Tyson Chen's Favorite Talks
在資料密集的大型企業中,Airflow經常可以作為ETL排程的工作調度引擎,透過Airflow提供的各種Operator,可以讓我們彈性與自由的撰寫各種基於Python或各種語言的工作(Task),並以DAG定義工作的上下游關係,將資料整理成有用的知識進行AI相關的服務。然而,在一個專注於結構化資料處理的資料科學團隊中,過於彈性與自由的框架反而讓團隊增加了許多維運、溝通與程式碼傳承上的成本。為了解決這個問題,Jeffrey在玉山銀行的智能金融處,開發了一個基於Airflow的ETL框架,讓身處巨量結構化資料中的資料科學家們,可以更簡易的進行規格化的ETL開發,並能夠於其中專注於業務邏輯:包含1) 資料表的欄位定義、2) 驗證邏輯撰寫與3) 轉換邏輯(Transformatioin)的函數撰寫與編排,ETL框架可以自動將以上元素串接上Airflow,並在Airflow UI上可以簡單地檢視這些元素。
Jeffrey Lin (奕勳) 目前就職於玉山銀行智能金融處的技術中心-資料科學組,負責ETL相關工具的開發與Graph技術的研究與開發。興趣是研究Python或Big Data相關的工具或框架。
將解密Web3 DAPP上面的詐騙手法: 1.web3都怎麼詐騙?手法是什麼? 2.web3的詐騙機制是怎麼做的? 3.我們可以如何破解web3上面的詐騙問題,並保護自己?
熱血的趨勢科技工程師,熱於研究web2 and web3上詐騙手法
大型自然語言模型LLMs是今年熱門的議題之一,本議題主要分享Google IO 2023年推出的PaLM2模型,除了模型介紹之外,也會整理與知名的GPT模型進行測試與比較。
JerryWu is a Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Machine Learning. He is also a Founder & Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in the 亞太智能機器Asia Pacific Machine Intelligence Company (APMIC). Jerry Wu's teaching and research interests include Machine Intelligence, Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU).
你終究是要建立 Data Pipeline 的 ,所以你一開始就用 Pandas
你終究是要用 Pandas ,那為什麼不一開始就加滿記憶體
你終究是要用資料庫,那為什麼不一開始就學 SQL
你終究是要學 SQL 的,那為什麼不一開始就用 DuckDB
DuckDB fan boy 🦆
Ben Lau
Ben Lau是一位來自香港的開源軟件開發者,曾經擔任香港的Linux User Group的副會長,是2016及2017年的Qt Champion,他也是「封鎖內容農場」這個Chrome套件的作者,他還制作過一款叫做「Dualless」的套件,最高的用戶數達到200萬之多。
在區塊鏈上的程式執行通常是一次性的,因此想要實現週期性(cron)或條件性(IFTTT)的自動化任務,通常會需要提供經濟誘因或者借助外部服務。常見的自動任務執行 SaaS 包括 Gelato Network、Chainlink Automation、OZ Autotask 等,但我們必須認知到這些服務並不承諾任務總是如預期執行,而且區塊鏈共用計算資源的本質也讓保證執行不可能達成。因此,對於關鍵服務,區塊鏈工程師常會設計出和業務邏輯高度耦合(無誤)的自動化方案,確保事務運作者和程式/協議本身的利益一致。這場講座將分析區塊鏈任務自動化的常見設計模式,需要權衡利弊的面向,並介紹幾個值得參考的最佳實踐。
Ping Chen
去年以太坊網絡成功完成 The Merge 後,基本上我們已經可以宣布 PoS (Proof-Of-Stake)時代的到來 在這樣的背景下,LSD(Liquid Staking Derivatives)的項目也隨之而起,例如 Lido、Rocketpool 以及 Ankr 和 SSV 等協議在過去一年均有非常好的成長,此時有一種新的再質押的新協議 - Eigenlayer 開始興起,他們想透過質押進去 PoS 網絡的資產重新進行利用,並且以之作為其他協議中的抵押資產,以此保護以太坊的主網安全以及給予基於此協議的應用程序更大的安全保障,本次的議程將會探討這樣的協議在實作上的可能性,以及可能的擴展和存在的隱憂。
Williams Lai
GM! Williams Lai 是在區塊鏈世界打滾了、玩樂了六年的小書僮。目前任職於 Impossible Finance 擔任研究員,先前曾是公鏈 Nervos 的佈道者。 Williams 非常熱衷於研究任何區塊鏈中的機制設計,從公鏈與 Layer2,以及跨鏈基礎設施,到 Web3 ,DeFi 和GameFi 等應用領域,只要存在機制設計的地方,就是本人感興趣的範疇。很高興能夠第四次來投稿 Coscup,也很榮幸前三年能夠擔任 Coscup 的講者,並且從中自己得到了許多學習和分享的樂趣。
Atomic Commits: An Easy & Proven Way to Manage & Automate Release Process
Releasing new versions can be challenging. Simply by adding metadata during the committing, we can aid release managers in understanding changes faster. With a standardized convention, we can even parse the well-formatted commits, and reduce manual effort in the process. In my talk, I will demonstrate how to accomplish this and automate the release process with the help of commitizen-tool.
Wei Lee
Wei Lee is a software engineer and a volunteer at PyCon Taiwan. As an engineer who values efficiency, Wei is enthusiastic about automating tasks using Python. When he's not working, Wei enjoys exploring the world through travel, and attending PyCon events gives him the perfect opportunity to do so. Wei has already attended PyCon TW 🇹🇼, PyCon US 🇺🇸, PyCon JP 🇯🇵, PyCon CA 🇨🇦, and even Remote Python Pizza 🍕.
Personal Website: https://weilee.me Twitter: @clleew
In this talk, we delve into the realm of large language model-powered autonomous agents, the newest AI wave revolutionizing digital and physical interactions. Through examples of open-source projects like AutoGPT and BabyAGI, we will unravel the innovative aspects that make these agents stand out, including their prompt engineering techniques, memory system design, and the external toolset they use to augment their capabilities.
We will discuss their implementation, potential benefits, risks, and the ways in which open-source community can tap into their potential. This session aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to LLM-powered agents. Come join this exciting discussion about the anatomy of autonomy, which may define or destroy our future!
曾亭翰 Michael Tseng
18, building for the singularity
I’m interested in ai, bio-inspired computing, and most of the emerging tech/science developments. I will be in sf this fall as a freshman at Minerva University.
🌉 love startups, cities, long articles, ocean blue, and night sky
Blog: tsengtinghan.github.io
What open source generative AI models and related code we can use on modern smart phones
Generative models on "modern" mobile phones have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with our devices. They could be used to generate personalized content, create new forms of entertainment, and improve the accuracy of machine translation. However, there are still a number of challenges that need to be addressed before generative models can be used effectively on mobile phones. In this talk, I will use Stable Diffusion and llama.cpp as main examples talk about how people try to address these challenges. Despite these challenges, there is a lot of potential for generative models on mobile phones. As the technology continues to develop, we can anticipate seeing a wide range of new and innovative applications for generative models on mobile devices.
Koan-Sin Tan
Koan-Sin Tan is an old programmer, who learned to use “open source” stuff on VAX-11/780 running 4.3BSD before the term “open source” was coined. He is interested in running neural networks on edge devices the past 7 years. He is a TensorFlow contributor. He converted Stable Diffusion to tflite format and wrote some glue code for it [1].
[1] https://github.com/freedomtan/keras_cv_stable_diffusion_to_tflite/
網路上有很多新聞媒體會提供每日英語頭條新聞的 Podcast頻道,如果有小精靈能幫忙生出逐字稿,順便替我整理新聞裡的關鍵單字、幫我出文意理解選擇題,那該有多棒?
Dion Chang
Dion Chang often studies open source projects and delves into implementing a concise code architecture (Clean Architecture) on Android. Recently, he has been researching applications related to large language model services.
《英雄聯盟》的大型賽事吸引了眾多觀眾,但小型比賽的曝光度較低。為了提高小型比賽的知名度,提出了「LAIC- League AI Commentator」系統,使用人工智慧技術濃縮比賽內容成摘要,讓觀眾在短時間內了解比賽的重點和轉折。系統包含用戶介面、資訊擷取、生成式人工智慧和語音合成四大部分,各自負責互動、資訊收集、分析和回答生成。團隊計劃將系統與比賽畫面結合,提升觀眾觀看體驗,增加小型比賽的曝光和關注。 The large-scale tournaments of League of Legends have attracted a lot of viewers, but smaller competitions have lower exposure. To increase the visibility of these smaller events, the "LAIC - League AI Commentator" system has been proposed. It utilizes artificial intelligence technology to condense the content of the matches into summaries, allowing viewers to quickly understand the key moments and turning points. The system consists of four main components: user interface, information retrieval, generative AI, and voice synthesis. Each component is responsible for interaction, data gathering, analysis, and generating responses respectively. The team plans to integrate the system with the game footage to enhance the viewing experience for the audience and increase exposure and attention for the smaller competitions.
-專長| 全端開發 >系統整合 >機器視覺
CV - https://reurl.cc/DAEdKO
本次投稿 - https://github.com/lf2net089/PoliceWebScraping
github : https://github.com/Trinity-SYT-SECURITY
☞中華資安國際 SOC team,實習生
☞NCKU 金融資安實驗室,行動應用程式資安檢測人員
☞Google Developer Group (GDG) Taichung Organizer
我是來自美國華盛頓特區的台大資工碩一學生哈斯,我國小國中高中都在美國念,我在高中的時候開始學中文跟電腦科學,然後我高中畢業的時候決定要在台灣讀書,所以我在台灣先過了一個gap year學習中文,然後我念台大資工大學部。這時候我創了台大人工智慧應用社,同時我也加入了實驗室做研究,在這段時間我跟Google, Microsoft合作在研究上。我現在除了當碩士生以外我也在創業,做軟體開發。
之前在大學時曾加入機器學習與機器視覺實驗室當專題生,訓練出一套能夠自動辨識草莓葉片病蟲害的模型,並結合LINE Bot,提供使用者友善的介面來操作模型,完成一個自動辨識病蟲害系統,並以這項研究在CIGR國際研討會中發表會議論文。
Keelung is a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) developed by BTQ for building zero-knowledge proof (ZKP). It's built so developers can build ZK applications without related underlying cryptography knowledge. Since Keelung is embeded in Haskell, we can make use of existing Haskell features and toolchain without introducing another set of tools.
Viktor Lin
Programmer @ BTQ