近年來隨著軟韌硬體的飛快進步及各項AI算法的到位,各項智能應用如雨後春筍般快速掘起,過去像智慧物聯網(AIoT)等相關應用都還需仰賴雲端來提供AI運算服務,如今在完全離線下亦可以實現,像是語音喚醒、運動偵測、異常偵測、影像分類、物件偵測等應用。此次議程希望召集更多有志一同的伙伴來分享一下關於開源離網邊緣智能(Edge AI)及微型機器學習(TinyML)的成果,期待讓更多人了解這項技術並落地,以便擁有更方便的生活。
Recently, with the rapid progress of software, hardware and various AI algorithms, various intelligent applications have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. In the past, related applications such as AIoT still relied on cloud to provide AI computing services. Now it can be achieved completely offline. Applications such as voice wake-up, motion detection, anomaly detection, image classification, object detection and other applications can be realized. This session hopes to gather more like-minded partners to share their achievements in open source Edge AI (Edge intelligence) and TinyML (Tiny Machine Learning & AI). We hope to let more people understand this technology and land it so that they can have a more convenient life.