Building portable and reliable applications on Google Cloud

By Rich Lee


Building portable and reliable applications on Google Cloud

TR 312 2023/07/29 06:10 ~ 06:40 zh-tw
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本議程將會介紹Google Cloud上開發應用程式常見的幾種方式,其中包含透過Dapr使應用程式能更容易在不同環境整合與移植。除此之外,會深入介紹透過Dapr來整合GCP上所提供的雲原生服務,包含Retry、Circuit breaker等特性。Dapr發展日益成熟,其對雲原生應用開發所帶來的效益也是顯而易見的,透過本議程除了可以讓開發者了解另一種雲原生開發方式與優點,更可以了解雲原生開發未來的發展趨勢。


Rich Lee

Rich Lee

Hi everyone, I'm Rich. Passionate about learning, building, and sharing technology. - 10+ years experience in software architecture design and Cloud-native development. - Specialty in Microservices & event-driven architecture, software development.

我是Rich,熱愛學習分享軟體技術,目前專注於雲原生、Service Mesh等技術。

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