OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Open Content Track
Wikidata Taiwan社群成員、現為準大四生
探討生成式 AI 在 Wikidata 中的多元寫作應用,包括自動生成更新建議、改善實體完整性,以及使用「檢索增強生成」 (RAG) 等方式來確保資料來源的可靠性。這些應用提升了條目內容的品質、可信度與資料協作品質。
Wikidata (維基數據) 為整個 Wikimedia (維基媒體) 計畫擔任總體索引、資料樞紐的角色,同時也為整個開放資料世界提供一個開放、可協作的以及鏈結化 (Linked)的資料平台,享有 Wikimedia 本身的資料應用生態以外,也串連著全球的搜尋引擎、開放資料以及鏈結開放資料平台。
回到臺灣、回到地方我們有滿滿的資料希望公開、希望開放,是否有機會透過 Wikidata 連接整個維基媒體社群與開放資料生態系?本場講座將以地方學專案、臺灣館聯總動員(FindingGLAMs)以及廟宇資料建置等不同的計畫來說明:如何透過低成本、低門檻的方式,透過 Wikidata 建構串聯整個維基媒體的地方開放資料集。
Wikidata Taiwan 臺灣維基數據社群共同發起人
雖然阮 sī 講歡迎參與,毋過事實上阮猶是需要對政府遐匯入開放資料到OpenStreetMap。最近阮 ū 台中市、台南市、高雄市、新北市、台北市、桃園市、新竹市、苗栗縣、雲林縣、台東市。這場演講,阮 ē 分享挑戰 kah 拄著 ê 困難。
Dennis Raylin Chen
A long time contributor of OpenStreetMap and Wikidata
This presentation introduces OpenStreetMap Community in Japan's activities.
Taro Matsuzawa
GIS Engineer from Georepublic - Sub president of Japan Unix Society - Director of OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan - Director of OSGeo Japan
俗稱冰棒的定位 app Zenly 去年已下架。 我用50列左右的 php 程式把 gpslogger、 apache2、 umap 黏起來變成一部拼裝車,讓一群 (持 android 手機的) 朋友們可以知道彼此的位置。 建議聽眾事先安裝 f-droid 及 gpslogger, 以便當場測試。 如果想建立自己的地圖,請先用 osm 的帳號登入 umap 網站。 詳見:
自由軟體老骨頭,提早從教職退休,專心繼續寫部落格 「玩具烏托邦」
This proposal aims to have a discussion at COSCUP 2024 in Taiwan about the crucial impact of young leaders on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those in the YouthMappers community in Asia. By utilizing open geospatial technologies and involving the community, this session aims to showcase projects developed by YouthMappers and explore methods to enable young leaders to significantly contribute to sustainable development in the region.
Feye Andal
Feye Andal has been an active volunteer with OpenStreetMap-Philippines since 2013. Through her extensive involvement with OSM, she has honed her expertise in teaching diverse stakeholders how to effectively use OpenStreetMap and other open mapping tools, which is vital in advancing geographic information accessibility. Recognized for her leadership and expertise, Feye established a local YouthMappers chapter in the Philippines and has been serving as a Regional Ambassador of YouthMappers since 2020. She provides technical support to the chapters in this capacity, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among aspiring mappers.
Equipping today’s FOSS leaders through skillsharing and mentorship
Skill-sharing and mentorship are powerful tools to support leaders and aspirants to learn, share, and contribute to their communities. Open communities can benefit a lot in sharing open knowledge where people with years of experience and aspirants willing to learn connect and share their passion for the objectives of the community. This proposal will share years of learning and equipping today’s FOSS leaders through the Open Mapping Hub- Asia Pacific’s Open Mapping Guru Program.
Arnalie Vicario
Community member, OSM Philippines Advocate, Geoladies PH Online Community Engagement Lead, HOT Board member, OSM Foundation
Arnalie from the Philippines, username: arnalielsewhere, advocates for open data and is passionate about building inclusive spaces in the open mapping and open geo community. She was a GIS Specialist for seven years until she shifted to (online) community engagement in 2020. She works as Online Community Engagement Lead at Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team - Philippines, and as a full time mother.
She has been an Openstreetmap contributor since 2016, the same year she joined and became part of the OSM community in the Philippines. In 2018, she met her partner at the State of the Map - Milan conference, and reconvened GeoLadies Philippines, an advocacy group for community diversity, collaborative participation, and affirmative spaces especially for women, and under-represented communities in OpenStreetMap. She is a supporter and ally of various communities and networks such as Geochicas, Women+ in Geo, Open Heroines, and more.
You can learn more about her views about community in OpenStreeMap and humanitarian open mapping in the [1] Geomob Podcast Interview - Arnalie Vicario: Building inclusive spaces in OSM as well as through her [2] OSM Diaries.
[1] [2]
Mikko Tamura
Dennis Raylin Chen
A long time contributor of OpenStreetMap and Wikidata
Taro Matsuzawa
GIS Engineer from Georepublic - Sub president of Japan Unix Society - Director of OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan - Director of OSGeo Japan
自由軟體老骨頭,提早從教職退休,專心繼續寫部落格 「玩具烏托邦」
Feye Andal
Feye Andal has been an active volunteer with OpenStreetMap-Philippines since 2013. Through her extensive involvement with OSM, she has honed her expertise in teaching diverse stakeholders how to effectively use OpenStreetMap and other open mapping tools, which is vital in advancing geographic information accessibility. Recognized for her leadership and expertise, Feye established a local YouthMappers chapter in the Philippines and has been serving as a Regional Ambassador of YouthMappers since 2020. She provides technical support to the chapters in this capacity, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among aspiring mappers.