Zenoh: A Zero Overhead Network Protocol

By Yuyuan Yuan


Zenoh: A Zero Overhead Network Protocol

TR 210 [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 06:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 06:00:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-30 06:30:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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The need for efficient and scalable data management and messaging protocols in distributed systems and IoT applications has become increasingly important in recent years. Zenoh is a new open-source protocol that addresses these issues by providing a lightweight, efficient, and scalable solution. It takes a data-centric approach to communication, which focuses on the data itself rather than the location or identity of the devices producing or consuming the data.

Moreover, Zenoh is built on Rust, a systems programming language known for its high performance, security, and reliability. Rust's unique features make Zenoh a fast and robust solution for managing and processing data in distributed systems and IoT applications.

In this talk, we will explore the architecture and features of Zenoh and discuss real-world use cases.


Yuyuan Yuan

Yuyuan Yuan

Rust enthusiast who likes to study language design and its applications in various domains. I am currently working on Eclipse Zenoh as a ZettaScale Taipei Team member.

Rust NZAEYY Early Birds Call For Paper - Session