How can we utilize Wikidata to protect Puyuma, an endangered language?

By Yucheng.Lin


How can we utilize Wikidata to protect Puyuma, an endangered language?

TR 509 [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 03:15:00+00:00' ).toLocaleDateString('ja', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}) ]] [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 03:15:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] ~ [[ new Date( '2023-07-29 03:45:00+00:00' ).toLocaleTimeString('zh-Hant', {hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'}) ]] en
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Linguists in Taiwan have recorded the Puyuma language. However, there are a lot of differences across the many Puyuma dialects. In order to improve upon the current Puyuma Dictionary and common textbooks, I am working on a strategy that includes 1) A Lexigraphical Based Glossary Database, 2) Mapping, and 3) Potential Linguistic Analysis, based on the use of 4) Tools from Wikidata and Wikipedia.




Lmu History Student

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