
What else can be open besides data in agriculture?



【COODFA x ESG】讓開放資料加速數位減碳雙軸轉型

TR 509 2023/07/30 01:30 ~ 02:00 zh-tw
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數位與減碳的雙軸轉型是農業開放資料社群在2023年的重要方向,呼應社群成員們對減碳、淨零、ESG議題的需求,我們決定在今年的COSCUP新增一個Opening Talk,由社群主揪阿柴、同時也是財團法人農業科技研究院淨零辦公室的業務代表,和大家分享如何以數位工具協助農企業進行碳足跡、溫室氣體盤查與ESG報告規畫的經驗,並且說明開放資料要如何加速數位、減碳的雙軸轉型。歡迎大家入座來聽聽~


阿柴 (Chai)

阿柴 (Chai)

農業開放資料社群負責人AKA減碳淨零管理師兼農業數位轉型輔導業師_阿柴。My name is Tsou Kuo-Hsing, you can call me “Chai ”. I’m the leader of "COODFA, the community of open data for agriculture’ in Taiwan. COODFA is a non-governmental organization for open-source data for Taiwan’s farmers. The aim of COODFA is not only to promote open data ecosystems but also to encourage smallholders to embrace digital tools to manage farming practices. COODFA has been holding the agricultural track at COSCUP conference with OCF Taiwan since 2020, and we try to build a better environment for digital transformation in the agricultural industry.

What else can be open besides data in agriculture? Open啥款!農業除了資料還能開放什麼? GGX7RB general (30mins)


TR 509 2023/07/30 02:00 ~ 02:30 zh-tw
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阿柴 (Chai)

阿柴 (Chai)

農業開放資料社群負責人AKA減碳淨零管理師兼農業數位轉型輔導業師_阿柴。My name is Tsou Kuo-Hsing, you can call me “Chai ”. I’m the leader of "COODFA, the community of open data for agriculture’ in Taiwan. COODFA is a non-governmental organization for open-source data for Taiwan’s farmers. The aim of COODFA is not only to promote open data ecosystems but also to encourage smallholders to embrace digital tools to manage farming practices. COODFA has been holding the agricultural track at COSCUP conference with OCF Taiwan since 2020, and we try to build a better environment for digital transformation in the agricultural industry.

What else can be open besides data in agriculture? Open啥款!農業除了資料還能開放什麼? JBVBZN 20 mins


TR 509 2023/07/30 02:30 ~ 03:30 zh-tw
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What else can be open besides data in agriculture? Open啥款!農業除了資料還能開放什麼? EVF7UB lightning talk

【減碳】農來訊 x ChatGPT

TR 509 2023/07/30 03:35 ~ 04:05 zh-tw
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透過介接高雄市農業局的農來訊系統,只要輸入地區與作物,我們就可以動態的產生一份完整的「作物防災報告書」。「作物防災報告書」包含:作物防災告警、生產管理建議、作物生育期查詢。因此,我們就可以針對作物進行相關的防範與找到應對的解決方案。 在農來訊的基礎上,我們透過介接ChatGPT,可生成更多的解決方案並預測未來的變化,透過處理,可在線上即時產生預測圖形。農民可將ChatGPT生成的各種解決方案儲存在資料庫中,即具備有面對過去、現在、未來的各種強大解決方案來面對氣候變遷造成的災損。農來訊 X ChatGPT,可影響的作物種類有60種以上、影響範圍20縣市、資料更新為動態,預測資料來源為全球。





What else can be open besides data in agriculture? Open啥款!農業除了資料還能開放什麼? SJ9SYU general (30mins)


TR 509 2023/07/30 05:30 ~ 06:00 zh-tw
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你有滿滿的作物、豬豬、牛牛、雞雞或農業照片想和大家分享嗎? 你有滿腔的植物、動物、小貓小狗病理診斷經驗卻無處揮灑熱血嗎? 歡迎加入ADADI(A-dady)農業病害影像資料庫聯盟。



農業開放資料社群 Community of Open Data for Agriculture

農業開放資料社群 Community of Open Data for Agriculture

The purpose of the Community of Open Data for Agriculture is promoting digital agriculture and data technology through the power of non-governmental communities in Taiwan. At the same time, regular activities are held to gather up the developers, farmers, and users, in order to increase the connection between user and developer. The aim of COODFA is connecting Taiwan's agricultural digital technology ecosystem. In 2020, the first Agricultural Open Data Forum was launched, and in 2021, three gatherings and online forums were held for industry-government-academia-research exchanges. In 2022, materials, equipment, and system vendors were invited to engage in cross-domain dialogues. In 2023, we invite heroes from all walks of life to submit contributions for sharing, as long as your product, service, and source code are open to users besides data.

What else can be open besides data in agriculture? Open啥款!農業除了資料還能開放什麼? 9TKAJT general (30mins)


TR 509 2023/07/30 06:20 ~ 06:50 zh-tw
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What else can be open besides data in agriculture? Open啥款!農業除了資料還能開放什麼? SYBSLM general (30mins)

【數位】農業品牌聊天機器人 + ChatGPT?好吃嗎?

TR 509 2023/07/30 06:55 ~ 07:25 zh-tw
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1.MantaGO聊天機器人平台簡介 2.小農成功案例 3.小農客服需求分享 4.封閉式Bert訓練模型、開放式ChatGPT學習 5.實測結果 6.未來應用




透過MantaGO,使用者可以在完全不會任何程式語言的背景下,藉由介面點選拖拉,輕鬆快速建立自己專屬的聊天機器人。聊天機器人是作為對話式商務(Conversational Commerce)的主要應用工具,主要透過MantaGO協助企業在匯聚數億名高黏著度用戶的通訊軟體上,輕鬆運用聊天機器人提供服務接觸點。倚藉智能客服提升效率,活化社群粉絲創造營收,打造完美的顧客體驗。

What else can be open besides data in agriculture? Open啥款!農業除了資料還能開放什麼? NCHMCB general (30mins)


TR 509 2023/07/30 07:30 ~ 08:00 zh-tw
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聊天機器人可以幫助農民什麼事? 直接讓農業銷售人員來講,簡單又暴力的內容,歡迎大家來聽聽。


阿柴 (Chai)

阿柴 (Chai)

農業開放資料社群負責人AKA減碳淨零管理師兼農業數位轉型輔導業師_阿柴。My name is Tsou Kuo-Hsing, you can call me “Chai ”. I’m the leader of "COODFA, the community of open data for agriculture’ in Taiwan. COODFA is a non-governmental organization for open-source data for Taiwan’s farmers. The aim of COODFA is not only to promote open data ecosystems but also to encourage smallholders to embrace digital tools to manage farming practices. COODFA has been holding the agricultural track at COSCUP conference with OCF Taiwan since 2020, and we try to build a better environment for digital transformation in the agricultural industry.





What else can be open besides data in agriculture? Open啥款!農業除了資料還能開放什麼? B9VSYB general (30mins)