB, providing technical support to DBAs and developers around the world, and works with many clients ranging from private corporations to government organizations and financial institutions.
Unlock the Power of PostgreSQL: Building Query Optimization Extensions
PostgreSQL is a globally renowned open-source database, widely utilized across various industries. It was honored as the DBMS of the Year in 2023 by DB-Engines Ranking[1]. One of the key factors contributing to its popularity is its extensibility. Extensions allow users to add new features to PostgreSQL. Despite many users' desire to create extensions, a clear guide on where to start has been lacking. Last year, I gave a talk on taking the first steps towards developing extensions[2]. This year, I will present a more advanced lecture. Initially, I will explain how to develop a simple extension, followed by a detailed exploration of my developed extensions that provide features like "Automatic Query Execution Plan Tuning" and "Automatic Hint Clause Generation" through the extension pg_plan_advsr[3]. I will explain the hooks used, the mechanisms involved, their impacts, and provide demonstrations. The intended audience includes individuals interested in PostgreSQL, those eager to develop extensions, and anyone keen on query performance enhancement. My hope is that this talk will contribute to the growth of the PostgreSQL community. [1]: [2]: [3]:
Tatsuro Yamada
Tatsuro Yamada is a PostgreSQL Support Team Leader for NTT Open Source Software Center. He continues contributing to the PostgreSQL community and is an Oracle_fdw committer, pg_plan_advsr author, and officially recognized PostgreSQL contributor. He has been a speaker for the promotion of the PostgreSQL community and was a speaker at Postgres Conference Japan 2014, PGCon 2016, PGConf.Eu 2018, PGConf.Asia 2019, among others. For PGConf.Asia, he contributed as one of the organizing members from 2017-2022.
Rails 是 Ruby 中常用且流行的 Web 應用程式框架,而 Rails 的 secret key 是用來加密的關鍵。然而,如果遺失了 Rails 的 secret key,可能會導致嚴重的安全性問題。本演講將探討如果遺失了 Rails 的 secret key,可能會發生什麼事情,並透過研究駭客攻擊的手法展示 key 遺失時觸發 RCE (Remote Code Execution) 的可能性。透過本演講,你將了解到保護你的 Rails 應用程式的 secret key 的重要性。
大家好,我是 Cindy,目前在 DEVCORE 當開發工程,5 年以上 Rails 開發經驗,喜歡 Ruby。
科技是否滿足了人心,或者只是加劇了孤寂? 社群媒體、交友軟體、人工智慧,重新塑造了我們對於性與愛的理解和實踐。但,我們有因此更加了解性和愛嗎?親密關係、情感連結,能因為科技,更真實、讓人信任,而有所改善嗎?無體溫與有體溫之間,我們依然面對著種種挑戰,人工智慧是否能成為關係的解答?
In this talk, the speaker will discuss the development of a modular boot menu for u-root using the Bubbles Go library. The presentation will cover the current status of the project, showcasing its modular design and the benefits of using the Bubbles library for creating interactive terminal interfaces. A live demo will demonstrate the boot menu in action, highlighting its features and functionality. The speaker will also provide an outlook on future enhancements and potential use cases for the u-root boot menu.
Christian Walter
工作上在使用軟體時,總是會遇到問題,但是書本上的作者在介紹功能時卻都沒有提到解決的方法... 和你分享3個生活上的實用小技巧:桌牌的製作、編號的應用及表格的計算...
Building your own Jarvis? Exploring LLM integration options in Home Assistant
From ChatGPT, Llama, Gemma to Jetson, Amanda Lam from Women Techmakers Hong Kong will discuss the current options of integrating LLM into Home Assistant, what they can / will do for you, their pros and cons, and the future development in this area. If you want your smart home to become even smarter, don't miss this sequel to the 2 previous HKOSCon sessions on Home Assistant!
Amanda Lam
Women Techmakers provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology to drive innovation and participation in the field. Women Techmakers events are designed to promote an environment of inclusivity for women in technology, as well as celebrate women leading the industry. We want to advance, grow, and celebrate women developers, designers, and technology entrepreneurs.
Wikidata's goals and role in the future of the Linked Open Data web
In this session, we will share an update on Wikidata's goals and its role in the future of Linked Open Data web.
Alan Ang
在這個議程將會分享自己送出人生第一個 PR之後到做出一個千星開源專案的開源經驗分享。 不會帶入太多艱澀的技術,希望以自己的經驗為基礎用比較輕鬆的方式讓聽眾感受到,就算不是大神,只是一個簡單的修改都可以對開源專案做出貢獻,並且在各個角落與其他開源社群的人互相幫助。 並在最後分享對於開源專案維護者的一些心得以及建議。
嗨嗨,我是 Casper,是一位後端軟體工程師,目前在新創公司擔任打雜工,最近使用 M3 來開發的 Linux 使用者
也在以下的社群擔任過講者 SITCON Google Developer Groups Kaohsiung - - Kotlin Conf GitHub
What's new in MySQL 8.4 LTS and some of reference architectures in Korea?
I'd like to talk about What's new in MySQL 8.4 LTS. MySQL 8.4 was recently GA and there are some changes from 8.0, so I will cover the changes and removes.
Sumi Ryu
MySQL Principal Solution Engineer, Oracle MySQL GBU Founder and staff of MySQL User Group in Korea Sun Software pre-sales for MySQL, Glassfish and iPlanet web server, Sun Microsystems Java developer and software architect, LGCNS
Use eBPF to implement extension of CPU scheduler such that we can introduce different kinds of custom scheduling policies into the kernel without modifying the kernel code or loading kernel modules.
I Hsin Cheng
Master student at National Cheng Kung University Software Engineer Intern at Appier Ex Software Engineer Intern at Trend micro
In this session, will introduce how to build an advanced RAG with fine-tuned Gemma. We will show how to customize the model, how to monitor the performance, and how to handle the challenges during performance tuning. We will also show an example with Gemma and LowCode Tool (Dify)
Jimmy Liao
Jimmy Liao is an experienced engineer and act as Cloud Solution Architect for now. He focus on solution architecture design with modern solutions.
In the leisure time, he completed 15 full marathon and still try to target for sub-4
Wikidata (維基數據) 為整個 Wikimedia (維基媒體) 計畫擔任總體索引、資料樞紐的角色,同時也為整個開放資料世界提供一個開放、可協作的以及鏈結化 (Linked)的資料平台,享有 Wikimedia 本身的資料應用生態以外,也串連著全球的搜尋引擎、開放資料以及鏈結開放資料平台。
回到臺灣、回到地方我們有滿滿的資料希望公開、希望開放,是否有機會透過 Wikidata 連接整個維基媒體社群與開放資料生態系?本場講座將以地方學專案、臺灣館聯總動員(FindingGLAMs)以及廟宇資料建置等不同的計畫來說明:如何透過低成本、低門檻的方式,透過 Wikidata 建構串聯整個維基媒體的地方開放資料集。
Wikidata Taiwan 臺灣維基數據社群共同發起人
On corporate control of Free Software Projects… systemic community lessons from IBM & Red Hat
Recent years have seen an overall increase in "proprietarization" of previously FLOSS software, especially from VC-funded startups. But also the IBM/Red Hat situation shows how too much corporate control over free software projects can lead to a decrease in software freedom even in systems previously thought to be very resilient. This talk will go into an analysis of the IBM/Red Hat developments, what systemic issues are at play, and how the community can build more resilient systems in the future.
Simon Hornbachner
Simon Hornbachner has been working for 15 years in the Free and Open Source Software space, both as a volunteer for organsizations such as the Free Software Foundation Europe, as well as in a professional capacity setting up corporate Open Source Policy Offices, giving developer trainings, and creating and implementing cybersecurity operations programs around Free and Open Source Software.
Recently, he started his own business, offering consulting services in the area of strategy, governance and cybersecurity around Free and Open Source software.
As a developer, it can be daunting to choose how and with what strategy to instrument an application. This is the story of how to get started collecting and visualizing data from instrumenting a Golang application with OpenTelemetry.
Shirley is a software engineer at Grafana Labs working on solutions to facilitate observability. She is passionate about test code, pair programming and believes in facilitating communication through listening, empathizing and clear and understandable explanations. Outside of work, she enjoys bike riding and knitting.
「模組化區塊鏈」的設計中將區塊鏈的組成元件分成不同模組,例如執行層、共識層(或稱 DA 層)、結算層等等,這個 talk 會聚焦在 DA 層這個模組。DA 層用來確保「資料有正確發佈」(或稱「資料可得」),這個特性沒有辦法被確保的話,就等於使用者在使用一條資料實際上根本不存在的區塊鏈。
DA 層的核心技術是 Data Availability Sample(DAS)。透過 DAS,網路以可以 Scale 的方式來確保資料發佈特性:越多節點加入到網路,就能驗證越大量的資料。DAS 是如何做到的?目前有哪些項目實作了 DAS?它們的差異在哪?這些都是這個 talk 會涵蓋的內容。
TEM 歡迎大家來投稿:
在這場議程中,我們將從零開始介紹 Meshtastic 專案,並分享其開發歷程與社群經驗。 Meshtastic 使用 LoRa 和 Mesh 網路架構,旨在構建長距離且低功耗的開源通訊網路。 我們將涵蓋從最初的麵包版雛形、PCB 設計、韌體開發、天線設計等各個環節,並介紹在地社群的出現及未來規劃。 本次演講特別適合對硬體、通訊、MCU 以及災害情境解決方案感興趣的聽眾,尤其是剛剛踏入開源世界的新手。通過這場演講,我們將介紹如何從頭開始參與一個開源專案,並分享參與社群的各種故事。
數位發展部數位產業署正全力推動台灣的AI轉型,推出數位公共建設計畫-軟體基盤,以利減少重複開發投資,並提升軟體數位服務品質和效率。首先我們提供免費AI算力資源,這些資源包括Nvidia H100和AMD MI300X虛擬化GPU,幫助資服產業充分利用資源進行創新!
現職: 數位發展部數位產業署科長
經歷: 台北市政府衛生局資訊室主任、 主計總處主計資訊處分析師
學歷: 台灣科技大學資訊管理系博士、 台灣科技大學機械工程系碩士
Zenoh 是 Eclipse Foundation 下的開源軟體,有極佳通訊的效能,適合用在機器人和自駕車領域中各個節點之間的通訊。 目前此技術已經被 ROS 2、Autoware、Eclipse uProtocol 等專案採納。 本次分享會介紹 Zenoh 以及我們如何將其與其他開源社群合作並整合的經驗和故事。
對開源軟體/社群極感興趣的工程師,對機器人、自駕車、通訊技術有些研究。目前主要是負責將 Zenoh 與其他開源軟體進行整合,非常熱愛工作與開源的結合。
因此近年來許多技術先進國家(如美國、歐盟、英國、日本)等國的政府,陸續發布國家級的資料策略(national data strategy),試圖提升整個國家的資料成熟度。
研究資料寄存所是進行中的工作。原始程式碼以及使用手冊都可線上取得。任何使用上的意見與回饋,請寄到 AT
在這場分享中,我將討論在 Lenny’s Newsletter Slack 社群內,由志願者主動發起的導生計畫,發起故事、挑戰及我們如何解決。這個計畫持續一年,經歷兩個週期,特別是在超過 18,000 名會員和每週期接超過 500 名申請者的情況下,從行政管理的瑣事到技術使用的複雜。我將概述初始目標、技術決策及如何為確保計畫的可持續性和可擴展性所進行的調整。參加者將了解到我們的作法、社群的參與,希望能鼓勵各位在自己社群中也實踐導生計畫。
Karen Hsieh
Hi, 我是 Karen、Product Manager,熱衷於推動 data-informed 文化。在 2022 年 1 月加入一個國際的 PM 社群:Lenny’s Newsletter 的 Slack 社群,從中獲得很多 PM 的真實問題及經驗分享,覺得受益良多。想要回饋及更多參與,因此在 2023年 7 月加入志工團隊,打造 mentorship program。學會使用 Coda (一個 no-code 工具)、跟其他志工跨時區的協作、還利用這個機會嘗試跟 ChatGPT 聊出 matching algorithm。因為參與得到更多收穫,意外做了這些沒想過的事情、一起打造 mentorship 的熱情、收到參與的 mentors 跟 mentees 滿滿的回饋,很感謝也很興奮地想跟大家分享~
Scisprint, hosted by the sciwork community, is a monthly coding sprint. It would like to facilitate discussions and exchanges among people in the fields of science, numerical computation, and engineering. Participants, regardless of experience level, can gain valuable development insights in this event.
To join the sprint, please bring your laptop, we're welcome everyone to join with us.
Li-Hung Wang
活躍於 sciwork 社群,負責規劃、主導活動,
專業是網頁設計,最近想要學學 Rust ,可以轉向開發嵌入式系統或是 WASM
此議程會跟大家分享我在大四這一年身為 Google Developer Student Club NCKU Lead,是如何將以往籌備大型活動的經驗應用到 GDSC 這個社群,並以學校社團的身分成功辦了一場破百位會眾的學生開發者論壇!(該活動網站:
議程大綱: - 經營方針與組織架構 - 面對的困難與挑戰(尤其在南部) - 前無古人的里程碑 - 收穫成長與總結
蘇奕幃 Alex Su
Playing nice with your friends: database diversity with PostgreSQL FDWs
PostgreSQL is the world's most powerful open-source database. Testing it out does not have to be a scary or risky experience. Learn how to use it without making severe changes to your applications.
Richard Yen
Richard has been using PostgreSQL since v. 7.4 in 2003. He is a Principal Software Engineer and Support Engineer at EnterpriseDB, providing technical support to DBAs and developers around the world, and works with many clients ranging from private corporations to government organizations and financial institutions.
FOSDEM 是一個為自由軟體與開放軟體所舉辦的開發者年會,舉辦地點在比利時的布魯塞爾自由大學,每年吸引來自世界各地的開發者齊聚一堂分享議程。開放文化基金會(OCF)與 COSCUP 從 2023 開始在 FOSDEM 擺攤推廣臺灣開源社群與開源專案,且透過基金會內的專案「國際會議獎助計畫 - 帶你用開源走向國際」帶領二位順利通過甄選的參與者一同前往 FOSDEM。
將分享出發前如何規劃攤位活動、如何募集臺灣開源社群資訊與邀約參與、如何製作或規劃展現臺灣開源社群的成果與樣態,簡介「國際會議獎助計畫 - 帶你用開源走向國際」專案的執行與申請流程,最後將提出未來計畫、該如何讓臺灣開源社群增加國際能見度與投入參與。
此議程主要分享 FOSDEM 2024 籌備到參與的過程、與臺灣開源社群接洽時遇到哪些情況、在國際場合該如何分享我的的成果⋯等經驗分享。
Toomore Chiang (
Toomore Chiang - Project Tech Lead at Open Culture Foundation (OCF)
Open Culture Foundation has been a non-profit organization in Taiwan since 2014. We are dedicated to promoting the open source culture, open data, data transparency, internet freedom and digital rights.
As a project technical leader at OCF, committed to assisting open source communities and civil society organizations(CSOs) in collaborating, providing cybersecurity technical support, and promoting social issues with the assistance of open-source technology.
It is said that Object-Oriented is important or Object-Oriented is difficult, but what is Object-Oriented? In fact, there is no widely agreed definition. In this session, I want to talk about what is the thing that is represented only by Object-Oriented, and how to use or not to use Object-Oriented.
Naoki Kishida
Java enthusiast. Live in Fukuoka, Japan. Publishing "プロになるJava(To become Java Professional)" which is Java beginners book to learn Java knowledge required on a field that contains Java syntax, library, JUnit, Git, Spring Boot.
WebAssembly (Wasm) has found its way outside the browser and has been widely adopted on the server side as in browsers with the development of WebAssembly System Interface (WASI).
API gateways support plugins compiled to Wasm from languages like Rust and Go, which extends the capability of their underlying proxies like Nginx or Envoy.
But how do these API gateways support these Wasm plugins? Do they have limitations? What will they look like in the future? In this “under the hood” talk, I will attempt to answer these questions and more.
Navendu Pottekkat
Navendu Pottekkat is a maintainer of Apache APISIX. He is passionate about designing, developing, and deploying scalable, distributed systems. Navendu dedicates himself to helping new contributors to open source, mentoring through the Google Summer of Code and Linux Foundation Mentorship Program. He also writes and speaks about the cloud native ecosystem, sharing his experience in contributing to, building, scaling, and maintaining open source projects.
With the growing importance of JIT(Just-in-time compilation) in Ruby, the importance of Intermediate Representation(IR) also increase. Comparing to AST, a SSA form(static single assignment form) IR is easier to be analyzed and optimized.
is a MLIR dialect for Ruby. MLIR stands for Multi-Level Intermediate Representation, a framework develeped by the LLVM community. mlir-dialect-ruby
can convert Ruby code into a Ruby specific IR using MLIR. And this IR can be lowered into various targets, including CPU and GPU.
In this talk, we'll introduce the LLVM MLIR (Multi-Level Intermediate Representation). And introduce the mlir-dialect-ruby
, which is an IR designed for Ruby.
John Lin
Principal Architect at West Pharmaceutical Service. Ruby lover. Full-stack developer. Organizer of Swift Taipei. iOS developer. FP lover.
We are members of a drawing club from a rural area in Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. Our club use FOSS for drawing. We learn about drawing using FOSS, and one of them is LibreOffice Draw. We will share our learning journey and our drawing with LibreOffice Draw. We hope our session can inspire people to use and learn more about LibreOffice, especially LibreOffice Draw
Raditya Abdi Firmansyah
Nabil Oktaroma Dhoni
modmesh: Visualization that balances performance and flexibility for scientific computing
Visualization and performance are crucial in scientific computing. However, GUI development requires highly flexible code, while performance-oriented code needs specific tuning that may sacrifice flexibility. In this talk, we will demonstrate how to use a hybrid architecture (C++ and Python) that balances performance and flexibility in developing visualization applications.
Chun-Hsu Lai
I’m a WiFi firmware engineer but very interested in numerical software.
經由維運 Proxmox VE 後搭配網路政策下,面臨客機搶奪網路之下的 IP,目前有自建 VLAN 再進行 NAT 的網路轉發的方式,但是在測試環境,只提供 VLAN 的 IP 對於開發人員是沒有辦法直接存取的,那我們可以怎麼去將客機上的服務對外呢,不想要建立 Tunnel 跟 Proxy 也許可以嘗試看看修改 IP 表,為了適應多人環境與管理,我自行開啟了 NAT 管理系統的開源專案,希望透過這次的分享讓有共享主機需求的朋友能夠透過採用這個方案來解決一些開發上的困擾。
哈摟我是 FKT 擅長後端與維運以下是我在社群間的經歷
對於其他領域也有興趣所以會出一些其他的專案或文章 個人部落格 GitHub
雖然阮 sī 講歡迎參與,毋過事實上阮猶是需要對政府遐匯入開放資料到OpenStreetMap。最近阮 ū 台中市、台南市、高雄市、新北市、台北市、桃園市、新竹市、苗栗縣、雲林縣、台東市。這場演講,阮 ē 分享挑戰 kah 拄著 ê 困難。
Dennis Raylin Chen
A long time contributor of OpenStreetMap and Wikidata
資料當道的現在,維護資料血緣是發揮資料價值的必要手段之一,常見的做法是基於語法解析器(parser)來解析query statement,取得其中的metadata。比如開源套件SQLGlot就是實作解析器以取得對應的metadata。然而,解析器往往只支援標準 query statement ,講者以自身經驗分享過去案例,將語法解析以資料庫執行計畫(query plan)取代,不僅減少外部工具的依賴,也徹底解決方言 (dialect) 的支援問題, 還可以結合開源工具OpenLineage將組織內資料血緣視覺化,進一步做到資料治理。
Posu Tsai
來自國境之南的小小工程師,目前在永豐金打雜,對 Compiler、DB、Network 和各種語言都一點點涉略,頭快禿了QQ
Optimizing High-Frequency Trading Systems with Userspace RCU
This proposal explores the innovative application of the open-source Read-Copy-Update (RCU) mechanism to optimize high-frequency trading systems. RCU is a powerful synchronization technique that enables rapid data access, which is crucial in trading environments where milliseconds can make the difference between success and failure.
We will introduce the different flavors of Userspace RCU and delve into the specific implementation details of the RCU variant we used in a real-world case study. By sharing this practical example, we will demonstrate techniques for integrating Userspace RCU to significantly improve real-time data handling and system responsiveness in high-frequency trading applications. Attendees will learn how to select the most appropriate RCU flavor and effectively incorporate it to address the unique challenges of these low-latency systems.
The overarching goal is to showcase how leveraging RCU can boost the performance of high-frequency trading, while also encouraging innovative approaches to tackle the technical obstacles inherent in this domain.
Jia-Jun Yeh, a seasoned principal software engineer specializing in FinTech, blends deep computer science knowledge with expertise in C++ and Go. He has evolved into a skilled Kubernetes administrator and application developer, demonstrating exceptional adaptability and swift learning. Over the past few years, Jia-Jun has confidently embraced a significant leadership role, steering his team towards innovation and collective achievement with decisive direction.
Lightning Talk
Katy Huang
我在 2022 年底認識 COSCUP,2023 年正式加入行政組
FOSDEM experience seen in CRA
Weichen Lim
介紹 PostgreSQL 的生態: PL/Python, PL/Rust, Function, Trigger, TimescaleDB, pg_cron, PostgREST 打造海克力斯專案
我是Eagle(老鷹),是一個PHP與PostgreSQL 的使用者,喜歡分享與研究PostgreSQL的技術。
pydoc-zhtw: Traditional Chinese (zh-tw) translation of the Python Documentation
Our primary mission is to make Python's official documentation accessible to the Traditional Chinese audience by providing accurate and comprehensive translations. Whether you are a seasoned Python developer or a language expert, we welcome individuals who are enthusiastic about Python and passionate about making knowledge accessible to all.
Matt Wang
這次我想分享我從開源使用者到貢獻者的故事,一開始只是偶爾看看有在使用的原始碼,沒想到越陷越深、走火入魔,最後開始貢獻。 後來學了 Rust,但工作也用不到,只好用在開源專案,順便說說我從中得到什麼、與工作的差別,開源就像一片淨土,也像冒險者工會,你可以上去接接任務。 這段會講解一些我是如何入門,還有提交 pr 的注意事項、禮貌和心路歷程,以 Rust 的專案當範例講解,給想參加的朋友一些方向。
軟體開發者 喜歡鴨子、喜歡在山林裡奔跑、喜歡寫程式 開始長跑後我了解到:健全的精神寓於健全的體魄
只要有心人人都是產品人,title 並不重要?總之,也許可以來聊聊,彼此認識認識。
歡迎有心來到 COSCUP 但整個上午還很勉強地有聽沒懂的人來緩解一下「我在那裡我是誰」的情緒,當然也歡迎老手分享在如何運用開源招數化解產品發展難題。(一併宣傳:歡迎參與第一天上午 TR510 的 Open Source Design 議程軌及第二天的 Open Source Design 工作坊)
在一輪自我介紹後我們會用 Lean Coffee 的方式討論議題,所以帶著問題來討論是最好了 :) 如果人數在 3 人以下就純吃飯閒聊;有興趣的先登記一下 Telegram 方便聯系吧
※歡迎會眾在 COSCUP 舉辦期間參加 BoF 同好會!請至此文件找到您感興趣的活動,留下您的大名,準時出席!
2024 年 3 月,WordPress 社群首度在臺灣舉辦了洲際級研討會 WordCamp Asia 2024。1300 位參加者中有近 1000 位國外夥伴。到底是怎麼做到的呢?在本議程中除了分享 WordPress 社群的運作,以及在臺灣舉辦上千人國際研討會的眉眉角角與實用資訊外,將進一步問社群經營者不得不面對的大問題:活動有激情,所以呢?
Huanyi (Eric)
WordPress 社群愛好者,以行銷人員的身份開始學習使用 WordPress,之後為了更進一步的協助客戶網站客製化,進而學習可以撰寫程式碼片段程度的 PHP 及 JavaScript。現在是 WordPress 社群活動推廣者,同時為 WordCamp Asia 2024 的召集人之一。
Huanyi Chuang, Yuli Yang, Xini Liu(
黃宇強 Date Huang
Date Huang is Solution Architect in VyOS Networks, and also the maintainer of EZIO Project, bare-metal server massive deployment solution.
Speaking Experience: OpenStack Day Taiwan 2016-2017, Open Source Summit North America 2017, ISC High Performance Project Poster 2018, Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2019, OSC Tokyo 2019, COScon '19, TWNOG 4.0, COSCUP 2021, COSCUP 2023, Kubernetes Community Day 2023
隨著 Kubernetes 主宰容器編排領域,其複雜性和資源需求促使人們尋求更輕便的替代方案。本次講座將探討 k0s,這是一個符合 CNCF 標準的 Kubernetes 發行版,以其輕量級和易於維護的設計而受到讚譽。我們將檢視 k0s 的架構,強調其最小依賴性和簡化的管理特點,包括單一 binary 的安裝模式等。
通過將 k0s 與其他發行版如 k3s 和 minikube 進行比較,我們將突顯其在從裸機到雲端各種部署場景中的優勢。我們將展示 k0s 為何提供了一種更簡單卻功能完整的 Kubernetes 採用方法。
此外,我們將簡要介紹 k0smotron,它能夠在集群內創建一個 Kubernetes 控制平面,便於實現 Kubernetes 作為一項服務。這一功能強調了 k0s 在多樣化環境中增強可擴展性和管理能力的能力。
Ching Kuo
Ching Kuo shares his passion for technology as a co-finder and co-organizer of the Cloud Native Taiwan User Group. He enjoys contributing to various CNCF/OpenInfra related projects, including but not limited to OpenStack, kops, and the cluster-api OpenStack provider.
In his current role at Mirantis, he takes pride in offering assistance to end customers, aiding them with their Kubernetes and OpenStack needs.
這場演講將深入探討人工智能領域中的熱門主題,將焦點放在Langchain和RAG在開源框架Streamlit上的應用上。Langchain是一個注重自然語言處理的項目,而RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation)是一種用於生成式對話系統的新方法。演講將聚焦於理論和實踐的結合,通過分享在將這些理論應用到實際開發中的經驗,以及在開發過程中所遭遇的挑戰和教訓。
GDG-Taipei Oreganier 數家金融單位資安工程師/主管 國立大學講師 行動端開發者 OpenStreetMap Mapper
Lessons learned and some stories told from profiling hundreds of developers who have acquired deep mastery, contributed to open source software communities, and built robust networks.
The world has changed — everything is fast. You’re busy updating your technical skills, but are you leveraging the most efficient learning techniques? Are you building your network in a systematic way. Are you contributing to communities?
There are massive benefits to contributing to Open Source projects, especially Java as one of the more innovative and long lasting software development communities in the world. But remember that although communities are fun and valuable they can also be fragile and change radically. They need continual nurturing so they can support opportunities for contributors.
In this session, we’ll explore the skills necessary to learn new things deeply, contribute things of value to communities, and build our own innovative networks to leverage markets. The result is that we benefit, the community benefits, our friends benefit, and our employers benefit. These four levels represent reciprocal relationships that need careful consideration.
We'll talk about concepts from network science, neuroscience, education, and history, while also introducing practical simple tools like spaced repetition algorithms to help promote memory and learning. I’ll share some career success stories of my own and also some of my catastrophic failures. I’ve photographed thousands of developers and interviewed hundreds of them for videos, streams, and podcast, so we surely have many images to show and many lessons we can discuss to help us all thrive in this crazy fast world.
Jim Grisanzio
I’ve managed projects in software, biotech, publishing, and construction. I’ve navigated multiple economic and political systems, sparred with some hostile unions, survived a few near-death experiences, and overcame serious medical limitations. I’m lucky to be alive and thankful to be walking.
I ran my own excavating and real estate development business, and I was also a mechanic and a truck driver. After everything crashed I picked up the pieces, went back to school, and eventually became a publicist, an editor, and a writer. I’ve worked with the global news media and local, state, and federal government officials; I’ve interviewed hundreds of engineers, scientists, and clinicians; and I’ve produced thousands of articles, photos, videos, and podcasts. In recent years I’ve been building FOSS communities at Sun and Oracle, managing developer events globally, and delivering my own community sessions at conferences.
Jim Grisanzio Host, Duke’s Corner Podcast Oracle Java Developer Relations
Making firmware updates easy with FWUPD Firmware Update Manager (FWUPD) has made it possible and easy to update firmware on Linux, not only the system firmware but many onboard and external components, too. I will share what we do as a computer company to support updating our devices. It ranges from adding quirks, uploading firmware to LVFS, to even writing plugin code.
Daniel Schäfer
System Software Engineer at Framework Computer
This presentation introduces OpenStreetMap Community in Japan's activities.
Taro Matsuzawa
GIS Engineer from Georepublic - Sub president of Japan Unix Society - Director of OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan - Director of OSGeo Japan
Devcon is coming to Southeast Asia this November 2024! Learn more about what Devcon is all about and 5 reasons why you should not miss it.
Unnawut Leepaisalsuwanna
This talk discusses challenges of storing petabytes of log data in PostgreSQL and some of their potential solutions. PostgreSQL itself doesn't have everything you might need for a transactional processing distributed database, but it is remarkably capable in other areas. This talk provides one example.
Chris Travers
Chris Travers has over 25 years of experience with PostgreSQL and other open source technologies. He has worked as a software developer and engineer, database administrator, engineering manager, and consultant. He formerly lead both the platform teams (using Gentoo Linux) and the database teams (using PostgreSQL) at Adjust. He has also contributed to a variety of open source projects including PostgreSQL.
身為開發者,如果知道更多 MySQL 的 InnoDB 使用索引的背後邏輯架構,就可以知道優化器採用索引的時機,與應該如何設計索引,以優化資料庫效能。
8 年後端工程師經歷 現任職於: Zerologix 擔任資深後端工程師
本演講將介紹開源即時作業系統 Tenok 的開發過程,並應用於四軸飛行器控制。
此演講的主題圍繞在 Tenok ,一個具有 Linux 風格的即時作業系統。本演講將針對即時作業系統以及四軸飛行器原理進行說明,同時展示在 Tenok 上建立四軸飛行器軟體的最小實作。歡迎對嵌入式系統及無人機應用有興趣之聽眾參與。
此演講為 COSCUP 2023 以下講題之延續: "Tenok: 打造用於機器人控制的微型即時作業系統"
GitHub 連結:
畢業自陽明交通大學 (機器人碩士學程,2021年) 及靜宜大學 (資訊工程系,2019年),主要興趣為機器人系統、嵌入式系統以及即時作業系統。曾參與開發四軸飛行器、定翼機、RISC-V 虛擬機、及小型無人地面載具,且熟悉機器人控制及導航演算法。更詳細的介紹可見:
"Support AI": AI-Powered Framework for Efficient Case Resolution
As the wave of AI surges across the world, everyone is impressed by its performance and excited about leveraging its power to streamline daily tasks. At Canonical Ubuntu, we're actively developing a new AI-powered assistant that analyzes incoming cases, identifies potential causes, and suggests solutions based on existing knowledge sources. In this talk, Gavin will provide a comprehensive overview and discuss implementation ideas for the framework.
世界各地正迎來人工智能熱潮,人們對其表現讚嘆不已,並熱切期待利用其强大功能簡化日常工作。Canonical Ubuntu公司正積極開發一種新型的人工智能助理,該助理可以分析新收到的客戶問題,識別根本的問題所在,並且根據現有的知識庫提出解决方案。在本演講中,Gavin將介紹整個設計框架的概況並討論靈感的來源。
Gavin Guo
Gavin Guo was a Linux kernel developer in the Ubuntu community. He was the speaker of Spectre v2 Internal at the 2018 China L3C and KASan debugging at the 2016 China Linux Kernel Conference. He worked for Canonical in the Customer Success division. He was responsible for the kernel stability and performance tuning of the OpenStack platform, especially in the areas of NUMA (Nonuniform Memory Access), Page Reclaim, and the SLUB allocator. He was the one who introduced KASAN into the team to investigate kernel issues on the OpenStack platform, which put an end to many nightmares.
Currently, Gavin is the engineering manager of the APAC sustaining engineering team at Canonical. He leads a distributed team in the Asia Pacific region, with engineers from diverse backgrounds, from user to kernel space. They work together to identify and solve complicated issues in large-scale environments, especially in performance evaluation, analysis, and tuning for the Ubuntu cloud.
带大家领略用 ECMAScript 装饰器语法 + Web components API 实现 WebCell 3.0 轻量 Web 组件引擎的过程。
本演讲是 COSCUP 2019 上 WebCell 1.0 演讲的返场之作:
内容概要: 1. Web components 标准写法及其工程不便之处 2. 基于 ECMAScript 6 class & module 的组件模块化 3. 基于 ECMAScript 5 getter & setter 的视图重绘 4. 基于 ECMAScript decorator 的通用 class 状态管理 5. 用支持 Web components class 的虚拟 DOM 渲染器驱动 JSX
水歌,idea2app 公司( )创始人,Web/JavaScript 全栈开发者、WebCell 前端开源框架( )作者,现任freeCodeCamp 成都社区主理人、开源社理事、微软 MVP,致力于在开放生态中为社会创造价值。
2023年可說是生成式AI訴訟元年,各AI平台目前皆於司法訴訟場上,為其取用他人素材進行AI訓練應用的合法性,進行論點的辯護與解釋,這個狀況在2024並未止歇,而是更延續性的擴大。那麼,難道使用他人的既成資料來練AI必然違法嗎?若是必然違法,為什麼各種拿第三方素材作為訓練基礎的AI生成平台,還能在近年如雨後春筍般的湧現?進一步說,除了個案上主張合理使用外,有其他現成的合法素材是能被拿來進行AI訓練的嗎?舉著例來說,揀選已經採用Creative Commons Licenses發布的他人著作來進行AI訓練,是可以的嗎?本場次將以CC組織的說明專文和立場為引,分析CC各項授權元素--BY、NC、ND、SA,是否會對生成式AI的訓練實作產生影響和拘束,並佐以流程圖表,來協助聽眾在揀選AI訓練的基礎素材時,理解應如何就適法適當性,進行務實考量,以確保訓練成果得在後續應用穩固成長。
Lucien C.H. Lin 林誠夏
林誠夏 (Lucien Lin) ,網路暱稱為 “Lucien” 或 “”,知識背景為科技法律,05-16年間任職於中央研究院從事公眾授權模式的研究,14-16年擔任台灣創用CC計畫法律項目主持人。近年的研究成果包括:協助歐洲自由軟體基金會,擔任自由開源軟體法律參考書台灣專章的編撰作者、參與國家發展委員會就「政府資料開放授權條款」第一版本的討論與編撰,並應各界參與者之諮詢,回應與釐清Open Source、Open Data,以及CC授權等智慧財產權及公眾授權應用問題。目前於鈞理知識產權事務所擔任法制顧問,撥付工作之餘的心力營建國內開源授權知識的分享網絡(Open Source Legal Network, Taiwan)。
We're among ourselves - it's a good time to talk shop. This entertaining talk looks at curious situations and behaviours from 25 years of migration experience and services for LibreOffice and its predecessors. From the attempt to have approx. 30 million if-then-else formulae evaluated in a Calc file to the speaker being threatened with blows by a user because he was told to change his beloved spreadsheet software, all funny incidents in a serious, often underestimated change management project, the introduction of LibreOffice.
Lothar Becker
繁體中文 AI 開源實踐計畫的目標在於促進具有高度透明度(Transparency)、重用性(Reusability)與永續性(Long-term Impact)的 Gen AI 專案,鑑於 AI 模型日新月異,本計畫著重將資源挹注於高品質開源資料集(High-quality open dataset)的整理蒐集工作,讓成果可以對現在與未來繁體中文模型的建構都能有所貢獻。計畫關注於建構語言模型訓練之繁體中文文本資料、Benchmark 台灣觀點的評測,並鼓勵如台語相關團隊投入。本次議程將由本計畫合作的各個參與團隊分享各團隊的開源成果與執行經驗,成果將陸續開源於 Hugging Face 平台,六組團隊如下:
➀ 台灣語言模型競技場 Taiwan Chatbot Arena ➁ LegaL-Mind:智慧法律諮詢系統 ➂ 大量閱讀台灣研究的健康促進小幫手 ➃ 建置定期更新的立委發言觀測儀表板與政治時事資料集 ➄ 台灣AI教學共創實驗室 ➅ 台語自動分詞與詞性標記系統
繁體中文 AI 開源實踐計畫與合作團隊介紹、開源成果網址:
繁體中文 AI 開源實踐計畫,籌辦單位: .聯絡我們 .【主辦單位】g0v 揪松團 ( 、零時小學校 ( .【贊助單位】Brighter Capital ( .【合辦單位】財團法人開拓文教基金會 ( 、財團法人開放文化基金會 ( 、Taiwan National Treasure Foundation (
g0v 揪松團
g0v 零時政府揪松團是 g0v 社群籌辦雙月大黑客松(大松)和基礎松,以及推動募款事務的工作小組,目前有七位志工和二位職工。2012 年開始協助社群籌辦黑客松,2014 年正式組成「揪松團」(jothon),2016 年起,啟動社群基礎建設計畫,開辦「基礎松(infrathon)」,在大黑客松之餘,推動更順暢的線上/線下跨界協作,並於同年底推出「g0v 公民科技創新獎助金(Civic Tech Prototype Grant)」 ,鼓勵 g0v 專案持續投入開發和長期維護、營運。2020 年開辦「零時小學校(Sch001)」,與教育、開源社群一起從零重新思考學校的角色。2024 年執行「繁體中文 AI 開源實踐計畫」,鼓勵民間團隊實踐在地化語言模型的相關工作。
The g0v Jothon is responsible for organizing bi-monthly hackathons, infrathons and promoting fundraising activities. Currently, the team consists of seven volunteers and two staff members.Jothon began as a task force assisting the community in organizing hackathons in 2012 and was formally named Jothon in 2014. In 2016, Jothon initiated the Community Infrastructure Project and launched a series of “Infrathons” to promote smoother online/offline collaboration alongside regular hackathons. In the same year, Jothon introduced the “g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant” to encourage continuous development and long-term maintenance and operation of g0v projects. In 2020, Jothon launched “Sch001” to rethink the role of schools from scratch together with the education and open-source communities. In 2024, Jothon executed the “Traditional Chinese AI Open Source Practice Project” to encourage civil teams to work on localized language model-related tasks.
台灣語言模型競技場 Taiwan Chatbot Arena
專案簡介: Hugging Face:
專案簡介: Hugging Face:
專案簡介: Hugging Face:
專案簡介: Hugging Face: Hugging Face:
專案簡介: Hugging Face:
專案簡介: Hugging Face:
Reke (WMTW)
本課程旨在介紹Snomed CT(Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms)的發展現況及其基礎知識。學員將了解Snomed CT在臨床醫療中的應用、其標準化優勢及發展趨勢。課程將涵蓋對映實作教學,透過實際案例指導學員如何將醫療數據對映到Snomed CT標準,實現數據的準確和統一管理。
林明錦副教授目前為雙和醫院副院長,並擔任AI機器人手術專科主任與骨鬆肌少衰弱主任。另外也在臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所擔任副教授與人工智慧醫療專班合聘老師. 在課程講授方面主要為醫療決策支援系統,與醫療資訊標準,在台灣主要是致力於實驗室檢驗標準 LOINC 的推動與教育訓練.
研究興趣:24小時心電圖與腦波圖監控、人工智慧超音波報告系統、智慧神經加護病房、腦部影像、自動化 ICD-10 預測、自動化步態辨識、臨床醫療支援決策系統
Learning in Public via being a Open Knowledge Vault Maintainer
In this session, the speaker intends introduce his attempt to persuade the philosophy of learning in public. And how he launch an experimental project: RePublic of CS. To simultaneously coaching & public a free/online knowledge vault in the computer science space.
Alex Tzeng
Alex is an enthusiastic learner who embraces logical positivism. Who gets regularly interested in hosting online reading sessions.
PcapPlusPlus 是 libpcap 的 C++ Wrapper,而 libpcap 則是 tcpdump 和 Wireshark 能夠分析網路封包的關鍵函式庫。本次演講將介紹 PcapPlusPlus 的架構設計以及 libpcap 的原理,並且介紹一些使用此函式庫的案例。
Anchi Liu
Liu works as a software engineer in Mujin, Inc., Tokyo, Japan. He uses @tigercosmos as the name in the open-source world, and his Chinese nickname is "微中子." He holds an M.S. degree in Computer Science from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) in 2022, Taiwan. He got a B.S. degree in Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering from National Taiwan University (NTU) in 2019.
Since 2021, the presenter has offered a programming course on developing applications using Ruby and Ruby on Rails at their university. Delivered online, the course has posed challenges for some students due to its demand for advanced programming skills. To address these difficulties, the bulletin board system (BBS) functionality integrated into the learning management system was leveraged during the academic years 2022 and 2023. This presentation will unveil the findings of text analysis conducted on the questions and answers exchanged on the BBS. It aims to offer insightful and actionable suggestions for educators, trainers, and individuals delivering programming education.
Jun Iio
Dr. Jun Iio was born in Gifu in 1970. He received his Master's degree in Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics from the University of Tokyo in 1994 and joined Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. in the same year. He has been a visiting associate professor at the International Center of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology since 2009. In 2013, he became an Associate Professor at the Department of Socio-informatics, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University, a Research Fellow at the Institute of Science and Engineering, Institute of Social Science, Chuo University, and a Professor at the same department at the same university from 2014. He is now a Professor at the Faculty of Global Informatics at the same university since 2019. He is engaged in research on the interaction between humans and information systems. His research keywords are image processing, user interface, optimization of information systems, etc. He is an HCD-Net certified human-centered design expert, Professional Engineer (Information Engineering), and Ph.D. in Engineering.
Cultivating Impactful Student Developer Ecosystems: Strategies and Insights
Picture this: a bustling campus, alive with the hum of creativity and the clatter of keyboards. Drawing from personal experiences and insights, through this talk, we will explore the art of cultivating impactful student developer communities in campuses such as those visualized to learn skills, share experiences and build projects together. We shall explore how student developer programs such as Google Developer Students Club and GitHub Campus Experts can be effective catalysts in the process but definitely not prerequisites. We’ll further delve into the nuances of making sure that these student developer communities are inclusive, psychologically safe and how by leveraging these, students can lead in-person and online conferences, meetups, hackathons and maintain open source projects.
Harshita Jain
Harshita is a final year engineering student currently interning as a Software Developer at MPL (India's leading gaming and esports platform). She can be thought of as a developer walking in the shoes of a designer and wearing the hat of a developer relations enthusiast. When she is not fidgeting with prefabs with Unity to make her game prototypes functional or zooming in and out on Figma to make a breadcrumb look pixel perfect or if she is not running around her college campus to get permission letters signed for her community hackathon Electrothon, she can be found speaking for her love of technical communities at conferences and events. She loves to find a common ground between tech, design and community.
分享在 2015-2022之間,在政府內部參與,包括承接乙方專案或者透過內部當工程師進行專案開發的經驗。 相關過去的專案都公開在
TonyQ (王景弘)
I'm a professional with a unique blend of software engineering and digital policy experience. In my tech career, I've worked at Authme on digital identity solutions, developed software for TaiwanTaxi, and contributed to projects at QNAP. As a policy researcher, I've served at the Executive Yuan, coordinating national policies across ministries. I've also conducted research at the local government level in New Taipei City and Chiayi County. My diverse background gives me a comprehensive understanding of the digital landscape, allowing me to contribute to effective policy development and implementation at both central and local government levels.
俗稱冰棒的定位 app Zenly 去年已下架。 我用50列左右的 php 程式把 gpslogger、 apache2、 umap 黏起來變成一部拼裝車,讓一群 (持 android 手機的) 朋友們可以知道彼此的位置。 建議聽眾事先安裝 f-droid 及 gpslogger, 以便當場測試。 如果想建立自己的地圖,請先用 osm 的帳號登入 umap 網站。 詳見:
自由軟體老骨頭,提早從教職退休,專心繼續寫部落格 「玩具烏托邦」
Crossplane, a CNCF Incubating project, has simplified how organizations build and manage their cloud infrastructure. Crossplane empowers teams to create internal platforms tailored to their specific needs by enabling the composition of cloud resources and services into platform APIs. In this talk, we will explore the evolution of Crossplane, the benefits of a control plane approach, and how it streamlines the development of internal developer platforms (IDPs).
We will begin by tracing the journey of Crossplane from its inception to its current state as a CNCF Incubating project. The talk will highlight the key milestones and innovations that have shaped Crossplane's development, showcasing its growing maturity and industry adoption.
Next, we will explore the advantages of embracing the control plane approach for building IDPs. By leveraging the familiar Kubernetes API for infrastructure management, Crossplane enables developers to consume infrastructure resources using the same declarative approach they are accustomed to for application deployment. This consistency simplifies the learning curve and promotes a unified experience across the development lifecycle.
The talk's core will focus on Crossplane internals and how they facilitate the composition of infrastructure and services. We will explore the key concepts, such as providers, managed resources, and compositions, and demonstrate how they create a powerful platform API. Through practical examples, attendees will gain a solid understanding of Crossplane's architecture and its potential for simplifying infrastructure management.
Finally, we will guide attendees on how to get started with developing their compositions using Crossplane. We will walk through the process of composing resources, creating custom APIs, and integrating them into an IDP. By the end of the talk, attendees will have a clear roadmap for leveraging Crossplane to build robust and scalable internal platforms.
Clément Blaise
Clément is building an internal development platform using Kubernetes and CNCF projects at Consensys. He has been an active member of the Backstage and Crossplane community by helping newcomers or contributing to the projects. Before joining the blockchain industry, Clement spent four years in the banking industry at Crédit Agricole, where he helped develop the first Kubernetes platform for the group. He started early on with operators and open sources some.
The Ethereum Cancun Upgrade: A Smart Contract Developer's Perspective
從智能合約開發者視角探討 Ethereum Cancun 升級,重點分析幾個關鍵的以太坊改進提案(EIPs),包括 EIP-1153、EIP-4788、EIP-5656 和 EIP-6780,旨在深入了解這些更新如何影響合約開發。
Bill Hsu
Blockchain Security Researcher
中國開源社群在哪裡?可以怎麼參與?不論是常駐還是短期出差左岸,或是想線上參與的朋友,或許您會摸不著頭緒。我將會分享在中國的10年社群經驗,介紹線上下參與中國開源和技術社群的經驗,包含線上的 CSDN、開源中國、博客園,後來的思否SegmentFault、v2ex、掘金稀土;線下的幾個知名技術大會如 InfoQ QCon、開源中國峰會、阿里雲棲大會,以及我剛落地上海參與的 Linux User Group Shanghai,當然也必須介紹我共同創辦的「開源社」和 COSCon 中國開源年會,和相關的社群如「開源之X」系列和開源讀書會等。
Richard 林旅強
Richard 林旅強(強哥),早期COSCUP志工,從09年起加入中研院自由軟體鑄造場,開始投身開源相關工作;14年登陸左岸,當年聯合創辦了開源社;曾在華為做了快8年的開源和開發者生態工作,現於零一萬物 01.AI(創始人:李開復)擔任開源暨開發者關係負責人。翻譯過兩本書,《開發者關係:方法與實踐》在23年出版;《開源項目——超越代碼》預計今年10月出版。
An Open Future in Japan and its Possibilities Created Together with LibreOffice Technology
We use LibreOffice as individual users. We not only use it personally, but also proposed and actually introduced it in the company we work for. This holds great significance. In Japan, Microsoft Office is used as the de facto standard. This is partly because documents submitted to government agencies are often in Microsoft Office format. However, this forces users to purchase the software and creates a situation where certain software is required, which poses a major problem in terms of public accessibility. I believe that LibreOffice Technology is a wonderful technology that can directly solve this problem. This time, I would like to consider the benefits and potential of using LibreOffice Technology from the user's perspective.
Kenta Ito
Poe Poe Mon
近年 Domain-Driven Design 是一個很受關注的主題,然而當以 Rails 開發的系統要導入時,常常難以將許多類型的物件設計到系統中。要解決這樣的問題,經常跟 Domain-Driven Design 搭配的 Clean Architecture 若能恰當應用,就能順利將問題解決。
程式語言愛好者,主要使用 Ruby/Go 語言,認為軟體開發也能具備美感,正在尋找滿足敏捷、架構與享受開發過程之間的平衡點。
LinuxOdyssey 是由我們團隊開發的互動式終端機教學網站,可以讓使用者在網頁上連線到一個真實 Linux 容器內,將教學整合入遊戲化機制,讓使用者在實作中學習指令的運用。
本議程預期面向程式設計或是 Linux 的初學者,介紹 Linux 是什麼、為什麼要使用指令與 Linux,並提供一個工作坊,讓會眾當場體驗 Linux Odyssey,並由我們團隊在場協助解決問題。
Justin Lin
今年畢業的五專學生,多年 Linux 使用者,興趣是幫別人重灌電腦
2023 年是全球科技與開源生態劇變的一年,然而這不能阻擋更多中国国内的開源開發者、項目和企業持續地成長、茁壮、出海,進而探索商业化道路。做為中國最早的全志願者、非營利的開源社區,開源社自 2018 年起,攜手廣大的開源專家、技術媒體及企業的合作夥伴們,共同打造了中國開源年度報告。2023 年報告的深度、廣度乃至於長度都有了大幅提昇。講者將深入淺出地為您勾勒出波瀾壯闊的中國開源運動的過去、現在與未來。
長期專注於參與全球技術公益社區: 。Apache 軟體基金會 (ASF:全球最大的開源軟體基金會) 正式會員、孵化器項目委員會導師 。開源社 (中國最早也是最大的開源技術公益社區) 聯合創始人 。騰訊雲專家顧問(TVP) 。BAIN & Company (全球四大戰略諮詢顧問公司之一) 外部顧問
歷任: 。華為 - 戰略顧問 。騰訊雲 - 戰略顧問 。微軟 - 中國區戰略業務總監、亞太研發集團首席技術佈道師 。甲骨文 - 中國區聯盟總監、大中華區中介軟體事業部總經理 。Visionnext 首席執行官 。Turbolinux 亞太區副總裁
Learn how to modernize your MySQL applications with a natural language chat interface using popular large language models such as OpenAI, Cohere, and many others. In this session, we will use one of the popular frameworks, Langchain to build a simple chat application to answer your questions on data stored in MySQL.
Ryan Kuan
Ryan Kuan is a Cloud Solutions Engineer who helps organisations to adopt cloud-native data architecture across the Asia Pacific regions at Oracle MySQL.
Ryan believes that organisations adopting cloud technology can focus and innovate their business entirely without worrying about the underlying IT infrastructure the business depends upon. He has helped many organizations adopt cloud-native data science capabilities to discover invaluable information and data insights to solve complex business problems.
Before joining Oracle MySQL, he worked in various roles such as Cloud Advisor, Solutions Architect, and Database Engineer at IBM, BEA Systems, and Informix respectively, he achieved various professional accreditations such as TOGAF, ITIL, and IBM certified professional architect.
儘管 Application Binary Interface (ABI) 通常就比較少人提起,但它的重要性不亞於更常聽到的 Application Programming Interface (API);例如我們到現在還能跑十年前編譯好的程式這件事,就是因爲有 ABI 才有辦法達成(精確地來說是 ABI 相容性的概念)。
這次議程中我們會介紹到底什麼是 ABI、它跟 API 有什麼不同、討論 ABI 相容性及列出 ABI 不相容時會發生什麼事、還有舉出一些 ABI 的實例(Linux Kernel ABI、Python's stable ABI、Foreign Function Interface)。
註:~60% 的內容都是以概念爲主,剩下的部分可能需要有計算機概論的基礎以及稍微看得懂 C 跟 組合語言(沒有的話一樣歡迎來聽)。
Shung-Hsi Yu
Kernel Engineer at SUSE working on BPF
在大模型驱动之下的数据,能够让应用得到更高效、更准确、更个性化的提升,AI 已经在自然语言处理、推荐系统和数据分析等多种场景中得到了广泛使用,取得了显著的效果。大模型可以更好的优化数据,经过深度优化的数据可以更好的训练大模型,大模型和数据二者相辅相成。 我们将在本次演讲中介绍我们开源的 Gravitino 如何构建统一的元数据湖,以 Single Source Of Truth 的方式管理数据团队和 AI 团队的所有元数据,不仅填补了AI 模型元数据管理的空白,还提供 Java、Python 和 NodeJS 的客户端,让不同部门的数据团队, AI 团队和业务团队,无缝的完成数据 ETL,数据清洗,特征工程,模型训练、模型发布和 APP 与模型集成的全流程闭环,加速数据和 AI 的融合。 Gravitino 还提供支持多云的统一的 IAM 权限管理和统一的多数据源异构(结构化/非结构化)数据的读写,让 AI 团队可以充分利用公有云和私有数据中心的 GPU,存储,云服务等基础设施资源,降低模型训练的成本和周期。 同时也将分享小米、唯品会等互联网公司通过使用 Gravitino 解决 AI 模型训练中的遇到的问题和挑战。 演讲提纲: 大模型时代需要什么样的基础设施 Data Infra 到 AI Infra 的演变 技术挑战和解决方案 发展规划和未来展望
听众收益: 大模型时代的数据基础设施的最新发展趋势 如何让数据和 AI 无缝融合 如何安全高效的进行模型开发 如何有效的进行大模型的生命周期管理
刘勋,有着二十年的软件开发经验,近十年一直从事大数据领域的开发工作,是 Apache 软件基金会的 Member 成员和孵化器导师,在 Apache 中孵化了多个开源项目,同时也是 Apache Hadoop 和 Zeppelin 的 Committer 成员。
刘勋是 Datastrato 公司的联合创始人和 COO,目前主要负责公司的开源项目 Gravitino 的运营工作。
Ziva Li
Charlie Cheng
Towards a Robust FreeBSD-based Cloud: Porting OpenStack Components
This proposal presents a pioneering initiative to integrate OpenStack, an open-source cloud computing platform, with FreeBSD, a robust Unix-like operating system. Traditionally, OpenStack has been closely associated with Linux-based environments, leveraging specific Linux features and technologies. This integration aims to expand OpenStack’s applicability by harnessing FreeBSD’s advanced networking, security, and efficient resource management capabilities.
The project scope involves adapting OpenStack’s key components to function seamlessly within FreeBSD’s system architecture, focusing on virtualization with bhyve and FreeBSD’s unique networking stack. A Proof of Concept (PoC) has been successfully developed, demonstrating the viability of this integration and laying a foundation for further development.
We address several critical challenges in this integration process, including adapting libvirt for bhyve, managing VLANs, modifying Open vSwitch for FreeBSD, ensuring efficient DHCP services, and aligning FreeBSD’s network namespace and firewall functionalities with OpenStack’s requirements. The project also tackles the adaptation of OpenStack’s oslo.privsep library to FreeBSD’s privilege model and addresses the complexities of nested virtualization and VM console access within FreeBSD.
Future work involves expanding the integration to more OpenStack components, enhancing system performance, and fostering collaboration within the FreeBSD and OpenStack communities. This integration represents a significant advancement in cloud computing, offering a versatile platform that combines the strengths of both OpenStack and FreeBSD. The project invites collaboration and contribution from the community to overcome the challenges and fully realize the potential of this innovative integration.
Zespre Chang
Hi, I'm Chih-Hsin Chang. Most of the time, people call me Zespre. I'm working at SUSE and developing an open-sourced HCI project called Harvester. Due to my previous experience in OpenStack and FreeBSD, I also worked on a side project that focused on porting essential OpenStack components from the Linux world to FreeBSD.
The Ramifications of ISO/IEC 5230 and ISO/IEC 18974 for Legal Professionals in 2024
This session will present an overview of how OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230:2020 for open source license compliance and OpenChain ISO/IEC 18974:2023 for open source security assurance will impact legal professionals in 2024. It will cover the key points regarding procurement negotiations, mergers and acquisitions, and supply chain management foreseen in the year ahead. This will b