Task: Session Track Assistant (日本語) - 8/4


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Title Session Track Assistant (日本語) - 8/4
Start 2024-08-04 09:00
End 2024-08-04 17:00
(English version below)

(1) 翻譯
活動前並推薦準備 Glossary table,從您協助的議程軌議題摘要中,使用 ChatGPT 等工具產生 Glossary 專業術語詞彙表供參考。
(2) 場控
該軌的負責人預計會負責主持,但萬一有需要,也請協助進行活動主持 (開場、Q&A時段)。

1. (必要條件) 需要能夠使用日文進行專業性對話 (參考級別: JLPT N1 , BJT J2) **我們不會檢查證書
2. (選擇性) 若具備英語能力可進行英-日-中三向翻譯更佳。

1. 深入了解議程軌運作、認識議程軌負責人及議程軌組成
2. 有機會認識外國朋友
3. 了解科技日文專業術語

Job description:
To support the OSPN session track. There are mainly two tasks:

(1) Translation
There will be speakers that understand only Japanese, so the applicant are expected to support the track by bidirectional translation between Japanese and Mandarin. (no interpretation required) This takes place mainly at the Q&A corner.
Preparing a glossary table with terminology related to your sessions is recommended. Simply use something like ChatGPT to generate that table from the abstract content of proposals in the session track for your reference.

(2) Assistant
The OSPN session coordinator plans to host the session on his own. But if there is need, the applicant will help host the track (opening and/or Q&A corner). There is chance that a session will be recorded. If this is the case, the applicant will check if video recorders are working as well. 

Skill requirements:
1. (Required) Japanese language proficiency to do professional conversation (Reference: JLPT N1 or BJT J2) 
**We are not checking certificates.
2. (Optional) English language proficiency for tridirectional translation between Japanese-English-Mandarin is a plus.

1. In-depth understanding of the operation of the COSCUP session track, meet the coordinator.
2. Opportunities to meet friends.
3. Understand technical Japanese terminology.
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