如何抽取出 XZ 後門的惡意程式酬載

By 林博仁(Buo-ren Lin)


如何抽取出 XZ 後門的惡意程式酬載

TR211 [[ new Date( '2024-08-04 04:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2024-08-04 04:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2024-08-04 04:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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本演說演示了如何一步步安全地於一個 Ubuntu 作業系統中自被污染的 XZ Utils 的釋出封存檔中抽取出惡意程式的酬載。


林博仁(Buo-ren Lin)

林博仁(Buo-ren Lin)

林博仁是主要貢獻於軟體在地化(L10N)與 Snap 打包的長期 Ubuntu 使用者與推廣者。先前於中信安科技任職 DevOps 工程師期間曾於多個安全事件中負責調查與提供分析見解。

Buo-ren Lin is a long-time Ubuntu user and promoter who mainly contributed to Ubuntu localization(L10N) and Snap packaging. Previously being a DevOps engineer at SinoItan Technology, Ltd. he has investigated and provided insights to many security incidents.

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