brian Liang's Favorite Talks
在資料密集的大型企業中,Airflow經常可以作為ETL排程的工作調度引擎,透過Airflow提供的各種Operator,可以讓我們彈性與自由的撰寫各種基於Python或各種語言的工作(Task),並以DAG定義工作的上下游關係,將資料整理成有用的知識進行AI相關的服務。然而,在一個專注於結構化資料處理的資料科學團隊中,過於彈性與自由的框架反而讓團隊增加了許多維運、溝通與程式碼傳承上的成本。為了解決這個問題,Jeffrey在玉山銀行的智能金融處,開發了一個基於Airflow的ETL框架,讓身處巨量結構化資料中的資料科學家們,可以更簡易的進行規格化的ETL開發,並能夠於其中專注於業務邏輯:包含1) 資料表的欄位定義、2) 驗證邏輯撰寫與3) 轉換邏輯(Transformatioin)的函數撰寫與編排,ETL框架可以自動將以上元素串接上Airflow,並在Airflow UI上可以簡單地檢視這些元素。
Jeffrey Lin (奕勳) 目前就職於玉山銀行智能金融處的技術中心-資料科學組,負責ETL相關工具的開發與Graph技術的研究與開發。興趣是研究Python或Big Data相關的工具或框架。
Wasm has emerged as a secure, portable, lightweight, and high-performance runtime sandbox for cloud-native workloads such as microservices and serverless functions. We will show how familiar container tools can be used to develop and share Wasm applications.
Today, there is a large ecosystem of battle-tested tools to create, manage, and deploy Linux container apps in both dev and prod environments. Developers want to use the same tools to manage their Wasm applications to reduce the learning curve and operational risks. More importantly, using the same tools would allow Wasm containers to run side by side with Linux containers. That enables the architectural flexibility to run some workloads (eg lightweight, stateless, transactional, scalable) in Wasm containers, and other workloads (eg long running, heavyweight) in Linux containers.
In this talk, I will cover how to create, publish, share and deploy real-world Wasm applications using Docker Desktop, Podman, containerd, and various flavors of Kubernetes. The examples will feature mixed container types to showcase how Wasm containers work side by side with existing Linux container apps.
Hung-Ying is a pioneer in compiler optimization and virtual machine design. He is a prolific open source contributor, participating in many open-source projects, including WasmEdge, crun, solidity, and SOLL. Hung-Ying is also an active speaker and teacher. He is designing and teaching Solidity online courses in Taiwanese Mandarin.
將解密Web3 DAPP上面的詐騙手法: 1.web3都怎麼詐騙?手法是什麼? 2.web3的詐騙機制是怎麼做的? 3.我們可以如何破解web3上面的詐騙問題,並保護自己?
熱血的趨勢科技工程師,熱於研究web2 and web3上詐騙手法
Debian是一款完全自由的作業系統,以其穩定、安全和跨平台的特性在各種設備和領域廣泛應用。無論是服務器、個人電腦還是嵌入式設備,Debian都是首選之一。其著名的衍生 Linux 發行版如 Ubuntu, Kali, Proxmox VE, Parrot OS 等。
Debian 12 "Bookworm" 是 Debian 在 2023 年推出的最新版本,在許多方面進行了改進和功能更新。其中包含超過 11200 個新軟體套件,總軟體套件已超過 59000 個。
此議程,SZ 除了分享 Debian 12 相關資訊外,也會分享如何參與 Debian 社群,一同貢獻打造自由的作業系統。
SZ Lin (林上智)
SZ 具備 Debian 官方開發者身份。身為 Debian 開發者,SZ 長期貢獻於開放原始碼軟體,目前主要參與資安開放原始碼軟體團隊進行維護及開發。
此外,SZ 也曾擔任 Linux 基金會官方專案 Civil Infrastructure Platform (城市基礎設施平台) 技術指導委員會成員並為 kernel 工作小組前任主席、 Linux 基金會官方專案 OpenChain Project 前董事會成員。
SZ 曾在多個開源國際會議中發表分享,其中包含 OpenChain Japan workgroup meeting, OpenChain Taipei workshop、Debian Conference、Embedded Linux Conference、Embedded Linux Conference Europe、Open Source Summit Japan、Open Source Summit China。
AIoT 時代,如何讓微控制器等級的邊緣裝置做做數據分析?
我們將在本場次說明 * 從 IoT 到 AIoT * tinyML 介紹 * MicroPython 介紹 * 使用 MicroPython 收資料後以 tinyML 在 Raspberry Pi Pico 推論 [DEMO] * 學習資源
Hi, I'm sosorry.
Linux 核心的社群常給人一種遙不可及的感覺,想要參與卻又不得其門而入。究竟在 2023 想參與該社群是可能的嗎?到底需要會什麼?要怎麼交流?很容易被罵嗎? —— 這些問題都會被一一解答。
Shung-Hsi Yu
Kernel Engineer at SUSE working on BPF
你終究是要建立 Data Pipeline 的 ,所以你一開始就用 Pandas
你終究是要用 Pandas ,那為什麼不一開始就加滿記憶體
你終究是要用資料庫,那為什麼不一開始就學 SQL
你終究是要學 SQL 的,那為什麼不一開始就用 DuckDB
DuckDB fan boy 🦆
MySQL Operator for Kubernetes manages MySQL InnoDB Cluster setups inside a Kubernetes Cluster. MySQL Operator for Kubernetes manages the full lifecycle with setup and maintenance including automating upgrades and backups. This talk will discuss in detail how to install and use MySQL Operator to deploy and manage InnoDB Cluster on Kubernetes. The talk will also discuss how to do backup/recovery, upgrade, cloning, managing secret, reuse existing database stored on PV/PVC to recreate a new InnoDB Cluster, tips and trick using advance setting and PodSpec in the YAML.
Hananto Wicaksono
I am a passionate MySQL and Oracle DBA, Kubernetes enthusiast, and Developer with 20+ years of experience in IT industry as Senior DBA, Architect, and Developer. MySQL and Oracle databases are my forte and I like to do programming on Linux with C++, bash script, Golang, and Python in my spare time. I work at Oracle as Master Principal Solution Engineer for MySQL.
VulcanSQL - Open-source, Instant Data API Framework for data analysts
VulcanSQL ( 是個開源的 Data API 框架,讓 data analysts 不需要具備後端開發經驗,只需要 templated SQL 的撰寫能力,就可以把 data warehouse 中的資料轉成可共享給其他團隊使用的 API
William Chang
William Chang - I'm CTO & Co-founder of Canner ( - I spoke at COSCUP & JSDC a few years ago. - I'm a data lover, a web lover with open-source experience. We open-sourced CannerCMS before and quickly reached 2.4k stars.
Andy Yen
A Backend Engineer in Canner. Born in Tainan, a foodie but not a sugar lover Volleyball amateur
在這次分享中,我將介紹如何使用Python的ORM進行資料庫存取和DB Schema版本控制的實作。ORM是一種讓我們可以以物件導向的方式操作資料庫的技術,省去直接撰寫SQL查詢語句的麻煩。
首先,我將重點介紹Python中的SQLAlchemy ORM框架,它提供了一套豐富的工具,使我們能夠輕鬆地建立資料模型、執行查詢和進行資料庫遷移等操作。
除了資料庫存取,我還會討論DB Schema版本控制的實作。我將以III DevOps開源專案的實際案例來示範如何使用ORM和Alembic來進行資料庫模型的版本升級。這將確保用戶端的資料庫能自動且安全地完成升級程序,以確保與應用程式版本的一致性。
最後,我們將進行實作示範,展示如何使用Python ORM進行資料庫存取和版本控制。這些示範將讓您體驗到ORM的優勢,並幫助您思考如何在自己的專案中應用這項技術。
這個分享將提供實用的知識和技巧,適合資料庫開發人員、Python開發人員,以及對資料庫存取和版本控制有興趣的人參加。讓我們一起探索使用Python ORM進行資料庫存取和版本控制的實作!
我是財團法人資訊工業策進會(資策會)的後端工程師,專精於使用Python進行開發工作。目前,我主要負責 III DevOps 開源專案的後端團隊工作。
我擁有豐富的使用Docker、Kubernetes等微服務開發架構的經驗,並熟練應用CI/CD工具。作為後端團隊的負責人,除了參與產品開發,我也在CI/CD工具整合方面提供了寶貴的建議,並將其實現為 III DevOps 平台產品的API自動回歸測試功能。例如黑箱掃描工具WebInspect和OWASP,白箱掃描工具SonarQube和Checkmarx,以及整合測試工具Postman和映像掃描工具Sbom等。
此外,我致力於研究如何有效運用後端技術來控制Kubernetes,以實現DevOps平台中多個團隊共享單一Cluster,並保持彼此獨立的開發測試環境。同時,我也專注於研究如何在保證效率的前提下,讓各個專案的Pipeline能夠與後端程式的升級相配合,並自動修改相應的Pipeline YAML檔以實現自動升級。
單元測試能夠讓你的程式碼變得更強健,但是在非同步任務的範疇內,測試變得不太容易,因為任務會在不同的 Thread/Coroutine 上運行,而任務完成的時間可能會不一,根據不同的完成時間,可能會產生不同的測試結果。
那麼要如何測試 Kotlin Coroutine 呢?
Kotlin Coroutine 函式庫內包含了 kotlinx-coroutine-test 類,在這裡面包含了許多針對 Kotlin Coroutine 所提供的方法。利用這些方法,我們就可以寫出簡單、易懂的 Coroutine 單元測試。
Andy Lu
Android 開發者,Kotlin 讀書會志工。 專長 Kotlin 以及 Flutter,喜愛學習以及分享。 ⟪Kotlin 小宇宙 - 使用 Coroutine 優雅的執行非同步任務⟫ 作者
在分散式計算的領域中,etcd 扮演著一個關鍵的角色,提供了一個可靠的分散式鍵值存儲系統。這個議程希望透過深入淺出的方式解析 etcd 的架構和探索其程式碼,為大家解開 etcd 的祕辛。
Jack Yu
A software engineer who want to continue to be a student. Currently working as Tech lead in Synology Inc., try to keep everyone's data secure and synced.
In the past few decades, event-driven architecture has become a common design paradigm for developing high-performance network servers, as it can efficiently handle concurrent requests using I/O multiplexing. However, the mitigation mechanisms for microarchitectural vulnerabilities such as Spectre and Meltdown have increased the overhead of already system call-intensive situations. Moreover, the synchronous execution blocking feature of traditional system calls makes it difficult to leverage advanced multi-core processors. To address these limitations and identify performance bottlenecks, this session will gradually analyze the evolution of the Linux I/O model and clarify the runtime of applications such as Redis and KeyDB. As a way to overcome these limitations, this session will also demonstrate the implementation of a specialized core module that improves the performance of event-driven network servers through I/O offloading. Our approach does not sacrifice high power consumption or security like kernel bypass techniques in exchange for high-performance throughput and latency. Additionally, we have conducted multiple experiments to compare our method with native systems, and the results show that our method improves bandwidth, latency, and power consumption without requiring the redesign or reimplementation of the entire application.
Steven Cheng
Cheng is a computer science graduate with a master's and a bachelor's degree from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. His research interests are in system software and Linux kernel development. He has experience in system profiling and performance analysis of large-scale systems. He has published an academic paper in an international conference and presented several Linux-related topic in the conference held by Linux Foundation.
He has also interned as a silicon engineer at Google, where he contributed to improving the performance of simpleperf, a Android profiling tool. He is a self-motivated learner and a good team player. He is looking for a challenging and rewarding position in the field of system software engineering.
Reach out to me via linkedin:
A Comprehensive Guide to API Gateways, Kubernetes Gateways, and Service Meshes
There is still a lot of confusion about API gateways, Kubernetes gateways, and service meshes. A lot of this is because:
In this talk, I will try to explain these technologies and share how they fundamentally differ and cater to different use cases.
Navendu Pottekkat
Navendu Pottekkat is a maintainer of Apache APISIX and other open source projects. He helps new contributors to open source by mentoring through the Google Summer of Code and Linux Foundation Mentorship Program. Navendu writes and talks about the cloud native ecosystem and his experience in contributing to, building, scaling, and maintaining open source projects.
在Kubernetes裏,你可以監控和觀測很多數據! 但是, 最大的問題是哪一個是我們應該特別關注? 在這個演講,我們將分享對Kubernetes中十大指標的看法和觀察,以及如何立即開始.
Steve Ng
Steve Ng is the head of Developer Relations for New Relic Asia Pacific and has worked in various roles in the industry for over a decade. At New Relic, Steve focuses on open source, observability, site reliability engineering, DevOps practices, cloud-native architecture, AIOps, and developer experience.
When FPGA became affordable, everyone can create his own chip easily nowadays. There are many open sourced FPGA projects on the Internet so even a non-experience software engineer can make their own chip easily.
In this session, I will introduce the basic concepts and resources for the audiences who want to learn how to make their own chip. I will also introduce the basic concepts behinds my open sourced ray tracing GPU project.
I have 20+ years’ experience on game and GPU industry. Currently I am working for Arm's GPU team and interested in any topics about computer graphics.
本次分享會探討 KIND (Kubernetes In Docker) 這個常見的 Kubernetes 測試工具是如何搭建起來的,其中又是如何將 Kubernetes 這個容器協調工具以 Docker 的方式架起,並且基於 Container in Container 的方式提供一個方便且快速的 Kubernetes 測試環境
HungWei Chiu
HungWei is a co-founder of SDNDS-TW and CNTUG, two local communities in Taiwan. SDNDS-TW specializes in SDN and networking topics, while CNTUG focuses on Cloud Native approaches. Additionally, HungWei is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and experience through blog posts and speaking engagements at various conferences and meetups. Some of the events he has participated in include COSCUP 2022, COSCUP 2018 x openSUSE, Asia GNOME.Asia, Open Source Networking Days Taiwan, and GDG DevFest Taipei 2018.
在程式開發中,程式碼的可讀性和可維護性都是非常重要的。隨著專案的成長,程式碼的複雜度也會不斷增加,團隊成員之間的合作也會變得更加困難。為了解決這些問題,一些團隊開始採用 TypeScript 來改進他們的程式碼。在本演講中,將探討 JavaScript 專案程式碼經年累月的成長後可能遇到的問題、如何建立你的階段性拆解計畫
Bunny Chang
小時電腦壞掉太不甘心了,努力了解了各種運作原理後,回首才發現身處於此 現職為 KKBOX Senior Software Engineer,身處一個依賴 Web Tech 來開發各種 Music Player 的部門
Nowadays security incident is increasing more and more. Then lots of vendor/community/institute are making efforts to find vulnerability on software. Not only commercial software, but also OSS is having vulnerability (remember Log4Shell, Dirty Pipe and so on). Then lots of security researchers are reporting vulnerability an d publish it with CVE-ids which is assigned by MITRE. In this session, Kazuki Omo will report recently trends of OSS CVE in 2022-2023. Also show some typical vulnerability PoC and pich up several example for exploite d vulnerability in 2022-2023 incident. And tell how you can catch up those news immediatelly and protect those vulnerability by using OSS product/solution.
Kazuki Omo
Over 20 years experience in Unix/Linux/Windows system and many of Security related product. Working for OSS community over 17 years. Nowadays, Trainer for Threat intelligence, and speaks at lots of public seminar/session.
作為 Message System 中,最廣泛被使用之一的 Kafka ,其中在 broker 端的設計,無論是 log, index, socket, controller system 等,都非常值得我們吸收理解其中的應用方式,本議程將探討這些原始碼的用途與思維模式,並分享從中檢視的心得交流。
Howard Chen
Hi, I am Howard, I love learning, coding and thinking. Backend engineer @BitoPro crypto exchange.
介紹最新的MySQL SEST Service,它能使MySQL中的資料透過REST API和Web Application 及Mobile Application 互動
How PostgreSQL extensions work and how to get started developing extensions.
PostgreSQL is an open-source software RDBMS that is popular worldwide, and one of the main features of PostgreSQL is its extensibility. Extensions allow users to add functionality and customize PostgreSQL exactly as they want.
When using PostgreSQL with extensions, you may have wondered how extensions work or wanted to develop your own extensions.
In this talk, I will talk about how PostgreSQL extensions work and the first steps to start developing one. The target audience for this talk is anyone interested in PostgreSQL extensions or developing their own. I hope that this talk will be helpful for anyone who wants to get involved in the PostgreSQL development community. Note: This is a revised version of my talk at the Database Society of Japan in 2022.
Tatsuro Yamada
Tatsuro Yamada is a PostgreSQL Support Team Leader for NTT Open Source Software Center. He continues contributing to the PostgreSQL community and is an Oracle_fdw committer, pg_plan_advsr author, and officially recognized PostgreSQL contributor. He has been a speaker for the promotion of the PostgreSQL community and was a speaker at Postgres Conference Japan 2014, PGCon 2016, PGConf.Eu 2018, PGConf.Asia 2019, among others. For PGConf.Asia, he contributed as one of the organizing members from 2017-2022.
In this talk, we will be discussing the importance of securing your Kubernetes cluster and how you can do it using the powerful tool, "m9sweeper." As the adoption of Kubernetes continues to grow, it has become more critical to prioritize the security of your cluster.
"M9sweeper" is an open-source security tool that is designed to detect and identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in your Kubernetes deployment. It offers a comprehensive set of checks that cover a broad range of security aspects, including network policies, access control, encryption, and pod security.
It has the potential of centralized monitoring of popular Kubernetes security tools Trivy, Gatekeeper, KubeSec, Kube-Hunter, Kube-bench, and Falco.
Koteswara Rao Vellanki
I'm an experienced DevOps Engineer at UST with over 4 years of experience in the IT industry. Prior to joining UST, I worked with HCL Technologies and Agathsya Technologies. I completed my Master's degree in Computer Applications from Acharya Nagarjuna University, where I graduated with distinction. I have reasonable knowledge and expertise in DevOps tools, including containerization and orchestration technologies, and has a passion for solving complex problems to optimize business outcomes. I'm highly motivated, a quick learner, and always willing to go above and beyond to ensure successful project delivery.
越來越多開發者採取非同步訊息處理來解耦各系統或進行事件驅動架構。而 Google Cloud Pub/Sub 和 Apache Kafka 都是被廣泛使用的訊息處理系統。本次將探討Google Cloud Pub/Sub 和 Apache Kafka 這兩個系統主要的相同、相異之處,在不同面向上(包含可擴展性、容錯性、管理維護等)探討兩者工具的差別與選用。
Pei Hsuan
機器學習工程師,喜歡 ML 領域的各種可能!
As a developer using Postgres, I'm occasionally meeting some interesting cases. Some unexpected crashes, some unexpected huge performance optimizations, etc. I would like to share some of the cases I met during my 2 years of Postgres experience.
Chung Wu
SVG (可縮放向量圖) 格式有很多應用,包含各種資料視覺化繪圖、 軟體套件相依關係、 副程式呼叫圖、 資料庫ER model 繪圖、 簡報、 地理資訊、 建築資訊及醫療資訊等等系統。 這裡從使用者的角度介紹一些工具及有趣的應用。
我的部落格之一: 玩具烏托邦
[Prime session] Why and How to build open source maps with the Protomaps project
地圖是生活中相當常用的軟體。Google 與 Apple 地圖無所不在,但它們顯然都是封閉原始碼的軟體,對開發者來說是黑箱。這些供應商對某些用途來說並不好用,例如公共衛生、政府服務與新聞地圖。
1) Leaflet 與 MapLibre 等函式庫與 GIS 有何相關之處,在哪裡使用它們,以及它們如何讓沒有地理背景的 JavaScript 程式設計師使用地圖
2) OpenStreetMap 資料集與全端互動地圖 API 之間的區別製作
3) 地圖的設計與資料注意事項,如何製作縮小的圖磚化地圖檢視、地圖偏差與國際化
最後,我將會討論開放原始碼的 Protomaps 專案,這是一個用於製作與提供圖磚化網路地圖的完整系統。我將把它與其他開放與專有的替代方案進行比較,展示它的使用者,並解釋我打算如何使其長期可持續發展。(中文翻譯,原文請見英文版)(由 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata 臺灣社群與 COSCUP 大會聯合邀請)
Brandon Liu
I'm the lead developer of the Protomaps open source project - a self-hostable alternative to Google Maps and other proprietary APIs, built on open data. I used to live in the United States, now I live in Taipei, Taiwan!
What's new in PostgreSQL 16
自PostgreSQL 9 成為重度使用者,初以開發FDW 為樂;於2014-2016 間,約兩年半的時間,聯繫拜訪國內推廣PostgreSQL 的前輩,以及聚集相關技服廠商,自2017 年再次推動台灣PostgreSQL使用者社群(TWPUG) ;目前著重發展PostgreSQL 為核心的Data Application Platform,並推廣在各類產業應用。
本次分享機會探討如何以 Grafana 以及其生態系下的各開源專案如 mimir, loki, tempo, promtail, agent 等打造一個兼容 metrics/logging/tracing 三面向的監控平台。 此外也會分享其架構並且與常見的解決方案,如 Prometheus, Jaeger, Opentelemetry, ELK 等進行比較來理解使用 Grafana 全家餐的好處
HungWei Chiu
HungWei is a co-founder of SDNDS-TW and CNTUG, two local communities in Taiwan. SDNDS-TW specializes in SDN and networking topics, while CNTUG focuses on Cloud Native approaches. Additionally, HungWei is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and experience through blog posts and speaking engagements at various conferences and meetups. Some of the events he has participated in include COSCUP 2022, COSCUP 2018 x openSUSE, Asia GNOME.Asia, Open Source Networking Days Taiwan, and GDG DevFest Taipei 2018.
pg_anonymize, a new extension for simple and transparent data anonymization
pg_anonymize: simple and transparent data anonymization for PostgreSQL.
Julien Rouhaud
Julien is a PostgreSQL Major Contributor. He has been working with PostgreSQL since verson 8.3, as a developer and a DBA. He's also the author of other open source projects such as PoWA (real-time performance diagnosis) and HypoPG (hypothetical indexes).
He’s also a former -treasurer of the PostgreSQL Europe association.
CUDA is the dominant language for parallel programming on GPU architecture, though other GPU programming languages, such as OpenCL and OpenMP exist. However, its use has been largely limited to NVIDIA devices, leading to recent efforts to enable its use on other platforms, such as CPUs and AMD/Intel GPUs. We aim to extend the reach of CUDA to RISC-V systems.
Hyesoon Kim
Hyesoon Kim is professor in the School of Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a co-director of center for novel computing hierarchy. Her research areas include the intersection of computer architectures and compilers, with an emphasis on heterogeneous architectures, such as GPUs and near-data-processing. She is a recipient of NSF Career award and is a member of Micro Hall of Fame. She is the chair of IEEE TCuARCH. Her research has been recognized with a best paper award at PACT 2015. She is an associate editor of Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization and IEEE-CAL.
介紹如何從 需求搜集 到 變成程式碼 的一系列方法論的應用
Backend Dept. Lead in XRSPACE inc. DDDTW member 喜歡研究並實踐軟體開發流程
並講述我從開始玩 Side Project 到 實際開始貢獻開源的過程與心態上的轉變
嗨,我是VP, GDSC NUTC 2022-2023 的 Lead
喜歡說的話是: 快,還要更快!
本主題將會討論那些我們在 OpenStreetMap 上可以瀏覽和繪製的電力資訊,讓大家可以在政論節目以外,有另一種方式能認識台灣的電力基礎建設。此外,還會探討一些繪製及瀏覽電力圖徵可以運用的工具和方式,以及在 OpenStreetMap 是如何標注這些電力圖徵的。
嗨我是 tntchn(唸:tan),本業產品設計師,因為想瞭解一些地理的資訊開始接觸了 OpenStreetMap 跟 Wikidata,自認在上面的編輯經驗應該可以稱得上中階😅 在編輯的同時,也希望自己能將花時間收集到的地理知識分享給所有感興趣的人。
PostgreSQL Index的介紹及相關系統表,函數. 以及BRIN Index的特色及應用.
PostgreSQL 的愛好者.
隨著臺灣政府開放資料的日漸完善,適合匯入 OpenStreetMap (OSM) 的地理資訊資料也相繼出現,例如各縣市地址與建物。然而 在台灣 OSM 地圖資料的成長,與開放資料的資料集內容十分龐大下,如何匯入與維護變成如今社群關注的焦點。本議程將帶大家介紹近幾年來匯入進行的狀況與目前我們遭遇的各種議題。
從分享的初衷開始,並逐漸擴展到國際舞台上,在美國的 Mozilla Summit 擔任講者、在歐洲藍牙論壇成為與談人。透過他人分享的經驗,能夠讓自己成長,同時透過自己的分享,除了能讓他人獲益,也能整理自己思路。這種正向循環在講者的生涯發展中,是個關鍵飛輪。
在跨域實務經驗方面,講者將分享了他在開源社群不同領域的學習經驗,從擔任 COSCUP-GNOME Asia 外交官、COSCUP 銷售組、到 Mozilla Support 在地化的專案負責人,這些經驗使他有機會挑戰產品和技術整合部門主管。他從這些實踐中學會了溝通、銷售、拆解和梳理流程等技能,並將它們應用於職場工作和產品規劃中,促進了他的職業發展。
最後,講者強調了持續與人互動的重要性。他從 Mozilla 開源社群,到 AWS 技術社群,持續在不同領域中探索,例如接觸 Mozilla FirefoxOS 而開始動手玩 AOSP,再因此而在 AWS 上建立健身物聯網。這種持續的互動使他有機會能夠瞭解市場動向,並接觸到各種技術,進而職涯上逐步前進,往理想與夢想邁進。
參與這場演講,一起聊聊,一起連結,一起探索職涯的各種可能性 :)
Ernest Chiang
Ernest Chiang 於 2008 年開始了他的 AWS 之旅。他熱衷於參與在地技術社群,以及透過部落格文章,分享各種 AWS 的思路,將 AWS 拆解後的技術架構與產品、商業思維連結起來。自 2011 年以來,在 Ernest 服務於 PAFERS Tech ,參與各領域的產品與技術整合,將手邊許多軟硬體及雲端整合專案,運作於 AWS 全球和 AWS 中國地區,服務世界各地的客戶。
Ernest 對於技術社群參與擁有豐富的經驗。2009-2014 年,參與籌備台灣最大的 FLOSS 會議【開源人年會 COSCUP】。2010-2019 年之間,Mozilla 代表。
他喜歡跨領域的產品開發和技術管理工作,目前在 PAFERS Tech 拆解健身健康產業,提供歐美客戶軟硬整合、物聯網解決方案、以及提升營運效率的組織作業流程顧問服務。他曾在台積公司擔任半導體領域的製程整合工程師。
2020 年,他獲邀成為 AWS 社群英雄,繼續他的 AWS 學習旅程。
如果你跟他一樣喜歡將事情複雜化,歡迎找他一起交流 PKM 個人知識系統 工作流程 :)
一位有幾年經驗的後端開發者。 主要處理資料庫內、資料庫與應用程式間的問題。
Django is one of the most popular python frameworks used to create web applications. While a lot of people focus on the Django ORM and the Django templating engine, the Django framework also comes with a neat set of middlewares and plugins that can be used to add security headers to your applications. Security headers are a very important layer of defense for your website to keep your users protected. In this talk, we are going to discuss what the different security headers do, and how can we add them to django.
Saptak S
Saptak S. is a human rights centered web developer, focusing on usability, security, privacy and accessibility topics in web development. He works as a web development contractor. He is a contributor and maintainer of various different open source projects like The A11Y Project, OnionShare and Wagtail. He is part of the Open Source Design core team. He is also the author of the Security and Accessibility chapter of Web Almanac 2022. One can find him blogging at
《美學程式設計》最初由 Winnie Soon 和 Geoff Cox 於 2020 年撰寫,並以一個 git 儲存庫、動態網站、可下載的 PDF 和紙本書等形式發布英文版,是一本開放取用且開源的書籍。在台北數位藝術中心的支持下,我們目前正在翻譯、製作這本書的繁體中文版。
除了教讀者使用 p5.js 函式庫之外,本書還從程式設計的文化和美學層面出發,理解程式設計作為一種文化實踐的重要性,同時探討在技術主題中相對不被重視的議題,如性別、種族和性取向等。
這本書不是一本固定的教學資源。使用 Git 使得作者能夠將其製作形式化為一個迭代過程,可以進行版本回溯,讓其他人複製並根據不同的參考資料、範例、批判性反思甚至新章節進行客製化。
Founded in 2022 in Taipei, Taiwan, ZIMU CULTURE is an independent publisher and exhibition-making studio dedicated to cultural studies in the digital age. ZIMU, the name of the company, comes from Yi Jing (or Book of Changes), meaning to cultivate one’s virtue and intelligence. We collaborate with artists, programmers, curators, designers and people from different disciplines to explore new forms of storytelling and communication.
一起來探討如何使用 Anime.js 和 Vue.js 這兩種強大的前端工具創建令人驚奇的互動效果。讓網頁變得不只有靜態的文字,還能更加的生動有趣。
前端工程師目前任職 KKBOX,主要使用 Vue.js 開發各種有趣的網頁。最近都在探索 LLM 可以帶給我們什麼新的可能性和發展。
金融業的資料庫中,累積了巨大的資料量,就單單以信用卡為例,本行截至 2023 第 1 季,流通卡數達到了470.1 萬張,加上我們其他產品線業務,可以想像是一項巨大的數據處理工程。作為 AI 部門的 PostgreSQL 資料庫管理人員,我們致力於以系統面向的角度來提升服務效能。
In the database of the financial sector, a vast amount of data has been accumulated. Take the number of credit cards as an example, our bank has reached a circulation of 4.71 million cards as of the first quarter of 2023. When combined with our other product lines, it can be imagine as a massive data processing . As the PostgreSQL database administrator in the AI department, our goal is to enhance service performance from a system-oriented perspective.
為了更深入探討這個議題,我將進一步探討 PostgreSQL 底層資料處理的概念以及需要注意的事項。同時,分享如何解決和優化資料科學家們在 SQL 中遇到的效能瓶頸,這裡整理了幾個 SQL 執行中常見的情況和可解決的方案,並提供一些實用的 PostgreSQL 資料庫技巧,這些技巧能夠幫助你在面對大量資料時,保持 SQL 程式碼的執行效率,期待與您相見,交流彼此的經驗心得。
To delve deeper into this topic, I will discuss the concepts and considerations of data processing in PostgreSQL. Additionally, I will share how to solve and optimize the performance bottlenecks encounter by data scientists in SQL. Here, I have compiled several common scenarios in SQL, and provided some practical PostgreSQL database tips. These tips will assist you in maintaining the execution efficiency of your SQL code when dealing with large volumes of data. I look forward to meeting you and exchanging our experiences and insights.
金融業資料工程師經歷 9 年,目前於金融業 AI 部門 擔任 Data engineer 使用 kubernetes 架構金融業 AI 分析平台 目前擔任 DBA 負責管理 Postgres DB 資源與效能
我是一位有著3年System和DevOps開發維護經驗的資策會工程師,主要負責DevOps平台的開發、部署和環境維護。擁有豐富的Kubernetes和Python開發經驗,我熱衷於協助團隊解決各種Kubernetes 的疑難雜症與系統網路問題,以及創新服務的挑戰。對於這些新技術的應用和整合充滿熱情,持續學習並不斷精進自己,以確保能夠支援團隊的需求並提供最佳的解決方案。