Kubernetes Community Day Taipei
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臺灣雲端原生使用者社群 (CNTUG) Co-organizer,擔任雲端原生計算基金會推廣大使 (CNCF Ambassador)。 著有個人網站以外,曾 Kubernetes Community Day、GDG DevFest、SITCON 等社群擔任講師。 Kubernetes、Kubernetes SIGs 成員,專注於開源貢獻。
大部分人可能都在與分散式系統相關的文章和標題中看到 CAP 定理的字眼,分別是一致性、可用性和分區容錯性,這個理論想要傳達的是一種魚與熊掌不可兼得的概念。
其實在 Kubernetes 上也有類似於 CAP 定理的邏輯,也就是我們 Kubernetes 的基礎設施只能提供 3 個所需要求的其中 2 個,即:成本、可用性和效能。
本次分享將深入探討 Kubernetes 環境中分別對應的 CAP定理原則,分析在管理大型叢集時常見的問題以及解決方案。演講者將分享從實際專案中汲取的經驗,包括如何優化叢集配置以確保系統效能,同時在成本和可用性之間做出選擇。
Mike Hsu
As a developer, it can be daunting to choose how and with what strategy to instrument an application. This is the story of how to get started collecting and visualizing data from instrumenting a Golang application with OpenTelemetry.
Shirley is a software engineer at Grafana Labs working on solutions to facilitate observability. She is passionate about test code, pair programming and believes in facilitating communication through listening, empathizing and clear and understandable explanations. Outside of work, she enjoys bike riding and knitting.
Lightning Talk
隨著 Kubernetes 主宰容器編排領域,其複雜性和資源需求促使人們尋求更輕便的替代方案。本次講座將探討 k0s,這是一個符合 CNCF 標準的 Kubernetes 發行版,以其輕量級和易於維護的設計而受到讚譽。我們將檢視 k0s 的架構,強調其最小依賴性和簡化的管理特點,包括單一 binary 的安裝模式等。
通過將 k0s 與其他發行版如 k3s 和 minikube 進行比較,我們將突顯其在從裸機到雲端各種部署場景中的優勢。我們將展示 k0s 為何提供了一種更簡單卻功能完整的 Kubernetes 採用方法。
此外,我們將簡要介紹 k0smotron,它能夠在集群內創建一個 Kubernetes 控制平面,便於實現 Kubernetes 作為一項服務。這一功能強調了 k0s 在多樣化環境中增強可擴展性和管理能力的能力。
Ching Kuo
Ching Kuo shares his passion for technology as a co-finder and co-organizer of the Cloud Native Taiwan User Group. He enjoys contributing to various CNCF/OpenInfra related projects, including but not limited to OpenStack, kops, and the cluster-api OpenStack provider.
In his current role at Mirantis, he takes pride in offering assistance to end customers, aiding them with their Kubernetes and OpenStack needs.
Crossplane, a CNCF Incubating project, has simplified how organizations build and manage their cloud infrastructure. Crossplane empowers teams to create internal platforms tailored to their specific needs by enabling the composition of cloud resources and services into platform APIs. In this talk, we will explore the evolution of Crossplane, the benefits of a control plane approach, and how it streamlines the development of internal developer platforms (IDPs).
We will begin by tracing the journey of Crossplane from its inception to its current state as a CNCF Incubating project. The talk will highlight the key milestones and innovations that have shaped Crossplane's development, showcasing its growing maturity and industry adoption.
Next, we will explore the advantages of embracing the control plane approach for building IDPs. By leveraging the familiar Kubernetes API for infrastructure management, Crossplane enables developers to consume infrastructure resources using the same declarative approach they are accustomed to for application deployment. This consistency simplifies the learning curve and promotes a unified experience across the development lifecycle.
The talk's core will focus on Crossplane internals and how they facilitate the composition of infrastructure and services. We will explore the key concepts, such as providers, managed resources, and compositions, and demonstrate how they create a powerful platform API. Through practical examples, attendees will gain a solid understanding of Crossplane's architecture and its potential for simplifying infrastructure management.
Finally, we will guide attendees on how to get started with developing their compositions using Crossplane. We will walk through the process of composing resources, creating custom APIs, and integrating them into an IDP. By the end of the talk, attendees will have a clear roadmap for leveraging Crossplane to build robust and scalable internal platforms.
Clément Blaise
Clément is building an internal development platform using Kubernetes and CNCF projects at Consensys. He has been an active member of the Backstage and Crossplane community by helping newcomers or contributing to the projects. Before joining the blockchain industry, Clement spent four years in the banking industry at Crédit Agricole, where he helped develop the first Kubernetes platform for the group. He started early on with operators and open sources some.
平常有很多需要 kubectl 下指令進到 Pod 裡做的事情,例如:拷貝檔案、做 JVM heep dump 之類的事情... 現在透過 Argo CD Extension 只要動動手指,就能在網頁上一鍵達成。
曾在 LINE / TikTok 擔任 SRE,現職某區塊鏈公司 DevOps 工程師,每天一杯咖啡,每天騎10公里 ubike。
In this talk, I will briefly explain the control loop concept and the possibilities it brings with introducing CRDs. To get a sense of it, I'm going to showcase two applications I built as examples: - vm-dhcp-controller - kubevirtbmc I will also discuss the Harvester project, which consists of various controllers and CRDs integrating many features around the VM capabilities.
Zespre Chang
Hi, I'm Chih-Hsin Chang. Most of the time, people call me Zespre. I'm working at SUSE and developing an open-sourced HCI project called Harvester. Due to my previous experience in OpenStack and FreeBSD, I also worked on a side project that focused on porting essential OpenStack components from the Linux world to FreeBSD.
Kubernetes 提供了各式各樣編排元件的方法,同時也提供了各種介面來控制其編排元件的邏輯。本議程將介紹 Kubernetes operator 的概念,簡介其使用方式與運作原理,比較各種實作方案,並在瞭解其技術意義的同時進而評估採用此技術的業務風險。
Raphanus Lo
Senior system and backend developer, interested on lower level system behavior.
@coldturnip@g0v.social https://rfns.io/about
在現代軟體開發和運營中,分散式追蹤已經成為解決複雜系統問題的關鍵工具之一。本演講將聚焦於 LINE 台灣團隊如何應對大規模分散式追蹤所帶來的挑戰,並實踐追蹤技術以確保系統的可靠性和效能。
SRE at LINE Taiwan
It has been some time since the Kubernetes Gateway API made its v1.0 release, signifying graduation to the generally available status for some of its key APIs.
When the Gateway API made its beta release a year ago, it did not make sense to switch to it because the API and its implementations were still in their infancy. Is that still the case?
In this talk, Navendu explores how the Gateway API evolved from the Ingress API and what users need to be aware of while choosing one over the other.
Navendu Pottekkat
Navendu Pottekkat is a maintainer of Apache APISIX. He is passionate about designing, developing, and deploying scalable, distributed systems. Navendu dedicates himself to helping new contributors to open source, mentoring through the Google Summer of Code and Linux Foundation Mentorship Program. He also writes and speaks about the cloud native ecosystem, sharing his experience in contributing to, building, scaling, and maintaining open source projects.
在本演講中,我將展示如何使用 Rust+Wasm 的軟體架構來設計並管理 LLM 的服務,並透過容器化(crun/WasmEdge)的方式在 podman/docker 與 kubernetes 進行部署與管理。 1. 撰寫你的 LLM 服務,以 Gemma-2b 模型與 OpenAI API 相容的後端為例 2. 使用 Podman/Docker 打包 LLM 服務並發佈到 Container Registry (e.g. dockerhub) 3. 使用 Podman/Docker 部署本地端的 LLM 服務,搭建個人的 ChatGPT 4. 使用 Kubernetes 部署 LLM 服務,並使用 GPU 進行加速
Hung-Ying Tai (GitHub ID: hydai) is a pioneer in compiler optimization and virtual machine design. He is the maintainer of WasmEdge and CNCF Ambassador. He is a prolific open-source contributor, participating in many open-source projects, including crun, llama.cpp, solidity, and SOLL.
Lightning Talk
Boost Security in Kubernetes with CIS Security Controls and Benchmarks
在 Kubernetes 的環境中,安全和合規性是管理者必須深度考慮的兩大議題。 藉由採用可靠的安全框架,您可以有效地提升認證和法規要求的覆蓋範圍,同時加強系統的安全性。
在本次演講中,我們將探討如何在 Kubernetes 安全與合規性計劃中,應用網路安全中心 (CIS) 的 Critical Security Controls 和 CIS Benchmarks,以確保最佳實踐。以下是本次演講的重點內容:
這次演講將為您提供有關 Kubernetes 安全和合規性的深入見解,並為您的組織在確保合規和提升安全性方面提供切實可行的策略和工具。
Ader Fu(Yao-De,Fu)
Ader Fu, a.k.a. Yao-De Fu has extensive experience in DevOps and works at Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. I am an active member of the Cloud Native Taiwan User Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/cloudnative.tw) and co-organized the Kubernetes Community Day meetup event gathering (https://community.cncf.io/kcd-taiwan/) provides expertise in Kubernetes and CNCF technologies. I am also a member of Kubernetes Special Interest Group (SIG) Docs, and serve as an approver in the open source project cncf/glossary, and as an approver and reviewer in kubernetes/website. I am now fully certified in Kubernetes (CKA, CKAD, CKS, KCNA and KCSA) and am the first Kubetronaut (https://www.cncf.io/training/kubestronaut/)in Taiwan. Favorite technologies include Kubernetes/DevOps/CNCF/APIM, etc.
VyOS is a Linux based open source router with rich networking features. We could use Kubernetes to deploy VyOS and configuration to provide quick NFV etc.
In this session, Date Huang will show how to rapidly deploy NFV with VyOS on Kubernetes, emphasizing flexibility and scalability to provide virtual network routing and other features.
黃宇強 Date Huang
Date Huang is Solution Architect in VyOS Networks, and also the maintainer of EZIO Project, bare-metal server massive deployment solution.
Speaking Experience: OpenStack Day Taiwan 2016-2017, Open Source Summit North America 2017, ISC High Performance Project Poster 2018, Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2019, OSC Tokyo 2019, COScon '19, TWNOG 4.0, COSCUP 2021, COSCUP 2023, Kubernetes Community Day 2023
I will start by addressing some of the challenges encountered during the installation process of Kubernetes, with a particular emphasis on the use of BGP Mode in CNIs. Following this, I will introduce fundamental concepts such as routing, overlay networks, BGP, and ECMP, to explain how to optimize the efficiency and reliability of Kubernetes networking.
The talk will highlight the advantages brought by BGP Mode, including improved network efficiency and performance, as well as the challenges it presents, such as the need for in-depth network knowledge and management of routing tables. To conclude, the importance of understanding these network concepts for fully leveraging Kubernetes will be emphasized, encouraging a deep dive into documentation to enhance network efficiency.
Jia-Jun Yeh, a seasoned principal software engineer specializing in FinTech, blends deep computer science knowledge with expertise in C++ and Go. He has evolved into a skilled Kubernetes administrator and application developer, demonstrating exceptional adaptability and swift learning. Over the past few years, Jia-Jun has confidently embraced a significant leadership role, steering his team towards innovation and collective achievement with decisive direction.
KubeVirt從2019納入CNCF專案,且在2022年達到孵化中(Incubating)的成熟級別。KubeVirt旨在將虛擬化技術與Kubernetes容器化平台相結合,讓使用者可以在Kubernetes集群上運行虛擬機器,並將其視為Kubernetes管理的資源之一。 本主題將介紹KubeVirt專案基本功能與如何藉由KubeVirt加速企業走向容器化與Kubernetes平台。並總結各項營運上需考量的重點。
梁維恩 Jace Liang
目前任職於紅帽(Red Hat)擔任OpenShift TAM(技術客戶經理)。主要協助客戶管理和規劃容器平台,並處理與容器平台相關的任何技術問題。