Incorporating Zero Trust with Legacy Environments (OmniAuth as your Supercharger)

By Melvrick Goh


Incorporating Zero Trust with Legacy Environments (OmniAuth as your Supercharger)

TR 413-1 [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 03:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 03:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 04:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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Zero Trust is the standard for security these days. They're the ideals we strive for. But what about the mature systems & potentially legacy protocols still in play today.

Legacy environments are characterised by older hardware, software, and security protocols, making it difficult to enforce strict access controls and continuous monitoring.

Overcoming this challenge is maybe the highest hurdle companies have to overcome.

Ruby OmniAuth can be your superpower applying some of these protocols when operating with legacy systems. We share some lessons & architectural practices we've learnt working Zero Trust Principles into legacy environments to maximise authentication resilience.


Melvrick Goh

Melvrick Goh

Melvrick is Director of Engineering working with teams such as Travel, Points Transfers & Authorizations in Ascenda Loyalty.

During downtime he enjoys tinkering with tools, writing & some HIIT 🥊.

He’s passionate about all things engineering, data & auth! Hit him up anytime to shoot them ideas.

Ruby TRAZU7 general (30mins)