Julia 是一個新興的高階、高效動態語言,以高效科學運算為原點,發展成一種通用語言,得力於 LLVM,加上語法本身優雅而精巧的設計,促成了高效的特性。由於易於開發而高效的特性,Julia 非常適合發展人工智慧及機器學習演算法,並且支援分散式運算、平行運算及共時。Julia 支援命令式、物件導向、函數式、泛型等等程式設計典範,讓這個語言更加豐富。本議程歡迎所有 Julia 稿件。
Julia is a new high-level, high performance dynamic language. It originates from high performance scientific computing, and develops general-purpose programming language. Leveraging the power of LLVM and elegance of language design make high performance computation possible. Since the ease of use and high performance, Julia is suitable for rapid development for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). It support distributed computing, parallelism and concurrency. Julia support imperative programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming and generic programming etc. These programming paradigm enriches the language.