Laravel Taiwan 和 Vue Taiwan 都是由熱愛相應技術的社群成員共同創立的社群,旨在提供對於 Laravel 和 Vue.js 相關議題、專案、技術以及工作的朋友們進行分享與交流的平台。去年與前年,兩個社群更攜手舉辦了 {Laravel x Vue} Conf Taiwan,廣邀各界技術高手前來共襄盛舉,希望能為技術愛好者打造一個良好的學習和交流環境。希望透過本次Coscup的社群議程與攤位,進行相關技術的推廣與分享。
Laravel Taiwan and Vue Taiwan are both communities founded by members who love the respective technologies, aiming to provide a platform for sharing and exchanging ideas related to Laravel and Vue.js, including topics, projects, techniques, and jobs. In the past two years, the two communities joined forces to hold {Laravel x Vue} Conf Taiwan, inviting experts from various fields to come and join the event, hoping to create a good learning and communication environment for technology enthusiasts. Through the community schedule and booth at this year's Coscup, we hope to promote and share related technologies.