
Main Track



COSCUP 2023: Welcome Day 1

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 00:50:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 00:50:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 01:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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Welcome to COSCUP 2023




We are some random volunteers to make all these happen with YOU♥️ Join us: volunteer@coscup.org / https://volunteer.coscup.org/


Tzu Yin Hong

Tzu Yin Hong


Main Track 主議程軌 UDVLDE open (10mins)

[Prime session] The Yin and Yang of Open Source: Unveiling the Dynamics of Collaboration, Diversity, and Cultural Transformation

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 01:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 01:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 01:45:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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備註:此場講座為 OSI (https://opensource.org) 與 COSCUP 共同慶祝開源週年全球系列活動而設立。


Paloma Oliveira

Paloma Oliveira

Paloma Oliveira is an Open Source Developer Evangelist at Sauce Labs who have been promoting free and open source culture since 2009. Paloma is a strong activist for diversity and equity in tech and open source co-organizing PyLadies Berlin https://berlin.pyladies.com/ and mentoring at FrauenLoop https://www.frauenloop.org/. She exercise a continuous critical thinking about the technology we create and use, being co-founder of the Zentrum für Netzkunst https://netzkunst.berlin/ (Berlin’s netart institute).

Open Source Initiative, OSI, is a leading voice on the policies and principles of open source. The OSI helps build a world where the freedoms and opportunities of open source software can be enjoyed by all by supporting institutions and individuals working together to create communities of practice in which the healthy open source ecosystem thrives.

Main Track 主議程軌 L8XSYB prime session


RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 02:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 02:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 02:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] zh-tw
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自由軟件愛好者,在 21 年底拋棄專有社交媒體自建站點「入住」聯邦宇宙。

Main Track 主議程軌 MBPYNH general (30mins)


RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 02:40:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 02:40:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 03:10:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] zh-tw
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Main Track 主議程軌 PUMCVN general (30mins)


RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 03:20:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 03:20:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 03:50:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] zh-tw
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在Kubernetes裏,你可以監控和觀測很多數據! 但是, 最大的問題是哪一個是我們應該特別關注? 在這個演講,我們將分享對Kubernetes中十大指標的看法和觀察,以及如何立即開始.


Steve Ng

Steve Ng

Steve Ng is the head of Developer Relations for New Relic Asia Pacific and has worked in various roles in the industry for over a decade. At New Relic, Steve focuses on open source, observability, site reliability engineering, DevOps practices, cloud-native architecture, AIOps, and developer experience.

Main Track 主議程軌 URPPHL general (30mins)


RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 05:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 05:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 06:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] zh-tw
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The book "The Cathedral & the Bazaar" fully expounds and compares the development mode of "cathedral" and "bazaar". Since then, the open source community has been habitually regarded as a "bazaar".

In this sharing, we will take the evolution of the bazaar in small towns as a starting point to explore some problems in the open source community.




2019 年 7 月至 2020 年 12 月於一家日企工作。 2021 年 8 月加入一家遠程工作團隊,工作至今。 從 2016 年開始接觸開源社區,2018 年開始為開源社區貢獻。

持續為 freeCodeCamp、 open-digger、kaiyuanshe、openEuler 等社區/項目貢獻。

對於開源社區、DAO 等有一些參與和觀察。

Main Track 主議程軌 8FRDHP general (30mins)


RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 06:10:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 06:10:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 06:40:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] zh-tw
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Main Track 主議程軌 X39N8N general (30mins)

BanyanDB: An Optimized Observability DatabaseBanyanDB: An Optimized Observability Database

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 06:50:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 06:50:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 07:20:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] zh-tw
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BanyanDB is an observability database optimized to handle metrics, tracing, and logging data generated by Apache SkyWalking. It improves performance and resource usage for SkyWalking's APM data model. Based on the RUM conjecture, BanyanDB extends SkyWalking's boundary and optimizes the data flow process. During this talk, the speaker will delve into the specifics of BanyanDB, based on their conjecture. He will elaborate on why this particular storage layer is superior in terms of reliability and effectiveness when compared to other options available.





目前為Apache ShardingSphere和Apache SkyWalking核心貢獻者,參與該開源項目在軟件開發雲的商業化進程。前噹噹網系統架構師,開源達人,曾參與Elastic-Job等知名開源項目。對開源項目的管理,推廣和社區運營有豐富的經驗。

積極參與技術分享,曾在多個技術大會中做過分享,包括DTCC,ArchSummit, Top100,Oracle嘉年華等。在多個媒體發表過文章,如InfoQ,OSChina等

著作:《Apache SkyWalking實戰》

Main Track 主議程軌 DBTWCP general (30mins)

無主動,不開源 —— 暴論「開放協作」的迷思

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 07:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 07:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 08:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] zh-tw
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  1. COSCUP 启发的跨界社群 —— 开源市集
  2. 开源运动背后的普世价值 —— 开放协作
  3. 内源模式驱动的远程开发 —— 开源实训
  4. 开放协作底层的精神内核 —— 主动参与




石垚是 idea2app 團隊(https://ideapp.dev/ )創始人,Web/JavaScript 全棧開發者、WebCell 前端開源框架作者,現任 freeCodeCamp 成都社區負責人、開源社理事、微軟 MVP,致力於在開放生態中為社會創造價值。

Main Track 主議程軌 TAFBB3 general (30mins)

[Prime session] Writing a technical book doesn’t have to be scary

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 08:10:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 08:10:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 08:55:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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自 2020 年起,我開始撰寫 "Zero to Production in Rust”,一本關於使用 Rust 程式語言開發後端應用的書。 初次嘗試寫作,我對於這本書的未來走向毫無頭緒:有人會感興趣嗎?我該從何下筆撰寫內容?要試著和出版社合作還是自費出版?內容該開放給大眾嗎? 這場演講正是三年前的我所希望擁有的指南。我將介紹技術書籍從頭到尾產製的過程,包括主題定義、行銷策略、發行方式(包含開放近用)以及價格設定。 [摘要翻譯自英文] *本場次由 Rust Taiwan Community 與 COSCUP 大會聯合邀請


Luca Palmieri

Luca Palmieri

Luca Palmieri builds technology products for a living. His current focus is on backend development, software architecture and the Rust programming language.

He currently works at MainMatter as a Principal Engineering Consultant. He partners with teams across the industry to make sure they succeed in adopting or scaling their Rust usage, where it makes sense to do so. He was formerly at AWS and TrueLayer.

He has been part of the Rust community since 2018 and is best known as the author of “Zero to Production in Rust”, an introduction to using Rust for backend development.

When he is not coding, you’ll find him baking cakes or rolling pasta sheets.

Main Track 主議程軌 8GEEAR prime session

Closing Day 1

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 08:55:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 08:55:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 09:10:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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We are some random volunteers to make all these happen with YOU♥️ Join us: volunteer@coscup.org / https://volunteer.coscup.org/


劉雁 (Yanyiyi)

劉雁 (Yanyiyi)

2013 幫 Muka 救火掉進 COSCUP 行銷坑,就坑坑相連出沒在 SITCON, g0v Summit, CCTW 中,也當過拉贊及出納志工小精靈。資傳碩班時接觸了資訊社會學,進而思索怎樣讓地方或人文的人都能快速接觸開放精神,也試著在一些文恐行動中試著嘗試開放的概念。曾在某前瞻計畫中試著推動開放資料與 CC ,突然醒悟覺得來 OCF 可試著從不同角度「更用力」使力。

Main Track 主議程軌 PXWCTN opening & closing

COSCUP 2023: Welcome Day 2

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 00:50:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 00:50:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 01:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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Welcome COSCUP 2023 Day 2




We are some random volunteers to make all these happen with YOU♥️ Join us: volunteer@coscup.org / https://volunteer.coscup.org/


Denny Huang

Denny Huang


Main Track 主議程軌 FM3S7U open (10mins)

[Prime session] Why and How to build open source maps with the Protomaps project

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 01:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 01:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 01:45:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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地圖是生活中相當常用的軟體。Google 與 Apple 地圖無所不在,但它們顯然都是封閉原始碼的軟體,對開發者來說是黑箱。這些供應商對某些用途來說並不好用,例如公共衛生、政府服務與新聞地圖。


1) Leaflet 與 MapLibre 等函式庫與 GIS 有何相關之處,在哪裡使用它們,以及它們如何讓沒有地理背景的 JavaScript 程式設計師使用地圖

2) OpenStreetMap 資料集與全端互動地圖 API 之間的區別製作

3) 地圖的設計與資料注意事項,如何製作縮小的圖磚化地圖檢視、地圖偏差與國際化

最後,我將會討論開放原始碼的 Protomaps 專案,這是一個用於製作與提供圖磚化網路地圖的完整系統。我將把它與其他開放與專有的替代方案進行比較,展示它的使用者,並解釋我打算如何使其長期可持續發展。(中文翻譯,原文請見英文版)(由 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata 臺灣社群與 COSCUP 大會聯合邀請)


Brandon Liu

Brandon Liu

I'm the lead developer of the Protomaps open source project - a self-hostable alternative to Google Maps and other proprietary APIs, built on open data. I used to live in the United States, now I live in Taipei, Taiwan!

Main Track 主議程軌 TKMDCL prime session

Exploring RISC-V Perf Event Profiling

AU [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 02:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 02:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 02:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] zh-tw
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This presentation provides an overview of perf, a performance analysis tool for Linux kernel and user program. We will explore how RISC-V ISA and SBI extensions support hardware event profiling.

The target audience includes Linux kernel developers and those interested in RISC-V architecture.




RISC-V system software engineer

Main Track 主議程軌 KJRHRR Early Birds Call For Paper - Session

Building an IoT Monitoring App with InfluxDB, Python, and Flask with Edge to cloud replication

AU [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 02:40:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 02:40:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 03:10:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly driven by sensor data, with devices taking measured actions based on everything from wind speed and direction, vital body functions, illumination intensity, and temperature.

In this session we will showcase how to build a fully functional sample IoT monitoring application built on the Flask framework and utilizing InfluxDB as its backend. With integrations to visualization libraries such as Plotly, and downsampling using pandas.


zoe steinkamp

zoe steinkamp

My name is Zoe Steinkamp and I am a developer Advocate for influxData, after working as a front end software engineer for over eight years. In my role as a Developer Advocate, I help developers to engage with InfluxData, including our database platform, open source tools, and Time-Series Data solutions. I have a passion for making developers' lives as well as learning about data science. My interests besides new technology include traveling and gardening. You can find me speaking at virtual and in person events and always feel free to reach out on linkedin.

Main Track 主議程軌 CHRQGG general (30mins)


AU [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 03:20:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 03:20:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 03:50:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] zh-tw
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Accio 是一個 Canner 所推出的開源工具,它提供了一種類似 GraphQL 的方式來定義資料庫中的數據模型。使用 Accio,您可以定義 model、relationship、metric 並使用類似 GraphQL 的語法來描述它們之間的關係和查詢方式。Accio 會解析您的定義並生成對應的 SQL 語句,以便您在實際查詢時使用。Accio 使用 PostgreSQL 的 Wire Protocol 作為接口,目前支援 BigQuery。這意味著您可以使用常用的 PostgreSQL 驅動程式來直接對 BigQuery 進行 SQL 查詢並且使用 Accio 定義 BigQuery 數據模型。 總體來說,Accio 提供了一個方便的方法來定義數據模型和查詢,使得操作數據庫變得更加容易和直觀。


Cooper Tseng

Cooper Tseng

目前任職於 Canner 擔任資料工程師

Main Track 主議程軌 PRQSGE Early Birds Call For Paper - Session

Introducing Unikraft: An SDK for fast, secure, and highly-specialized unikernels

AU [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 05:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 05:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 05:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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Unikernels are specialized operating system images that execute a single application. Through extreme specialization they can provide high performance, small memory footprints, fast boot times, and a reduced attack vector.

This talk will provide an overview of Unikraft (https://unikraft.org), a Linux Foundation project that provides a toolikit for creating highly specialized unikernels by combining a set of micro-libraries to tailor down the operating system strictly to the needs of the executing application.

Specifically we will look at what Unikraft is and what it can be used for; how Unikraft achieves millisecond boot times, memory footprints in the order of KiB, and guaranteed higher performance in commonly deployed applications that Linux; Unikraft's security properties, both in terms of a reduced trusted compute base (TCB), and also in terms of supported security mitigations; ways to migrate existing applications to Unikraft with minimal effort both at the source level (POSIX), the binary level (Linux ABI), or through Unikraft's support for interpreted languages like Go, Javascript, Python, Rust, and WebAssembly; and - last but not least - the amazing and evergrowing open source community of Unikraft.


Michalis Pappas

Michalis Pappas

Michalis is an engineer at Unikraft Cloud (https://unikraft.io), and a contributor to the open source Unikraft project (https://unikraft.org). His areas of focus are operating systems, lightweight virtualization, and security. Before joining Unikraft he worked on virtualization for embedded automotive systems and Trusted Execution Environments.

Main Track 主議程軌 MNW8TG Early Birds Call For Paper - Session

Does your Django application have proper security headers?

AU [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 05:40:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 05:40:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 06:10:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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Django is one of the most popular python frameworks used to create web applications. While a lot of people focus on the Django ORM and the Django templating engine, the Django framework also comes with a neat set of middlewares and plugins that can be used to add security headers to your applications. Security headers are a very important layer of defense for your website to keep your users protected. In this talk, we are going to discuss what the different security headers do, and how can we add them to django.


Saptak S

Saptak S

Saptak S. is a human rights centered web developer, focusing on usability, security, privacy and accessibility topics in web development. He works as a web development contractor. He is a contributor and maintainer of various different open source projects like The A11Y Project, OnionShare and Wagtail. He is part of the Open Source Design core team. He is also the author of the Security and Accessibility chapter of Web Almanac 2022. One can find him blogging at saptaks.blog.

Main Track 主議程軌 EQGB7L general (30mins)

Investigating global open source trends and dynamics: The latest findings from Linux Foundation Research

AU [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 06:20:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 06:20:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 06:50:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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Open source communities are at the heart of an explosion of technical innovation, where industry leaders, engineers, and end users are collectively creating and improving the digital infrastructure on which the global economy depends. With an extensive community of members, connections with thousands of companies, and hundreds of thousands of open source contributors, the Linux Foundation is in a unique position to research open source collaboration and provide insights into emerging technology trends, best practices, and global impact of open source projects. In this session, Cailean Osborne, a Researcher at the Linux Foundation, will provide an overview of the Linux Foundation's latest research and discuss the "World of Open Source: 2023 Global Spotlight" survey, an ongoing research project that aims to better understand open source trends across world regions.


Cailean Osborne

Cailean Osborne

Cailean Osborne is a PhD Candidate in Social Data Science at the University of Oxford and a Researcher at the Linux Foundation. His research interests concern the political economy of open source software and the digital commons at large. At the Linux Foundation, Cailean supports LF Research with research projects on open source software trends. Previously, Cailean was the International Policy Lead at the UK Government’s Centre for Data Ethics & Innovation.

Main Track 主議程軌 DAL9KC general (30mins)

VLC 4.0 and Beyond

AU [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 07:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 07:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 07:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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VLC Media Player 4.0 features round-up


François Cartegnie

François Cartegnie

VLC Media Player developers team and VideoLAN member since 2009. Working on demuxers and codecs (most media formats that goes in or out) side of VLC media player.

Main Track 主議程軌 8T37NM Early Birds Call For Paper - Session

COSCUP Infrastructure Review

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 07:35:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 07:35:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 08:05:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] zh-tw
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如果您好奇這個已連續舉辦近20年、純志工籌辦、連票都不用買、集結眾多社群參展、數十軌同場較勁、超過三百場議程的活動是怎麼煉成的,請參加此議程聽聽 COSCUP staff 第一手分享。

適合參加者:會眾、社群活動組織者、有興趣參與 COSCUP 2024 籌辦的人




We are some random volunteers to make all these happen with YOU♥️ Join us: volunteer@coscup.org / https://volunteer.coscup.org/

Main Track 主議程軌 RNKY8Q general (30mins)

Closing Day 2

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 08:20:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 08:20:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 08:35:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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Closing Day 2




We are some random volunteers to make all these happen with YOU♥️ Join us: volunteer@coscup.org / https://volunteer.coscup.org/


Tzu Yin Hong

Tzu Yin Hong


Main Track 主議程軌 CEVGDA opening & closing

⚡Lightning talk / 閃電秀⚡

RB 105 [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 08:35:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 08:35:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 09:05:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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We are some random volunteers to make all these happen with YOU♥️ Join us: volunteer@coscup.org / https://volunteer.coscup.org/

Main Track 主議程軌 KFFWVA Misc. - Session