Student Education Track (SED)
The Road of Open-Source Education for Computer Architecture and Systems
目前台灣在計算機系統的開源教材中,尤其是針對計算機組織/結構和系統整合、Software/Hardware Co-Design 這部份的內容,還沒有較有系統性的統整教材,我想藉由我們在成功大學電機系大學部開設的計算機組織中的 Lab 實作教材,像大家介紹我們如何在培育這方面的學生上做努力,向大家介紹教材內容,和我們設計這些教材當中獲得的收穫。除此之外,我們預計會在今年將全部的教材開源,讓全台灣的學生都可以直接地使用這份教材,並且引起更多人的興趣,投入一起壯大這份教材。 除了計算機組織的實作教材之外,我們之後也會持續開發計算機結構(Graduate-level)的教材,和有關於作業系統(Operating System)甚至是和深度學習軟硬體相關的教材,希望可以讓所有有興趣的學生都可以隨時隨地、依照自己的規劃來學習。
Hi, there! 我的名子是峻豪,目前就讀於成大電機系大四,之後會在原校直升,直接攻讀博士學位,指導老師為蔡家齊教授。我的研究領域主要為 Computer Architectuer、Computing System、AI Hardware and Compiler Design 和 Software/Hardware Co-design。除了對於計算機系統有著濃烈的興趣之外,我對於教育也有著很高的熱忱。我希望可以在台灣做出一套完整的開源教材,帶著學生一步步了解計算機系統的各個抽象層是如何緊密地關聯在一起,互相配合並且各司其職,讓學生知道當我們要求系統完成特定的任務時,計算機當中到底發生哪些事情?
此議程會跟大家分享我在大四這一年身為 Google Developer Student Club NCKU Lead,是如何將以往籌備大型活動的經驗應用到 GDSC 這個社群,並以學校社團的身分成功辦了一場破百位會眾的學生開發者論壇!(該活動網站:
議程大綱: - 經營方針與組織架構 - 面對的困難與挑戰(尤其在南部) - 前無古人的里程碑 - 收穫成長與總結
蘇奕幃 Alex Su
Cultivating Impactful Student Developer Ecosystems: Strategies and Insights
Picture this: a bustling campus, alive with the hum of creativity and the clatter of keyboards. Drawing from personal experiences and insights, through this talk, we will explore the art of cultivating impactful student developer communities in campuses such as those visualized to learn skills, share experiences and build projects together. We shall explore how student developer programs such as Google Developer Students Club and GitHub Campus Experts can be effective catalysts in the process but definitely not prerequisites. We’ll further delve into the nuances of making sure that these student developer communities are inclusive, psychologically safe and how by leveraging these, students can lead in-person and online conferences, meetups, hackathons and maintain open source projects.
Harshita Jain
Harshita is a final year engineering student currently interning as a Software Developer at MPL (India's leading gaming and esports platform). She can be thought of as a developer walking in the shoes of a designer and wearing the hat of a developer relations enthusiast. When she is not fidgeting with prefabs with Unity to make her game prototypes functional or zooming in and out on Figma to make a breadcrumb look pixel perfect or if she is not running around her college campus to get permission letters signed for her community hackathon Electrothon, she can be found speaking for her love of technical communities at conferences and events. She loves to find a common ground between tech, design and community.
Empowering tomorrows developers today with vibrant student communities
Ever felt frustrated by the disconnection between traditional education methods and the fast paced and rapidly evolving world of computing and technology? Join us as we gain insight into how communities and collaboration can be leveraged for effective tech learning! From grassroots communities to more structured organisations, learn how collaboration is empowering a generation of student developers in this digital age.
Avin Indrasoma
I am Avin Indrasoma, a software engineering undergraduate from Colombo, Sri Lanka. I am also a GitHub Campus Expert working to build and empower inclusive tech communities around the world.
距離 ChatGPT 橫空出世已經過了一年半,這段時間來 LLM 的語言能力是公認的令人驚艷,但人類除了語言外,更有一項 LLM 們望塵莫及的能力:邏輯思考。如果我們將 LLM 丟到一個規則簡單,但邏輯思考複雜度遠勝目前評測環境的遊戲中,會發生什麼事呢?本議程將透過講者在 LLM@IJCAI'23 中發表的論文看 ChatGPT 在複雜邏輯下的表現如何,不同 prompting 技術又會有什麼樣意外的效果?同時,我們也會深入實驗的程式碼,討論有哪些技術能夠大幅縮短執行一次實驗所需的時間,並且分享我們怎麼從 LLM 無固定結構的自然語言輸出中,提取出他最終下的棋步。希望透過本議程讓大家更了解 LLM 的性質及評測他的 code 有哪些好用的寫法!
郭慕天(Ak)是對 AI 研究和網頁開發有熱忱的高三學生。目前專精在研究大型語言模型(LLM),並寫過兩篇學術論文,一篇被 IJCAI’23 Symposium on LLMs 錄取,另一篇則在 AAAI’24 Student Abstract Program 刊登。Ak 過往也接觸過網頁開發,寫過 Speakup(,一個致力於促進理性網路交流的社群平台。很期待在 COSCUP 中與各位交流!
Rclone是一個跨平台CLI工具,用於在各種雲端空間進行檔案交流,它支援大部分的知名雲端硬碟,例如Google Drive, Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox等,讓你可以輕鬆地在這些服務之間複製、移動、同步檔案和目錄,而不需要手動下載和上傳。
Regarding online video streaming, it is easy to find YouTube or Twitch. But what about radio broadcasting online?
We are going to introduce RadioBrowser.API. This community-driven open-source project provides structural, machine-friendly data for application developers to easily find a radio station worldwide.
Unlike video streaming, where platforms like YouTube and Twitch dominate, finding service providers for online radio broadcasting can be daunting. Online radio content providers typically operate on their own servers embedded in their websites. This setup often leads to a cumbersome user experience, with multiple clicks required to change a radio station, and the ' tune-in' experience can feel like a thing of the past. However, with Radio-Browser.API, finding a radio station is as simple as a single click, offering a welcome relief from the usual complexities.
James Kuo-Ping Lo (Misawai)
James Kuo-Ping Lo is a senior National Taiwan Normal University student studying Computer Science and Learning Sciences. He actively engages in developer and open-source communities in Taiwan, such as Google Developer Student Clubs and SITCON (Students' Information Technology Conference). He has delivered several talks at conferences such as COSCUP. He also interned at Google's Data Center in Taiwan.
在 React.js 中打造原生級 Sheets 體驗,by Google IDX, Framer-motion & Redux
為了在自家的 PWA 追求與原生 App 類似的體驗,我們拆解 FramerMotion 的運作原理,實現連 Framer Motion 都做不到的響應式 & 多向拖曳 Bottom Sheet (Apple HIG 稱為 non-modal sheet),讓 PWA 的 Sheet 也能有類原生App 體驗。
本次分享中將學到: - 為什麼一定要用 sheet?有什麼必要性? - Framer Motion 的運作原理 - 開發小技巧! DevMode 展示 - 視覺和介面設計上的理解 - 逐步拆解:到底怎麼做到? - Google Project IDX 實例展示 - 解釋參數和他們的意義 - 上手體驗!
透過工程師的邏輯+ UI 設計師的經驗,終於攻克這個不可能的任務!
范愷祐 / Kyo Fan
Open NCCU 非營利組織創辦人、 GDSC NCCU '22-'23 Lead (社群領袖)
張淮竣 Huai-Chun Chang
Core Team Member @GDSC NCCU Tech Lead @ OpenNCCU
意外到量子計算學界打滾 怕畢業即失業所以學了一點網頁前端
臺師大科技系 PecuLab