sciwork scisprint
Scisprint, hosted by the sciwork community, is a monthly coding sprint. It would like to facilitate discussions and exchanges among people in the fields of science, numerical computation, and engineering. Participants, regardless of experience level, can gain valuable development insights in this event.
To join the sprint, please bring your laptop, we're welcome everyone to join with us.
Li-Hung Wang
活躍於 sciwork 社群,負責規劃、主導活動,
專業是網頁設計,最近想要學學 Rust ,可以轉向開發嵌入式系統或是 WASM
modmesh: Visualization that balances performance and flexibility for scientific computing
Visualization and performance are crucial in scientific computing. However, GUI development requires highly flexible code, while performance-oriented code needs specific tuning that may sacrifice flexibility. In this talk, we will demonstrate how to use a hybrid architecture (C++ and Python) that balances performance and flexibility in developing visualization applications.
Chun-Hsu Lai
I’m a WiFi firmware engineer but very interested in numerical software.
pydoc-zhtw: Traditional Chinese (zh-tw) translation of the Python Documentation
Our primary mission is to make Python's official documentation accessible to the Traditional Chinese audience by providing accurate and comprehensive translations. Whether you are a seasoned Python developer or a language expert, we welcome individuals who are enthusiastic about Python and passionate about making knowledge accessible to all.
Matt Wang
PcapPlusPlus 是 libpcap 的 C++ Wrapper,而 libpcap 則是 tcpdump 和 Wireshark 能夠分析網路封包的關鍵函式庫。本次演講將介紹 PcapPlusPlus 的架構設計以及 libpcap 的原理,並且介紹一些使用此函式庫的案例。
Anchi Liu
Liu works as a software engineer in Mujin, Inc., Tokyo, Japan. He uses @tigercosmos as the name in the open-source world, and his Chinese nickname is "微中子." He holds an M.S. degree in Computer Science from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) in 2022, Taiwan. He got a B.S. degree in Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering from National Taiwan University (NTU) in 2019.
uTensor: an extremely lightweight machine learning inference framework
uTensor is an extremely lightweight machine learning inference framework built on C++11. It simplifies model deployment by seamlessly converting TensorFlow-trained models into efficient C++ files that can be used to infer on the embedding device and integrate with optimized libraries such as CMSIS-NN by ARM with ease.
Commitizen-tools allows teams to effectively implement version control that conforms to the specified rules. It uses interactive forms to create commit messages that meet conventional commits rules. It also bumps versions automatically using Semantic Versioning and generates a changelog using Keep a Changelog.
Wei Lee
We will have a summarize about everyone's work, let's have fun then!
Li-Hung Wang
活躍於 sciwork 社群,負責規劃、主導活動,
專業是網頁設計,最近想要學學 Rust ,可以轉向開發嵌入式系統或是 WASM