JVM Assembly Hall
Let's speak about Kotlin Multiplatform and testing. What are pitfalls, challenges to overcome, strategies, tooling? How to make your life more convenient when approaching KMP in your day-to-day developer life? This and more in this talk.
Matthias Geisler
True believer in (Kotlin) Multiplatform and working with it for over 4 years now. Builds solutions for Android. Maintainer and developer of KMock. Co-Organizer of KUG Berlin, GDG Android Berlin, Rust Berlin and XTC Berlin.
在現代軟體開發中,容器技術已是不可或缺的工具,尤其在雲原生(Cloud Native)領域,可謂開發者的必備技能。雖然透過 Docker 能快速地打包應用程式及其所有相依套件,方便部署和管理。然而,在為 JVM 應用程式製作 Docker Image 時,可能會遇到許多問題,包括 Image 體積過大、建置速度緩慢等。在這場分享裡,將分享一系列實用的 Docker Image 最佳化指南,並以打包 Web 應用程式為例,實際對比套用這些最佳化策略的前後差異。另外,也會介紹簡化整體工作流程的 Gradle Plugin。聽完這場分享後,將會對 Docker Image 的打包流程有更深入的認識,並能立即將這些最佳化技巧應用在現有的專案上。
JetBrains 技術傳教士,負責推廣 Kotlin、JetBrains IDE 及相關技術。平時醉心於技術研究,專注於 Web、後端技術及能提升生產力的技巧,致力於將複雜的技術名詞用通俗易懂的方式讓新手也能吸收。工作之餘也是多年技術社群志工,積極參與開源社群運作。
Java has one of the largest developer communities in the world, and it offers many interesting ways for developers to participate and contribute. Getting involved in this way is not only enjoyable personally but also results in serious value for your career. And it helps move Java forward too! We're all in this together, and the more we all contribute the more we all benefit! Remember, when you get involved and contribute directly, you make Java better.
In this session you'll learn about the current state of the Java community globally and how to get engaged. We'll talk about contributing code, writing documentation, translating content, starting user groups, participating at conferences, and more. You'll also hear stories about Java developers who have successfully contributed something of value to the community and how that gift has changed their lives forever!
Jim Grisanzio
I’ve managed projects in software, biotech, publishing, and construction. I’ve navigated multiple economic and political systems, sparred with some hostile unions, survived a few near-death experiences, and overcame serious medical limitations. I’m lucky to be alive and thankful to be walking.
I ran my own excavating and real estate development business, and I was also a mechanic and a truck driver. After everything crashed I picked up the pieces, went back to school, and eventually became a publicist, an editor, and a writer. I’ve worked with the global news media and local, state, and federal government officials; I’ve interviewed hundreds of engineers, scientists, and clinicians; and I’ve produced thousands of articles, photos, videos, and podcasts. In recent years I’ve been building FOSS communities at Sun and Oracle, managing developer events globally, and delivering my own community sessions at conferences.
Jim Grisanzio Host, Duke’s Corner Podcast Oracle Java Developer Relations
https://jimgrisanzio.wordpress.com/jim/ https://twitter.com/jimgris
Kotlin 不只是行動端開發的利器。其現代化特性和卓越的表達性亦得到許多後端開發者的採用。 這次講座,將介紹如何利用 Kotlin 的簡潔性和安全性來提升開發效率和程序品質。也展示如何在現有的 Java Spring Boot 專案中無縫的融入 Kotlin。無論是有經驗的 Java 開發者或是想一探 Kotlin 的魔力。這次分享都將幫助你了解 Kotlin 在 server-side 開發中的潛力。加入我們,一起探索使用 Kotlin 進行服務端開發的精彩旅程!
Brandy Chang
TSMC IT 副理,出沒於 Kotlin 社群,寫寫 iThome 鐵人賽。主力是 Kotlin 後端。在大 DevOps 時代,什麼也都略懂略懂的雜工
And Gradle says: sharing is caring - Or why Gradle Plugins are all you need for your Configuration
Have you ever been in dependency hell? Are you tired of copying and pasting your setup from one project to another? Do you wish there would be an easy way to share your configurations, workflows, dependencies? Say no more!
Born out of painful lessons, this talk will give you a crash course in how you can ship your setup easily to different projects by using the power of Gradle (Convention) Plugins, VersionCatalogs, etc.
Matthias Geisler
True believer in (Kotlin) Multiplatform and working with it for over 4 years now. Builds solutions for Android. Maintainer and developer of KMock. Co-Organizer of KUG Berlin, GDG Android Berlin, Rust Berlin and XTC Berlin.
談論一些可應用在軟體開發的資料分析方法 (Data Analysis Method),兼論分析方法對開發人員的意義與影響。
Laurence Chen
IT 顧問、講者、作家。喜歡快速迭代 (fast iteration) 與提高產出。
台灣 Clojure 社群, dbt taipei 社群線下活動主持人 REPLWARE CEO
網站:https://replware.dev/ 電子報:https://replware.substack.com/
跟我們一起瞭解 Android 開發過程中 升級 Gradle 的挑戰,以及從符合 SDK 政策到提高專案效率的流程。
Experienced Android developer with over a year of hands-on experience in both the gas retail and healthcare sectors. Owned the development of clinic-related products and contributed to gas retail and delivery solutions.